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Mister Dilsby

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Everything posted by Mister Dilsby

  1. Remember, you've had this information for several hours and a couple pages (OMG!) of post comments. Mort just found out about the M7 a few seconds ago in comix time. The other space boot will drop... soon
  2. Ow my brain indeed So the really interesting nugget here is that all the stranded ones are from the SAME DAY, alternate timelines. And as we know, that one day is pretty close to the end of Year Three in which Kerbin explodes. Also we know the future can be changed--wondering whether the combined forces of all time and space will be enough to stop whatever destroyed the planet or not. Using the letters is a good way to break up what would have been a somewhat quotidian sequence of launches and missions. I generally choose not to show 'minor' launches, but as the whole 'countdown to disaster' thing is a major theme I don't see how you could avoid it. So, yes--tell the character story in parallel with the launches to keep things moving.
  3. You will next update And I am SO glad that anyone who guessed that's where the M7 was did not say so on the thread. It's nice to be able to surprise you guys Hip hip! And don't forget the guy who licks the markers! I was thinking at some point that Jeb's and Bill's passengers would be Bobak and his team in disguise, but ended up having too much fun with actual idiot airline passengers. Let's just assume the KSC2 team went on a different commercial airline. The trick will be whether he gets more rep for the hilarity than he gets warnings and infractions from the KAA (Kerbal Aviation Administration) True! If this actually works, a couple of dozen tourists might end up claiming to have been in that four seat crew module.
  4. Oh boy, that's a question isn't it? My answer is going to be a little similar to KSK's, in that the process will appear linear but in fact it isn't. The brain makes connections faster than lines can be drawn from point to point. Good stories are the ones where the writer has something to say. This is not a sufficient condition, of course--maybe what the writer has to say is stupid, or he doesn't have the skills to say it well. I did set out to say a few things in D:OB. I had been playing KSP for some time and developed the Kerbfleet mythos in my own mind--I had the flag and some of the basic 'feel' of KF as an organization. When I started writing I just wanted to use that framework to make my Duna mission report more interesting and yes OK maybe get some rep for it. At that point no one else was doing comics so just doing the report in that format was a pretty good 'hook'. Besides that, I had the KF framework and culture which I think resonated with readers because it worked as a holistic explanation for what everyone sees in-game. Then I came to the first interlude and found I had something more to say. That's when D:OB started to get some THEMES. I found I had something to say about the responsibilities of command, about friendship and loyalty, and about overcoming fear. In the end, that's what made D:OB really engaging to write and I hope also to read. I started Eve: Order Zero with about a hundred pages of D:OB under my belt, and so I began right away by continuing and expanding on some of those themes. The major one, of course, centers around the friendship between Bill and Bob and the loyalty the characters have for each other. Can't say much more about that though, with the story still in progress So--if you want to tell a story, figure out what you want to say. It could be something pretty straightforward--KSK's question of "why are the kerbals going to space?" is a good one. Parkaboy's Project Kappa gives a unique answer to that question, with spectacular results. Endersmen's Before They Were Orange answers the question, "What did the Kerbals do before Year 0, Day 1?" And then of course you can add as many layers of literary and philosophical theming as you and your readers can handle
  5. Tourists can't EVA. They're stuck there until either I recover the Fundstar Two, or somebody shows up to fly it back to KSC1. I can only imagine the flight reviews they'll post to kexpedia.kom.
  6. All right, we've waited long enough. Let's do this. Whooo! So, you're going to have some questions. Yes I did fly the Fundstar all the way to KSC2. It had more than 2/3 fuel left when it landed, so if I ever want to do the Kerbin Circumnavigation challenge I've got my ship. Yes, I hyperedited the M7 onto the pad--VERY carefully. In-story explanation will follow.
  7. , right?A common mistake, one I made many times. You have to do {SPOILER="whatever text you want to display"} instead of {spoiler} as an opening tag.
  8. Lots of great speculation, none of which I will confirm or deny! But I can give you three more pages...
  9. Sorry, this wasn't clear. "Billmobile" refers to the surface craft that Val's ship will deliver to Eve. "Mortingale" refers to the payload as well as the delivery ship. I suppose when they drop it off they'll call it "Mortingale Rover" of "Fundyfunfun" or something. And nope :/
  10. I've landed a MK2 size spaceplane with no airbrakes or chutes, but not without some damage. For anything larger I recommend a powered re-entry--use your engines to keep under a speed that makes you blow up. If you do this, of course you will either need to bring LOTS of extra fuel or make more on the surface.
  11. You know what'd be a really funny prank? Announce you're going to do a funny prank and then do absolutely nothing.
  12. I did consider having Jeb crash a plane (after ejecting, of course) into the admin building as his distraction--decided this would be easier, funnier, and in keeping with my pacifist Kerbalverse
  13. Correct, it can just drag itself to LKO. Then it would need to be either towed or refueled. Love that you guys know what I have available up there to help almost as well as I do. Yeesh, so much for dramatic tension. You guys are tough! Oh well, may as well hang a lampshade on it... Wait no more! Good call! Unfortunately it's rather hard to hide Size 3 parts, even with Jeb soliloquizing. Tune in next time!
  14. Well done! Good planning and nice execution. Have not seen a lot of 1.0.4 Eve returns yet, so thanks for posting.
  15. ^^Yes. Not the first time this thread itself has made me facepalm, and I doubt it shall be the last.
  16. Hoping to finish off whatever it is I'm doing with the Eve mission. Saving Jool and beyond for 1.1.
  17. No, no, the multiple Tuesday references were shoutout enough. Though if anyone would be allowed to 'borrow' Kerbfleet characters it'd be Parkaboy.
  18. Third might not have rung in at all, come to think of it. Which is even dumber considering Truman had already been eliminated.
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