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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Nope. No shortcuts. That's just one of the challenges of a mission to Dres. At other planets you could use atmospheric braking or perhaps a moon pass, but Dres is just Dres.
  2. Yes, just copy the link straight in to the edit box. Imgur offers several formats, and the one you want is the BBCode one, though others might work, too. Also, question moved to Kerbal Network since it's about the forum rather than the game.
  3. Does it spin with the engine off, too? If so, your joystick might not be centered and/or you might have accidentally applied some trim. Either way, the question has been moved to support.
  4. Some content has been removed from this thread. No need to vilify something just because you don't happen to like it.
  5. There are mods which can automate some of the piloting, too.
  6. The easiest way to avoid problems is to take one of the stock flags, copy it, superimpose your own image onto it, and save it back to the same folder you copied it from.
  7. Looks like everybody's on the same side of the actual issue, so please ease off of the tempers while agreeing with each other.
  8. No harm done. Just keeping things organized.
  9. This suggestion for the game's development has been moved to Suggestions & Development.
  10. Sorry to see you go, but as this is about your departure rather than the game, the thread has been moved to The Lounge.
  11. Looking for a mod? Why not ask in the luxurious Modding Subforum, which your post now occupies?
  12. Lots of politics here, guys. Leave it aside, please. Some posts trimmed.
  13. The poll is missing a critical option: [X] : there is nowhere near enough information on which to base an opinion yet, so I'm reserving judgement.
  14. The parsing gasket got caught in the interruption heap. It's technical. They're working on it. Meanwhile, there's a new test thread.
  15. Going through several days of back posts to find the ones about Youtube and move them here is a bit of a job. Why not just start afresh? I never knew what issue was being discussed anyway. Care to start the discussion by explaining?
  16. Seriously guys, Youtube's business practices need to be in their own thread. They are not the subject of this thread. More posts have been trimmed.
  17. Test posting and formatting and stuff here.
  18. I want to complain that there is not enough complaining in the complaints thread. If you want to argue Youtube... uh, whatever that is about, please start a thread for it. Now get back to complaining, or else!
  19. Some posts have been removed. Guys, if you think a post is a problem, please just report it. Reporting it AND replying to it just adds off-topic clutter posts to the original problem.
  20. Guys, forum members do not have the authority to ban each other from forum activities. If someone misbehaves, please report it to the forum moderators and let us deal with it. The reason for this is so that you don't have to get into fights with each other. Let people get mad at us moderators if there's a conflict while you folks continue to play the game.
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