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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. We have a new head developer, but the same Suggestions subforum. Please submit this kind of thing there.
  2. Thread moved to Kerbal Network, since it's about the forum's members rather than the game.
  3. Overlapping threads have been merged. And since the second one is turning into personal attacks just like the first one did, why don't we all just move on to other discussions now, please.
  4. The modding subforum is a better place to ask this kind of question, and so the thread has been moved.
  5. Since this is about the forum rather than the game, should it be moved to Kerbal Network? X Yes. No.
  6. Landing gear is being worked on by the means currently available, which is also expected to improve as Unity is developed. And since this is starting to turn into a personal argument, let's leave the matter there, please.
  7. There is no designated hype train person, and we have new threads for each update, but only close to update time. Which, since we just had one, will not be for a while.
  8. There is no official hype train person. Please don't make an argument out of this.
  9. However, each time you perform the same experiment in the same place, you will get less science out of it. I usually do 2 runs at most, because after that it's not really worth it.
  10. Do yourself a favor and poke around the internet looking for Chesley Bonestell paintings.
  11. A couple of computer buying/building advice threads have been merged.
  12. This exchange of spacecraft has been moved to the Spacecraft Exchange.
  13. It's hard to give suggestions without knowing what you're already done, but here's what I do. Stick some science parts on a rocket with an antenna. Shoot it off somewhere and don't even try to get it back. Just have it transmit the results of the experiments. It can take a surprisingly simple ship to pass close to or fall on another planet, or even just perform some science in solar orbit outside of any planet's SOI.
  14. It looks like the engines you're using are the static kind which do not pivot to help you exert control over the ship. There's a slightly less powerful version that does, so try removing the Reliant engines and putting Swivels on instead. And it looks like you have no reaction wheel parts. Try mounting one of those to apply steering torque to the ship. When you put fins on it, where did you put them? Can we see a picture of how you were trying to use them?
  15. Some comments have been removed from this thread. Please leave politics and criticisms of nationalities for other places on the internet, as that sort of thing invariable causes problems here, which is why we have a forum rule about it (2.2.b).
  16. The OP can request to have his/her thread closed by PMing a moderator or posting in this thread. Since that appears to be your wish, though, I will close it now.
  17. Which film would this be?
  18. Staying nice isn't the same thing as staying quiet.
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