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Mister Dilsby

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Everything posted by Mister Dilsby

  1. Hmm... Thanks so much! Very glad to have entertained you Hmmmmmm. HMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!! Well folks, it looks like some of you think a lot like Kerbulans... or is it that the Kerbulans think a little too much like us?
  2. <gurgle> AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!! also, you're getting really good at those hovering docks!
  3. Well no, they don't--just a bunch of probes. I suppose some of them could look like weapons...you'd have to have, I dunno, a completely militaristic mindset to make that kind of mistake. Thanks! Not coincidence at all: I found a TNG Romulan uniform pattern somewhere and just scaled/stretched it to fit the sleeves and right torso. That lets the tunic color show on the left torso, of course, so we can tell Warrior Pilots from Intelligence from Whatever The Red Ones Are.
  4. UPDATE! I did find another Jeb after all! I don't think he's the one from the Kappaverse though: wrong speech ballon. Also, beard.
  5. Right you are. I'm mashing up army and navy ranks, so here's the canonical list KF enzin = IF [haven't decided yet. Maybe 'aquila', but I don't know if I like the sound of that] KF jr. looty = IF sub-legate KF looty = IF legate KF lt. comder = IF centurion KF comder = IF subcommander KF captin = IF commander ...the latter two following Star Trek canon, of course Thank you! The BOOOO! HISSSSS! was one of my favorite parts of E:O0. These guys, though...maybe a bit less of a 'fun' badguy than Chairkerb Mort was. I'm not saying that at some point we will find out what color Kerbulan brains are, but I'm not saying we won't either. Or a Star Trek "Daa NAAAAAAA!" Yep. Start the countdown to Jeb Kerman saying, "I told you I saw something Bob!"
  6. Yeah, I had some trouble finding a right analogue for 'lieutenant'. Historically, as it was used in the S.P.Q.R. it was indeed a much higher government/military (often the same thing) official. But if you consider the raw meaning of 'lieutenant' or 'legate', I think what it means is you're an officer who assists, and can act as a substitute for, the person in charge--that is, you can act "in lieu of" that person. Or maybe it's just that I'm seeing a familiar combination of vowels and making a false cognate... but maybe I'm not, so bear with me! So if a legate or lieutenant is the "assistant/substitute to the guy in charge", and the guy in charge commands an infantry company, then you're an O-2. If the guy in charge is in command of an army, then you're a three-star and they call you Lieutenant General. If the person you assist governs a state, you're the Lieutenant Governor. Same way you can be a deputy to a sheriff, or the Deputy Secretary of the Treasury. But above all, I picked Legate because, (1) would sound sufficiently Roman to the readers, (2) begins with L, and (3) is much better than anything else I found in Star Trek canon, which was uncharacteristically unhelpful in this area. p.s. I knew you and I would have this discussion at some point.
  7. Not just a really interesting and difficult mission, but a very insightful study of engineering puts and takes as well. Now that's rocket science. Great job!
  8. Hm. Hmm. Hmmmmmm! Well, let's look at a map... and some other stuff. Legate Lisa Kermulan's intelligence report from the Kerbin system is next.
  9. Yes, I will usually try to find a "shortcut" rather than waiting for a transfer window. Case in point, a recent Kerbin--Jool transfer 300 days from the optimal Hohmann window: Solution here was to make a burn from Minmus orbit (only 218 m/s) to go inward, nearly to Eve altitude--then burn outward at solar periapsis to catch Jool. Looks like I'll save about 300 days at the cost of only a few hundred dV (not counting capture--but then again you can see from the KER readout I have a lot of margin Transfers like this are not to hard to come up with when you consider there always must exist some solar altitude from which the Hohmann window for your target is open--so, just fly there and you're all set.
  10. So, this one was supposed to go in the end of Chapter 7. I was going to have Captin Val get on the ship's address system and give a speech about the "dangerous game" they were playing against the Unknown, and how Intrepid was about to "sail into history!" Then Sarge was going to stand up and start singing the first lines of this song. Then everyone else joins in, with parts sung by various members of the crew, going down to KSC and having characters there join in in the biggest musical number ever seen in a Kerbfleet comic--until finally we pan away to reveal that someone has been hiding in the Intrepid's "baffles" the whole time, listening. But it didn't work. It would have been too long, too much. So much for my big Hunt For Red October parody. But here's the Kerbfleet anthem in its entirety. You might want to put the music on in the background while you read it. Fleet Anthem of the Kerbin Federation For Kerbfleet! We go into space, everlasting For Science! We journey to worlds strange and new! To find what is out there, we’ll search every biome And on each one plant our flag bright and blue! There’s so much that we want to know! Our mission is to ‘boldly go’! Kerbfleet, O Kerbfleet! Your banner we raise! Though many dangers we will find, We’ll never leave our friends behind! Bring them all home, and we’ll launch once again! With Scientists brilliant and Engineers clever And Pilots with mad skills for air, land and void! We won’t ever stop ‘til we’ve learned every secret Of planets and moons, suns and huge asteroids! (chorus) We’ll go there in spaceplanes, we’ll go there in rockets, And where we can’t go we’ll send probes in our place! Our missions are epic and knowledge is awesome-- Now rush to the launchpad, once more into space! (chorus)
  11. "Something wonderful", indeed. Much better and more satisfying explanation (A hotel! Of course! And a new version of the universe!) than the end of that Kubrick movie with a similar name. *****
  12. If I told you how to make them original, that wouldn't be very original of you, would it? Look at every story on the Forum that you like that has a Bill and Jeb in it. Pick them apart like a watch and figure out how it works. And for Pol's sake be consistent!
  13. Well... it's chess, with goofy piece names, not all of which I've managed to come up with yet. And a backstory that involves 'rescuing' opposing pieces since kerbals in this 'verse have no concept of violence... ...see above comment. They've got 6MM in the bank, all for butter, none for guns. Mmm... butter... A glimpse? Well, some of you may remember me giving a whole bunch of reasons why they didn't see it on either interplanetary trip to date (um...excepting Jeb, who did... but anyway...) One of the reasons given was that they didn't have a telescope. Thanks to Planetary Base Systems, now they do! I'm sure a sufficiently interested party could take a look at Nimzo's presentation and figure out exactly where Kerbulus will be as Intrepid travels along that inward track. You know I already have ETA: And @Geschosskopf -- you're mistaken, Admiral Shirley is not presently aboard the Intrepid.
  14. Indeed. And will Mysterious Kerbulan take that shot? We'll see. But some of you may already have figured out what part of the Empire service that pilot belongs to--or, at least, who else we've already seen is in the same one. No problem, it was late enough in the day that I think everyone could see it. Though I was curious how you'd tag the Kerbulan's speech, if you did do one Note that I didn't bother to identify who's who as Intrepid is sailing off into the distance--I figured it's from the POV of the Kerbulan pilot and she doesn't know their names... yet. No, and i decided to do it somewhat recently. And no, Kenlie Kermulan hasn't gotten back home from Eve yet, he hasn't had time. Don't worry I'll wave my hands in a convincing fashion in the Interlude. If you think about it though, getting from Kerbulus to Kerbin or vice versa should be pretty easy--just burn inward and turn left as you pass the sun. It's the same transfer every time because they're always in opposition. Yup. If they didn't have it figured out before, they sure do now... The 4th wall breaching technology may be one of the few advantages Our Heroes have over the Empire. Though it's likely useless, unless one of you can cross in the opposite direction to help them. Indeed. Too bad they already converted all their mulch back to fertilizer, there's nothing left to impinge the turbine intakes. Kenlie? Oh never--he'll report back as ordered, or maybe he already has. He's got Martistus Kermulan to feed all his self-aggrandizement impulses, after all.
  15. Well, I have a birthday next month so I think it might be time to get myself a Gliido. If @Eucl3D could do KSS Intrepid in scale with all its support craft I'd be sorely tempted, but they can't (I asked) so that'll save me a few hundred kerbucks right there.
  16. I just re-read the last couple of chapters and honestly am not seeing too much emerging for the characters. I think part of the trouble is that you're trying to add depth by adding words--and that doesn't always work. Or I'm just not paying enough attention, that could certainly be a factor as well. The exceptions in the last bit were your Bill and your Jeb. Yes, the "Jeb is a maniac" theme is done to death, but at least it's simple to get across, and you do it consistently. You've made Bill an arrogant snarker, which again isn't too new but it works with just a few words so it sticks. Val and the ground crew are just too wordy. Many of them are telling us who they are rather than showing. Exercise, if you want one: Next time you write a page, challenge yourself to see how many words you can remove from the dialogue and still make it work.
  17. I won't say it's the best chapter ever, but it was certainly the longest. Uh oh. Did you all see that? Probably not. I'd better make it a bit more obvious:
  18. I approve of your safe driving practices So, did you spring for vintage Valve Click-O, or something cheaper like Astri Sparkmonty?
  19. I guess my 1980's vintage C64 programming structure is out of date... it means that the mission of each new Experimental plane is to find the pieces of the previous one with the next lower number.
  20. "takes off cavalry hat... puts cavalry hat back on" Ok, now we're getting somewhere @Butterbar. The "hook" of this story is that somebody who did not expect to be in charge is now in charge. That could work--but there are some questions you need to answer for yourself first. What will President Bill's main conflict be going forward? Is it to survive post-apocalypse (i've been typing that word a lot lately) or to defeat whatever enemy nuked his government? Are you sure you want to make Bill a Marine general and not, say, Secretary of Billitude? Because if you want the story to be about his struggle to handle something bigger than he ever dreamed handling, that may be a better direction. I would imagine that commanding a brigade of Marines is quite good preparation for all sorts of things, especially in a story that starts with everything getting nuked. Also, how does a general officer not know there's a war on? And what is he doing on the far side of the Mun, unless there is also a brigade of Marines there? Etc.
  21. FOR N=1 TO 10000 LET MISSION=["Experimental-N+1, your mission is to recover all the pieces of Experimental-N"] DO
  22. There's another problem: since all planets and moons rotate about their axes, taking one to kill a zombie might have unforeseen consequences. ...OK I'll just show myself out.
  23. Well, I tried. If you have anything else hilarious to say... I'm afraid I won't see it.
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