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Everything posted by MixelFan95

  1. Excuse me but.... Is this Mod compatible With Outer Planets or Kcalbeloh?
  2. Hey Uhh.... Is this Mod compatible With Outer Planets or Kcalbeloh?
  3. Excuse me, But is this Mod compatible with Kcalbeloh?
  4. Hey Uhh... Qiuck question, Is this Compatible with Kcalbeloh?
  5. Hey Excuse me, but what if I want to Change the Vessel Mass Limit Number in the Config?
  6. excuse me but is this Mod compatible with Outer Planets or KcalbEloh?
  7. Excuse me but Is this mod Compatible with OPM or KcalbEloh? I'm just wondering.
  8. I have several questions on How the Graviolium, Gravitic Engine,the S.A.F.E.R, the Gravitic Fusion Reactor, Gravitic Displacement Generator, Hydroscoop, Satic Discharger, Electro-Plasma, the Coanda Hover jet, Linear AeroSpike, and How everything works, oh, and How to Fly a UFO without running out of Gravity Waves.
  9. and Plus, the Telescopes View spazzes out when Pointed towards Kerbin at the Night side
  10. Hey Excuse me but, the Deep Space Telescope I just launched into orbit, The view of the Telescope just dissapears, but switching from KSC and back to the Telescope only fixes it temporarily, any Tips?
  11. uhh.. Dude? Is there Something wrong with this mod? Because I can't find the Ion Tank or Any of the Other Listed Parts, Plus, I have unlocked Nearly the Entire Tech Tree.
  12. hey... Any chance you can show a Picture Tutorial for Future Installers?
  13. This Canon has Got to be One of My Favorites!
  14. I used Ckan mods, and It froze, I don't know why but, It might be certain mods that caused it. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/tyn8so4918zyyv330sbyw/KSP.log?rlkey=ioh0dgbffn4r6qbm435iinh2b&st=x7w1mm4o&dl=0
  15. I added the "KSP_x64.exe" as my Instance, but it says Tweakscale isn't Installed properly, and the Required DLLS Are missing. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/tyn8so4918zyyv330sbyw/KSP.log?rlkey=ioh0dgbffn4r6qbm435iinh2b&st=3pn3grlo&dl=0
  16. same thing happened to Me, and I wonder what Required DLL it is? https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/tyn8so4918zyyv330sbyw/KSP.log?rlkey=ioh0dgbffn4r6qbm435iinh2b&st=3pn3grlo&dl=0
  17. Nevermind, It turns out I had to do these: " The Manage Game Instances window will appear. Click New game instance → Add Instance to CKAN A file open dialog will appear. Navigate to your game folder and select the game executable file (KSP_x64.exe for KSP1 or KSP2_x64.exe for KSP2). Click Open. The game folder will be added to CKAN's list of known game folders. If you want CKAN to use this folder at startup, select it in the list and check the "Set as default" checkbox Click the Select button and enjoy!" - CKAN User Guide
  18. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/tyn8so4918zyyv330sbyw/KSP.log?rlkey=ioh0dgbffn4r6qbm435iinh2b&st=6sin2leu&dl=0 No, Seriously, Why aren't they Present?
  19. Excuse me but, Is there a Reason why Mod Ckan Mods aren't showing in game? https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/tyn8so4918zyyv330sbyw/KSP.log?rlkey=ioh0dgbffn4r6qbm435iinh2b&st=6sin2leu&dl=0
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