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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Politics makes everybody mad. Unfortunately, it makes us all mad at different sides, and then we fight each other over it. So please leave that sort of subject for other forums. A couple of posts have been removed from this thread.
  2. This discussion of add-ons has been moved to Add-on Discussions.
  3. @Bodie, your question has been moved to the thread for this mod.
  4. Since there's no warp drive in the stock game, your question has been moved to Add-on Discussions. You may need to specify which warp drive you're using, as I believe there are more than one.
  5. @SayNoToRedShell, your post has been split from someone else's thread. The situation has been discussed at length by a lot of us uninformed laymen, but the fact of the matter is that it's going to be in the hands of legal specialists to determine what this forum's policy about this sort of thing will end up being. In the meantime, please do not spread this repetitive discussion to additional threads, as there are already two of them devoted to EULA and GDPR.
  6. Hello @Atroner. Your question has been moved to the thread where the EULA has been discussed at length. There is considerable disagreement about what is "real" and what is not, though, so you'll need to read this discussion and make up your own mind.
  7. Modded support question moved to the modded support subforum. And good luck with your issue.
  8. Screenshots would help diagnose the problem. The most common cause is what bewing describes, where the rear wheels break contact with the runway before the front wheel, leaving the craft to wobble like a unicycle down the runway.
  9. I've never seen that, but it sounds like a support issue. And so, moved to Support. How about some screenshots in VAB and on pad? Any mods installed?
  10. Enthusiasm is one thing, guys, but making demands is another. Please keep in mind that mod makers are volunteers and are not paid to be treated rudely. A post or two have been removed from this thread.
  11. Why? What's wrong with it? Oh well. Closed by request.
  12. This suggestion for the game's development has been moved to Suggestions & Development. Are you sure your're not Luke Skywalker? Have you checked?
  13. Hi guy. I got the game 6 years ago on PC and figuring out the basics! The control system is not buggy, but that's on PC. Sorry, I haven't played console versions. So I have not tried to get the part action men to work. V And welcome to the forum.
  14. A pre-emptive reminder, since this sort of thread so often seems to cause problems: minors, do not reveal your age, grade, or any other personal information.
  15. Looks like this mod is no longer supported? We can re-open the thread if OP wants.
  16. @Charonx2003, your question has been merged into a prior thread on this subject.
  17. Your post has been moved to the part of the forum where people do that sort of thing, and good luck with your project.
  18. Question merged into the mod for this thread.
  19. This looks like it might be a support issue. And so, moved to Support.
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