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Lead Moderator
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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Modding question moved to the modding subforum.
  2. Thread moved to modded support. Good luck with your issue.
  3. Some posts have been removed from this thread or edited. Please keep the language clean, even when in disguised form with character substitutions.
  4. Please let the moderators deal with this. SrKomodo, you can PM a moderator to discuss this further.
  5. This thread is wandering from its topic. Please return to it.
  6. Since yours was not a mod release, the thread has been moved to General Discussions. We hope you enjoy your game, but please keep in mind that our forum has had so much trouble with arguments that we've had to rule out roleplaying (2.2.j). This means that if you want to pretend you are a Kerbal nation or company, you will need to do it somewhere away from our forum.
  7. Welcome to our forum. But please, for the sake of our page loading times, put your file on a sharing site and link to it here. A post as big as that one was causes problems.
  8. We could ban your account, if you wish, but we customarily do not delete them because it removes important information from our records.
  9. There is no special place where plane makers meet. You can simply share your planes in the Spacecraft Exchange, though.
  10. Hello. After your first few posts prove you are not a spambot, you will automatically be granted full access to the forum. And you are in good company here. There are many players who concentrate almost entirely on aircraft.
  11. Your thread has been moved to the support subforum. Good luck with your issue.
  12. A number of posts have been removed from this thread. You are free to suggest a change to the mod, but no one has a right to insist on it, nor does anyone need to attack a fellow forum member over making the suggestion.
  13. No. Has anyone else been experiencing this?
  14. Left over from some software wrangling we had to do.
  15. Vanamonde


    Some posts have been removed from this thread. Software theft is, as the phrase implies, a crime. Please keep discussions of it off our forum.
  16. While having an Imgur account is fun, you do not need one to use the site's services.
  17. Please stay away from politics, guys. It never ends well. Also, a reminder: minors, do NOT give out any specifics of your age, location, or anything else that might be used to identify you.
  18. While we all like KSP, it is not the subject of this thread. Please keep the discussion here on the actual SpaceX.
  19. You may not agree with the topic of this thread, but please don't post in it just to make jokes.
  20. Why is this locked thread locked?
  21. None of your business, punk kid. And get off my lawn!
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