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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. After prolonged deliberation, the thread of the year has been selected. It wasn't made this year. In fact, that's why it was selected. It was selected because not only is it one of the forum's more interesting challenges, but also because its creator has been actively maintaining the challenge for over five years. That's right: the thread is nearly as old as the forum itself and is still going strong. And the winner is... Congratulations to @boolybooly, and more importantly, thank you for your long-term commitment to supporting and entertaining the KSP community.
  2. This discussion of add-ons has been moved to Add-on Discussions.
  3. It is a thread, this is a month, and the content is interesting.
  4. Oh, and thread moved to General Discussions, since it's not gameplay.
  5. The company that used to do this has either gone out of business or stopped working with Squad. I do not remember which, but either way, no service does it currently.
  6. They are doing it in the ship exchange subforum, which this thread now occupies.
  7. I don't know the specifics because I don't play on console, but Squad has repeatedly said that people will not have to purchase the game again to get the new version.
  8. The badges are not official*, so there's no one place to get them. Some challenges give them out, so look through the Challenges subforum for sources. *Except for threads of the month/year.
  9. Overlapping threads have been merged.
  10. The judges are still tabulating the results. Sure. Use the report button to call out attention to nominees.
  11. So we don't know if homage or coincidence?
  12. It was a slower month for the forum, what with the holidays. We had fewer nominations.
  13. Congratulations on being a thread of the month, StinkyAce.
  14. Congratulations on being a thread of the month this month, Ultimate Steve.
  15. Funny story. There was some miscommunication and we only just now remembered to do a Threads of the Month thread. Ha-ha! Knee-slapper, eh? Sorry. ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Busy forum member Ultimate Steve (you all know him) (well, most of you probably know him, anyway) has decided to do things the hard way and is hardwaying his way around the kerbolar system without (much) liquid fuel. Why? You'd have to ask him, in his thread. ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Zeiss Ikon found and shared this nifty bit of historical/tutorial space science which the Air Force created for its personnel back in 1965. Odd and interesting sidenote: the animation will be familiar to fans of vintage cartoons, since it was done by the same person who did some of the work on Rocky & Bullwinkle's show. ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Although not finished yet, SinkyAce has nevertheless impressed a lot of us with the model work he/she has done so far here. I personally have always had a fondness for the old Klingon battlecruisers. ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Congratulations to @Ultimate Steve, @Zeiss Ikon, and @StinkyAce, and as always, our thanks to those of you who sent us nominations. Enjoy your well-earned badges, folks.
  16. Since there is no way to do this in the stock game, your question has been moved to the modding subforum. I hope this is helpful.
  17. When the devblogs started, Squad was not doing the detailed weeklies like that are now. So for one thing the devblogs are largely redundant at this point. And for another thing, there has been staff turnover since the devblogs were put out more frequently, and the current people simply prefer to put the news out by other means. There isn't anything all that significant to be read into this.
  18. Does that game generate names randomly?
  19. Welcome to our forum,, @kananesgi. Unfortunately, large log files cause slow page loads or errors. Please upload yours to a file sharing service and use the link they provide in your forum posts.
  20. It sounds like you're not doing anything wrong, but instead encountering a common bug in the current version of the game. We hope it will be fixed in the next one.
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