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Mister Dilsby

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Everything posted by Mister Dilsby

  1. Watching Jeopardy last night. Three contestants, all Americans, failed to give a correct response for "So-and-so ran against this sitting President in 1944." One said Truman (maybe forgivable), and one said Eisenhower (who was a little busy invading France that year), and I was facepalming so hard I missed what the third said.
  2. I suppose cars only go forward and backward as well, it's just that they can change the current orientation of their "forward" and "backward" vectors independently of what the road surface is doing.
  3. Do the "Latest Infractions Received" on one's Settings page ever go away, or is the badge of shame eternal?
  4. Case in point--I expected a few pages of "What? Fired? Booo! Hiss! Down with Mort!" after the last E:O0 update but all I'm getting is "Yeah he would totally survive that fall, big deal". Which is itself pretty darn funny, and I will probably now use it in some way in the comic. ETA: I knew I could count on you Deddly!
  5. I can't remember whether a Kerbal dropping from that height on Kerbin will survive or not... hey, maybe we'll all find out together!
  6. You're forgiven. The rest of us quicksave and revert, after all And you'd already established wibbly wobbliness, so no foul.
  7. OMG yes--and it can be a really exciting experience to tell a story "live" with reader comments coming in, for that reason. I can indeed be influenced by the comments, not so much for story direction but I will definitely pull focus where the readers seem to want to go. KSK and others, can you be influenced by the comments in any way?
  8. Thank you! The titles mirror USN/USAF ranks as follows, parallel ranks being equivalent: [TABLE=width: 200] [TR] [TD]SpaceService[/TD] [TD]Air Service[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Enzin[/TD] [TD]2nd Looty[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Junior Looty[/TD] [TD]1st Looty[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Looty[/TD] [TD]Kaptin[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Looty Comder[/TD] [TD]Majer[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Comder[/TD] [TD]Looty Kernel[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Kaptin[/TD] [TD]Kernel[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] Rank insignia for Space service is pretty intuitive, pattern is the same as USN and of course the color of the stripes are per the officer's specialty. Only Command Pilots can hold the rank of Kaptin in the Space Service. Air Service ranks would look like USAF insignia, but I've only drawn the Looty Kernel insignia so far. Color that goldish and you've got Majer, simple silver/gold bars will do for the lower ranks. If I ever have to show insignia for a full Kernel it will look vaguely eagle shaped but will not in fact be an eagle By the way it's also rumored that there exists a Kerfleet Surface Mobility Corps (KSMC), who are a branch of the Space Service but use ranks similar to Air. KSMC personnel specialize in driving rovers and have a reputation for being somewhat hardcore... "From the rolling hills of Duuu-u-na/to the shores of Laythe's seas..." You get the idea
  9. Thanks! I'm really glad the personalities worked for you, and if I helped you enjoy the game a little more I'm thrilled. Awwww, now you're gonna make ME cry. Thank you
  10. Even if they do, I think I can contrive to have them share a Mk2 cockpit again in the future Yeah, me too, but sometimes you need somebody to 'turn heel' for a while...hm, maybe I could borrow a page from Parkaboy and SaturnianBlue and make the Mort in E:O0 some kind of Mirror Mirror version, complete with mustache! But then I'd have to explain where Mort Prime went, and there'd be portals and wibbly wobbly stuff and well those guys are better at that than I am so I guess I'll just go with what I've got. I think you must have us confused with some other space program. We never installed the "other cultures" mod.
  11. and ETA: I never did intend to run the Dipperkraft out of power--I was genuinely so excited that Tedus lived that I forgot all the solar panels had exploded. So I made Tedus send reports back until the batteries died. He got off the crew report but the power ran out midway through the EVA.
  12. Have not forgotten you Blue--I loved the new artwork and mustache/no mustache Wernher! I'd continue to work on panel and speech balloon layout--make the reader's eye flow easily across the page. Parkaboy is a better graphic designer than I am so look to his stuff for examples of good technique. As for storyline, you've given us a reason to worry about your kerbals and the plot is developing. I think the portal stuff is still a bit confusing--for me, it's lot of words back and forth and I'm still not sure what the portals mean and how much I should be thinking about them in relation to other things like the inbound asteroids. Part of this could be because the characters are confused, themselves; if so, you just have to make it clear that the reader hasn't missed anything. Similar to my comments to Sharkman, everything you write must be easily digestible by the reader. We're not writing Finnegan's Wake here--if anything needs to be designed for a short attention span, it's a webcomic I think a good pair of questions for a writer to always ask are, (1) what single really important thing am I trying to convey to the reader, and (2) how many of these words can I take out and still get that point across?
  13. Well, I admit I did walk Bob about 4km, said "forget this", and hyperedited him the rest of the way with exactly that justification. But I think a 100km journey is a bit too far for plausibility, even in a Kerbalverse. Besides they would not be able to carry any of the probe back, I don't use KAS ...just saying that if Bob was standing next to the probe I'd rule him able to use some kind of interface panel to send/recieve mail on his kpad. Of course they still have infinite power and comms in their spacesuits, otherwise they could not have continued their conversation when Bob went to change the flag. I've just always assumed that suit radios are short range only and need a boost from an actual vessel.
  14. I suppose, but there's no animation for that so it wouldn't give me any good visuals to work with So I suppose if I really thought about it I could also come up with some way for a ship in orbit to communicate back...maybe if Evestation were passing overhead at night it could toggle solar panels to send a visible Morse code message. In-story, as GM I'm ruling that with the battery on Dipperkraft dead they can't receive voice/data transmissions including map view--otherwise someone could re-name a passing ship to send a message back. They could also travel the ~100km to where the Impactor probe is, but after walking Bob 9200 meters from his crash site to the Dipperkraft I am NOT about to go to all that trouble - - - Updated - - - ^^ A pretty good definition of 'kerbal' as an adjective, right there.
  15. Hm...what do we have now? The Duna four, plus the four still in space over Eve. If you count the two on the ground we just need one more. Well, I think we have enough characters to keep track of anyway. After all I only have four colors of word balloons, two colors of suit and two genders to visually differentiate. Thanks! M7, by the way, is for its seven Mammoth engines. It is indeed meant for a powered landing and refuel on the surface. I suppose it's not giving away too much to point out that the Billmobile Mortingale has a docking port, a drill, and an ISRU module :shudder: That's Mort all right, KFO to KEO, and then the whole program gets fried to a crisp like KFC.Now back to purple scenery for a few pages: I guess I dropped enough hints
  16. Well, it's tough. We are all competing for a limited store of readers' attention spans, not just with one another but with the rest of the Forum, real life, and oh yeah the game itself. What I try to do, and I think what works well in both graphic and text stories, is to make your work very easy for the reader to consume. If it's hard to read for ANY reason--graphics/font, confusing storyline, unfamiliar characters--then the reader will focus on the nearest shiny object and not your work. I think the works that capture reader attention best are the ones that start out with the familiar game setting and characters and add an interesting twist to the canon. That's a "hook". And once readers are hooked, you can start to add in the unique bits of your world more and more. I think that if I'd started out with the Eve story, for instance, and tried to introduce readers to the world of Kerbfleet along with five no-name whitesuits all at once, it never would have caught on. I started with a very familiar setting in the opening of D:OB, added Lisa to the roster... developed the characters further and further, then introduced some of the new whitesuits bit by bit once readers were sufficiently hooked that they would pay attention to the new stuff. Otherwise I think there never would have been a "liek if u cri evry time" for Tedus, no one would have cared who the heck he was
  17. Noooo! And with the F3 screen appearing like that, they are all truly dead I suppose... in THIS timestream Some graphic stuff I really liked in this one: the parallel ship designs and text for Glery's and Bill's competing design options, and the 'custom' panel of the two orangesuits looking over the crew roster. As always, fantastic work!
  18. That can happen sometimes: I've had kerbals' ships get eaten by one Kraken or another, and found them later on in the "missing" list. Had to go into the save file to make them "available" and then assigned them to new ships.
  19. A compliment from such an author as yourself is even better than rep. Thank you!
  20. Thanks for the input! If you don't mind I'll just keep on writing anyway, as well as supporting Parkaboy's outstanding work
  21. Those panes could be very useful for a longer term project I've been cooking...looks like a cool house
  22. She might, yes, if I ever get around to making a proper uniform for her in Texture Replacer. Yes, a benevolent despot must after all remain above the fray. Hope you enjoyed! Just remember, F=ma and you can't push a rope. Intriguing! Though in Kerbfleet continuity Lt Kernel Jeb Kerman does not own a junkyard or provide parts. Maybe there's a different Jeb Kerman who does, or maybe the famous pilot Jeb just licenses his image for advertising. Dunno. What? Me, use ideas and references from a story about a stranded astronaut? The very idea!
  23. Lots of great speculation here, none of which I can respond to directly, of course! Here's some more pages though...
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