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Mister Dilsby

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Everything posted by Mister Dilsby

  1. Remember, mes amis--not everyone reads French and we're not in the International forum. Burn's going well--about 12 minutes in, we're getting overheat warnings for the engines on H-pod but I think we can handle it. Worst case, I disable those and/or go to the Kerbodynes. ETA: Yep. Shutting down H-pod. I think I'll save the aux engines (Kerbodynes) for capture.
  2. I do love that movie. Practiced the 'road agent spin' on my replica Colt Navy until I wore out the trigger spur. Still prefer to look through a piece of rock candy rather than eat it.
  3. Not speaking as a mod, but as a content creator--I would indeed find such a question annoying
  4. Oh, that's too bad. FWIW it was packed very well, so I think (c) wouldn't be a problem unless Customs opened it... which yeah, Customs. And, teasing... Left this running in the background for much of the day to get to this point; lab science is offloaded, an we're ready for outward burn. Sharp-eyed readers who can math will note that at 0.06 TWR on main engines, that burn is going to take about 45 minutes... or in real time, until about next Thursday. I'll start firing at the T-2 hour mark and see how it goes--I can always turn on the Kerbodynes if I have to. Questions you'll no doubt have, and their answers: Yes the blue one above Moho is Kerblulus Yes the ship on the inside track is Lisa Kermulan's scout craft "Secret Burn Shhh" is EvilLisa's intercept burn to get home Yes, there is a transfer window for Dres coming up No, I'm not going there yet. Too much time and trouble maneuvering Intrepid to bring you the next pages of the present comic. Man, I can't wait for a stable 1.1 general release, avec mods!
  5. Oh definitely--I believe Melbe has made some references to kittehkattfishing before, you can count on it!
  6. Yes, please go ahead and thank you for waiting--it was really an honor for you to do that for me and wait patiently until I could do the reveal in the comic Well, seeing as I just got the V2 in the mail from you and I haven't shown Num yet I suppose the point is moot But in any case, don't worry about that sort of thing, I can handwave and retcon with the best of them! I think @John JACK has it right. The bloaking device as I imagine it hides an object from sensors that use reflected electromagnetic radiation--whether we're talking about visible light from a source such as the sun, or radio waves coming from another ship's radar dish. But if the ship being bloaked starts to emit significant quantities of its own radiation--in this example, infrared from the hot exhaust--that's going to get picked up. And now, in other news, all future editions of this comic will be done with live action models! OK no not really. But THIS just came in the mail today: Yep, that a Gliido 7P approaching Minmus! (Ok actually I think that's supposed to be Uranus hanging from my daughter's ceiling but anyway...) It's VERY cool. I'm running around the kitchen with a glass of wine in one hand and the Gliido in the other making 'whoooooosh' noises. Might get a Kerbulan ship next.
  7. Actually you can see both Kerbulan moons in that shot--look between Kerbulus and the red one Kenlie Kermulan is flying over. Ding ding ding! That is correct, and all credit goes to @GregroxMun once again... or should I call him @GregroxNum? The descriptions he made for the Kerbulus system are too good not to share: Of course I like red hot cinnamon candy, and other methods of getting my tongue burnt such as lamb vindaloo. But it's still pretty darn funny So it occurs to me that at some point we'll have enough pieces to release a near-complete Kerbulan 'skin' for the game. It would include Gregrox's Kerbulus system, the flag, the uniforms and beards of course. Then perhaps a skilled 'contract configurator' like @nightingale could create a system where shooting down/murdering people from rival factions (Rockomaximus, Kerlingtus, etc.) would give reputation, funds and science. Research? Pah! That's for nerds! We gain technology through tribute! For the glory of the Empire! And of course every time a crew member gets promoted, one of higher rank has a random chance to get assassinated. Hm... Yeah, I'd venture to say that would get some downloads.
  8. Yeah, kraken could be one reason I do some damage to my baby... low FPS is another... the US taxes I'm calculating right now instead of playing KSP could be yet another... blargh*
  9. Very nice--this is turning into quite the tutorial for getting in and out of the Jool system. Now, as for Eve...unkerbed is the safer route, as you can expend probes all you want and try, try again, but where's the glory in that?
  10. Well, of course here's my basic one: And then like @adsii1970 (who I'm guessing was born the same year I was? Whoa!) I made a roundel to go on Kerbfleet's new "Star Trek" inspired duty uniforms: Then of course there's the flag of our 'mirror mirror' adversaries, the Kerbulans: And finally, the one we use for simulations. In-story, simulations are perfomed using a program developed by a senior member of the Kerbfleet Corps of Engineers:
  11. Hear, hear! And I think this goes for other content creators as well, though we non-modders don't need a specific rule quite yet. Believe me, whenever a serial author can't post regularly for any reason, we already feel pressured and a little guilty. "This is great, I want more!" is a nice encouragement. "When are you going to post more pages?" or "Hurry up, post more now!!" or anything else that adds time pressure just plain hurts. I'd imagine it's 1000x worse for modders.
  12. I really like that rocket plane. And kudos for doing this with life support!
  13. For my own storytelling purposes, I would love to have a "mood" slider on the kerbal's EVA popup menu--something like: TERRIFIED<----------------------------------->NEUTRAL<---------------------------------------->MANIACAL ..with a pushbutton for AUTO/MANUAL.
  14. Well, it wouldn't be the first or last time "easy to do" doesn't make it into code Here's an experiment: relaunch the plane, same crew, but with a few large parachutes. Observe the crew freaking out at 1400m and 90 m/s. Then pop the 'chutes and see if they calm down. I'm pretty sure freaked-out rocket occupants calm down once their 'chutes deploy 'green'. For (behavioral) science!
  15. I wonder if maybe the game engine doesn't differentiate between a craft that's being held up by wings and one that isn't...that is, perhaps the animation behavioral 'triggers' reflect only spaceflight modes, as they would have been coded in pre-wing versions of the game... Look at it this way: your crew is barely 1200 meters above terrain, traveling at a speed inconsistent with survival, and they do not have a parachute deployed. If they were in a capsule coming back from space (which I suspect the behavior triggers might still be assuming) then they should be terrified!
  16. Hey, let's make a table! Feature Helps Landing? Hurts Landing? Helps Takeoff? Hurts Takeoff? High Gravity Nope. Yes. Also, landings hurt! Nope. Yes. High TWR and dV required. Low Gravity Yes. No, though it might take a long time. Yes!! Not in the least. Normal Atmosphere Yes--drag and 'chutes Maybe, if heating not managed well Maybe, if wings. Yes--drag. Thick Atmosphere Yes--if you survive! Yes--heating must be managed No. DRAAAAAAG!!! Tylo has high gravity, which is a pain for both landing and takeoff. It has no atmosphere, which I think hurts you on landing a lot more than it it helps. Think of Eve, or even Jool; it's really not that hard to design something that can survive to the surface of the former or the crush depth of the latter. So, to paraphrase an oft repeated statement--you get stranded on Eve, you get killed on Tylo.
  17. Good morning! Once again, lots of posts to respond to... and to not respond to. Let's go! I do appreciate everyone who tries to do so, because these forums really are a good place--one of the few truly good ones on the Internet. Let's face it, we all want some attention or we wouldn't be here. I must want lots of attention or I wouldn't work so hard on this comic And so I get that some people who want lots of attention are going to post on the most popular threads in the forum. After all, why bother to actually fly a mission to Dres, take screenshots, spend a few hours organizing them into an Imgur album and writing commentary--all for a couple hundred views and a few comments--when you can spend five minutes yelling about Dres on this thread and be noticed by thousands? So, I don't let it bother me. But if it really bothers you, the Forum software allows you to 'bloak' the posts of any individual user. I'd rather people who feel really annoyed by fellow commentators do that rather than fight it out in full view. And @DolphinDude3 also said, This is really good insight--after all, I'm posting this in "Mission Reports" rather than general "Fan Works" which means I must be planning to at least try to complete the mission. It's one thing to add handicaps like life support and other restrictions--it's something else entirely to actively attempt to destroy your own ships. Well, this isn't Game of Thrones--I've established in previous works Our Heroes have much more of a traditional character shield than that--it's one of the reasons F5/F9 works, and Bill can edit persistence! (though as I've said before, if Tedus had not survived his epic crash, he would've stayed dead) So since you know that I'm angling to complete Jool 5 and for it somehow to work out for Our Heroes in the end, the big dramatic questions that remain are exactly what--or who--Val and her crew will have to sacrifice before it's all over. It brings Monty Python to mind, doesn't it? "Kerbulus!" "Kerbulus!" "Kerbulus!" "It's only Powerpoint." "ShhhH!" That's a really interesting question! Looking inside the hangar deck: ...we notice that Q-bay (under Skimmeroo) is all cargo bay, but D and E pod (attached to either side of Q) are full of rocket fuel. B-pod, above Skimmeroo, contains the engineering section (ISRU visible in the foreground) and the LSO station. A and C pod, which are attached to B-pod, are also full of fuel as you can see below (to re-orient the viewer, B-pod is the one with the science lab and shielded docking port attached to it.): So, the internal hangar deck is bounded by the solid surfaces of A,C, D and E pod's Mk3 LF tanks, the upside-down underside of Q-bay, and the open space within the cargo bays of B, L and R pods. (L and R being the left and right-hand sections, which contain the Gumdrops and the greenhouses) Thus in answer to your question, the Intrepid with its hangars all [redacted] away (see what I did there? ) would have the same length but would look a bit like a cricket wicket with L, R, Q and most of B gone.
  18. Well yes, sort of, and no. Kenlie Kerman certainly "sees" things that happen on Kerbulus and to Kerbulans, and vice versa with K. Kermulan seeing Kerbal things. But are they truly seeing through each others' POVs? Are they aware that the other world they're seeing is a mirror of theirs? That their friends and associates have analogues on the other world? Goodness, that's a lot of stuff I might need to figure out for myself before I go too much farther. I couldn't resist Honestly, the more people talk about Dres the less I want to go there. Probably because the ~5% of posts on this thread that have no content except Dres! Dres! Whooooo! would increase to 312% of all posts on any Dres mission thread. 312%? Yeah, that's probably about right. Yeah, sorry, I thought some of you might think that due to the context but I went ahead with it anyway. The reason I had to do that is of course that I've now finally installed Kopernicus and @GregroxMun's fantastic custom Kerbulus that he was nice enough to create for me. And I couldn't be bothered to quit the game, remove the folder and reload to take a screenshot from Lisa's POV excluding Kerbulus. Though on the other hand, leaving it in with the censor box let everyone know exactly where Kerbulus should be, thus tying in with the last frame where Kerbulus is visible to Kenlie. The thought had crossed my mind. See above. Well, not to Kenlie anyway, but of course he already suspected there was something in exactly that spot before he went to visit Lisa. The question now is, what will he do with this information? Especially since up to this point he's had no direct evidence that the disturbing images he sees and is compelled to write about have any basis at all in the real world. I suppose, to find out, you must... stay subscribed.
  19. Hi, @KerbalSpace, welcome to the Forum! You may have noticed that the mission of the thread you started is pretty much the same as the mission of the sub-forum you posted in. Also, your rules are a pretty good summary of the Community Guidelines that govern all posts. Hopefully you've had a chance to look around and get inspired by the great fan art posted here in Fan Works, and we'll see some of your own stuff soon
  20. Ahh! Did you see it? DID YOU SEE IT?!!! Of course you did, you're properly trained now. Well, most of you are, anyway.
  21. And looks like I'm in FIRST with the hot takes: 1) Cutaway view is AWESOME. I can't wait for 1.1. Anticipating 20% fewer greenscreen shots 2) It occurs to me that the Kerbals could defeat Thompberry by banning the normal-sized docking port. Junior or senior ports only! 3) If the twins went through a monolith, they're somewhere...(checks own 'verse) Nope. Not in mine. Looking forward to seeing the next step of their awesome plan.
  22. Here's some "behind the scenes" comic technique: who needs a "green screen" when you've got (1) Minmus, (2) Hyperedit, and (3) a text editor to fool Texture Replacer into thinking the solar system is filled with breathable air?
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