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Everything posted by Iapetus7342

  1. 4. The team in the station above laythe are very confused about what happened, before returning to their duties of monitoring Jool, eating snacks and playing Laythal Company.
  3. Hey guys, i have a  S I G N A T U R E  (look below, it's a lord of the rings reference)

    1. Iapetus7342


      turns out signatures don't appear on profile posts :(

  4. kerbiloid has been banned for banning someone who has completed the Hypersonic challenge by surpassing 4000 m/s.
  5. Would you mind shrinking the atmosphere down? 110km isn't all that realistic, i suggest somewhere between 20km and 30 km.
  6. Circumnavigate Mesbin from Whirligig World from pole to pole on foot. Good luck, the poles are 13 gees and Mesbin is very wide. EDIT: Mesbin also has a large peak at it's poles, and you're not going around them
  7. 87up (bite joke here)
  8. Joe kerman, Jeb's cousin who likes biking and has to do what has to be done and defeat the moons of Jool
  9. The other night i dreamed that i was in a game where there was a city that was flooding with lava and some guy was guiding me to safety. we went through some dangers and took an elevator. For some reason i was teleported to this fancy balcony thing with some shops and people. Then out of nowhere it cut to a top-down perspective of an early version of our solar system with this narrator guy who sounded like Graystillplays playing this. the solar system was still on the balcony and he was remaking the Moon's formation. I forgot the rest.
  10. this new Fallout TV show is going to start airing today in my timezone (GMT)
  11. This entire album has been in my head for a little while now, especially side A-E
  12. Everyone is playing The Game at all times. By learning of this, you have lost it!  :sticktongue:

  13. hey guys, HeffMK2 landed on ernus, making him the second known person to land on Ernus and record it
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