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Everything posted by Iapetus7342

  1. ERROR: INVALID WISH SPELLING SWITCHING TO WORLD PEACE MODE Everyone on earth dies. The end. I wish for life on mars.
  2. https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/wiki/Adding-a-mod-to-the-CKAN get a load of this if you want to get it on CKAN
  3. Granted, the hornet crashes into your house, now you need to pay up. I wish for a second moon.
  4. So, recently i've been planning missions to plock from OPM, the dwarf planets from MPE and the asteroids from JMP. I've cooked up the lander below to achieve my goals of landing on Havous, the second (or third if you consider Dres a dwarf planet) dwarf in the Kerbol system. Havous, in simple terms, is the KSP analog of Haumea, a dwarf planet that spins once every 3.9 hours and is thus, oblate. This lander is still being built, as there is no RCS. It is also unnamed. Feel free to suggest things and give your opinion. You are also free to give it a name. The custom name i think is the best will likely become it's proper name.
  5. Maybe a CD in the style of Voyager's gold record? Plus it would be nice if Mike Brown's ashes joined the mission. That would probably be feasible and awesome.
  6. That's because @StarCrusher96 is working on Kerbal Star Systems 2, which may conflict with GU. Hopes are that GU will return after the summer, so keep your eyes peeled.
  7. similar moment, i was landing on Duna with Jeb and Leeski aboard. Land successfully in a canyon and celebrate. Eventually they have to go back and i relaunch. Turns out there was too little D-V. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
  8. 4. The team in the station above laythe are very confused about what happened, before returning to their duties of monitoring Jool, eating snacks and playing Laythal Company.
  10. Hey guys, i have a  S I G N A T U R E  (look below, it's a lord of the rings reference)

    1. Iapetus7342


      turns out signatures don't appear on profile posts :(

  11. kerbiloid has been banned for banning someone who has completed the Hypersonic challenge by surpassing 4000 m/s.
  12. Would you mind shrinking the atmosphere down? 110km isn't all that realistic, i suggest somewhere between 20km and 30 km.
  13. Circumnavigate Mesbin from Whirligig World from pole to pole on foot. Good luck, the poles are 13 gees and Mesbin is very wide. EDIT: Mesbin also has a large peak at it's poles, and you're not going around them
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