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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. If you're talking about the inflatable structures I have seen proposals and models for, they are not meant for long-term habitation because they provide almost no protection against radiation and micrometeorites.
  2. A nice person's work was featured in the thread, and your reply was to opine that the entire game feature in which this person labored is a failure. That's a valid opinion, but it doesn't belong in a thread celebrating a fellow forum member's work, since you're implying that that person's work is wasted and valueless. Would you want to find that reply in response to your projects? So your feedback has been moved to an appropriate place where it is referring to the forum feature and not denigrating that person's efforts.
  3. Some posts have been removed. Please keep the discussion on-topic, and don't be nasty to each other over little things.
  4. Okay, a lot people disagree with OP. Let's not all keep dogpiling on the situation, and let's especially not respond with joke videos which include raunchy language. (Which was removed.)
  5. Somebody labored to make that mission for other players to enjoy. Whatever your feelings about the forum feature, there's no need to dump on his/her work. With that in mind, your post has been moved to its own thread in the feedback area of the forum.
  6. Does that happen much? As the person who would usually be moving them, I don't remember it happening very often.
  7. Howdy. I'm one of the moderators here. The best place to ask this question would be in the thread for the mods you're using, but since I don't know which ones those are, for the moment I've moved your thread to the modding support subforum. Good luck with your problem.
  8. So, problem solved? Yes, try adjusting the RCS placement. The position of the reaction wheel part is less important, though. Those will work pretty well no matter where they are.
  9. Oh, by the way, this is how I settled on that 30 degrees. I saved the game, waited until the target was directly over KSC, and flew to the same orbit height. The distance I was behind the target was how much I needed to lead the target, so I loaded my save, waited until the target was that much west of KSC, and launched again.
  10. It takes a few minutes to build up the speed to match an orbital object, so you need a bit of a head start. I launch when the target is roughly 30 degrees west of KSC, but it will also depend on the altitude of the target orbit. The higher it is, the longer the coasting phase of your Hohman transfer will take to meet it and the more you'll need to lead the target.
  11. It is possible to change those subs to the normal chronological order, but we had a poll about the idea a while back and most of the forum members who voted disliked the idea. And unfortunately, that setting is not customizable; it's the same for everyone.
  12. It could be that they are lying, or it could be that no piece of significant software is completely without bugs and they're trying their best to provide content for their fellow players without being paid for any of it. Which do you think is more likely? Please don't let your frustration get the better of you.
  13. Sometimes we get a lot of messages, notifications, and reports, and sometimes we don't.
  14. No. OP is still active on the forum and might like to have the thread revived.
  15. Steam has auto-updates which sometimes cause trouble for people using modded versions, because then their game copy might not work with mods which haven't updated. I don't know how that works with Humble Bundle. But one nice thing about the store is that you download new copies or update when you choose to do so. Anyway, I bought from the store and it's always worked well for me. (But then, that was the ONLY way to get KSP back then. ) Welcome to the forum.
  16. Your profile. BURN! Seriously, though, let's not get into the subject of who on the forum is good and who is bad.
  17. Edited a post or two. Pushing the edges of the forum's language filter can't go anywhere good, guys. Please leave it alone.
  18. @Kerbal Astronautics, your question has been merged into the master thread for this sort of thing. Good luck with it.
  19. Not much. Just discussing KSP in the ship sharing subforum. Uh, what's up with you?
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