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Mister Dilsby

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Everything posted by Mister Dilsby

  1. Lots of great stuff here--the design of the 'escape pods' in the K2 station makes perfect sense for the presence of rescue-able kerbonauts, and now we have a wonderfully scifi time loop, reminds me a bit of some of my favorite ST:TNG episodes. Glad to have you back, keep it coming!
  2. Avec ISRU, tout est possible Les lunes de petit gravité comme Pol et Gilly sont très convenient...
  3. Have you weapons types ever just fired a bundle of klaws clipped through cargo bays into an enemy ship, or is summoning the Kraken considered unsporting?
  4. Wow, I'm glad this is the internet and there's really nothing to burn! Well, Mort's said his piece and now it's Our Heroes' move. Will they? Won't they? AAAAHHH!!! Really, your guess is as good as mine at this point. The Kerbfleet save file is exactly where I left it, though I admit the "Bill Space Program" folder has had some activity as of late... It must be, I just did an image search and found it right away. I will always be here for you, Dman. But I am never doing the one about the gladiator movies.
  5. At least one of the above is mostly right, and at least one of the above is completely wrong Well then, I'll explain... Interesting that Sharkman and I both made Mort the badguy; but then again, isn't that the case in real life space programs? Financials have done more to inhibit exploration than krakens ever did... He's just getting some snacks, we'll see him again soon...
  6. Thanks guys! It's been fun, and don't worry E:O0 will not be the last book--I have Big Plans for Kerbfleet in 1.1 and beyond! As to the Airplane references, there'll be one in the next page I post, I promise
  7. OK no worries and thanks for closing it--removal can happen any old time. Will look for that Request thread and use same in the future
  8. Like I said I use 14pt, it looks like you are doing your dialogue in 10 or 12 point and your main titles in 18 or 20. Something between the size of your titles and the size of your dialogue should work OK.
  9. Thanks! There's no hurry on the poll, I trust at least one mod reads the funny papers and will get to it when he or she can
  10. I'm imagining one of you waking up to find the severed cockpit of a prized replica in your bed next to you :shudders:
  11. I'll let Gene answer that... ...and now that the other characters have started to arrive, could a moderator please remove the Poll? Thank you!
  12. Good, but really hard to read--what point font are you using? (for reference, mine is 14pt)
  13. Wohoo indeed! nice station--we're all going to have to have SQUAD give us another 'celebration' picture--though maybe it's a cool running gag that they look EXACTLY the same every time
  14. Interesting--Werhner's accent seems to go away sometimes when he's talking about that different "continuum". Is that how we tell when the Author has taken direct control?
  15. Welcome to the "Eve: Order Zero" General Homework Complaint Thread! I hope it all works out for you, KMC. And on an unrelated note, if a passing moderator could close the poll I would be obliged. No hurry--it's just that there may possibly maybe be some more characters arriving in the story in the next few days. I was thinking of closing the poll now and then requesting it be removed later on, but if that seems like too much trouble please just go ahead and remove it now. Results as of this post are: Bob--32 Clauselle--22 Tedus--14 Melbe--11 Dilsby--5 Gregmore--4 Thanks everyone for voting!
  16. I tell ya, if it weren't for Bill this might have been over a long time ago. Merci, mon frere Acadien! Thank you! Lots of other great comics around here now that need your rep! Quite a tribute, Sharkman--could it make an appearance as a Kerbfleet shanty someday? We'll see Thanks! Looking forward to seeing you top it, as I'm sure you will-- BTW I took some close shots and different angles in those last few pages after seeing same in your work You, my friend, have been a fantastic supporter from the beginning. I always knew I could count on you for a kind word when I needed to read one. Thank you! You're most welcome! And yes I know, I guess I'm trying to have it both ways...after all we can say either USA or U.S.A., right? It's just a question of style choice when using an acronym. Throught the magic of Powerpoint! I lined up the four of them, quicksaved, then reloaded four times. Each time I recovered three Kerbals and made the fourth walk, taking screenshots. Then I took the four poses I liked best, cropped and removed backgrounds from three of them, pasted those three in position next to the fourth, and that was that. Also note the Kerbfleet stuff on the Recovery screen are NOT a mod (thought maybe somebody will make it someday!), the ranks and promotion messages are all done by hand in Ppt. If that sounds tough, you should hear what I was GOING to do for that last scene. I'm overwhelmed, you guys have made this loads of fun for me to do and eager to keep the party going in Eve: Order Zero. Vive le Forum!
  17. You guys are the best Three more pages, and now this is REALLY the end. See you over in E:O0!
  18. Seeing this posted in my FB feed from a friend who should really know better. ETA: and a second thing that made me facepalm--accidentally posting this to the "Do you tweak your control surfaces?" thread rather than this one.
  19. Thanks! Now, what about in-flight refueling or ISRU? If you allow the former, then anything with a docking port can get anywhere in the solar system...if the latter, anything capable of intercepting an asteroid or landing on Minmus can get anywhere in the solar system...but at least that ship has to lift with a drill, an ore container, a refining unit, and possibly a docking claw
  20. Did this ages ago, in Duna, Ore Bust! Pics or it didn't happen: Yeah, I think I've got that covered...Chapter 2 shows the launch. The rest of the story is at the link in my sig. Points: The basic point formula is as follows: h + 2t = p, where h = height above atmosphere (70km) in kilometers (averaged of both periapsis and apoapsis), and t = mass of final payload in orbit IIRC the Hummlebee got to 73km and massed about 40t at that time. Plane Fly back (requires flight manager or similar): +20 points Nope Payload has Kerbal aboard: +30 points per Kerbal Four kerbals Payload has science instrument: +10 points Yes, lots Payload has power generator: +10 points Yes Payload has antennae: +10 points Yes Payload is put in orbit around one of Kerbin's moons: +50 points for Mun, +100 points for Minmus Orbited Minmus (after refueling from a tanker) Payload orbits a planet: +500 points Orbited and landed on Duna and Ike (after refueling at a Minmus orbital station) *Minimum Screenshots Plane at launch showing a lack of RAPIERS or similar check Plane dropping payload check Payload burning for orbit check Payload in orbit and fully deployed check Picture of map mode with periapsis/apoapsis height visible nope, you can give me minimum points here if you like Payload burning for destination check Payload orbiting destination check
  21. Always, and with horizontal surfaces I also add their "Deploy" action to the Brakes group.
  22. Thank you all, especially those of you've been here from the start, commenting and encouraging this series. You've made it a pleasure to write! BUT I am not quite ready to type "THE END" yet--after all we haven't yet recovered the ship to see how much science Lisa got (hint: there is very much science!) So you can expect maybe two more pages here, and then Kerbfleet's adventures will continue in EVE: Order Zero.
  23. Wow, stuff just got VERY real for Gene and the rest of KSC. Poor guys! C'mon ARM, you can do this! SAVE THE SNACKS!
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