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Lead Moderator
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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. This feedback on the forum has been merged into the forum feedback thread.
  2. Welcome to the forum, Victor3.
  3. These works of fans have been moved to Fan Works. And yes, since these would be offered as willing submissions, it's different from the Awesome Pics thread.
  4. Modding question moved to the modding subforum.
  5. Your thread has been moved to the sub-forum for this sort of question.
  6. "Typically," but not universally.
  7. You can use any picture hosting site you want. It doesn't have to be Imgur. @Dman979, are you talking about this thread? @OrbitalBuzzsaw, go to your profile page and click to edit it (button toward the upper right with a little pencil on it). "Member title" is the first line.
  8. Modding question moved to the modding subforum.
  9. Is it overlapping the engine nacelle? I have seen rare instances where a control surface was immobilized because it was being held in place by another part.
  10. @David104, mod makers get so bombarded by request and demand for updates that we've had to make a forum rule about it (2.3.f). Please keep that in mind.
  11. Vanamonde


    @KasperVld is the one who has direct access to Squad policymakers. Rather than ask random people on the internet (no offense) about this legal issue, the thing to do would be to wait for his official response.
  12. Hola S.Boadas y bienvenido al foro. Desde que vaya a publicar en español, su mensaje ha sido movido a nuestra sub-foro español. (Me disculpo si hay algún error en mi respuesta, ya que estoy usando Google Translate.)
  13. Mr_Ninja, your thread has been merged into the master thread for this kind of question.
  14. I would just like to make the observation that "a slap in the face" is an extremely personal way to interpret the situation. Say your neighbor has allowed you to borrow his lawn mower the last few times you asked, but this time he says no. The thing belongs to him and he's within his rights. It's not personal, and he owes you nothing. The fact that you've gotten used to it doesn't mean he's obligated to go on loaning it to you for as long as you want to borrow it. Losing access to a mod is like that. It may be frustrating, but you never had a claim on the thing in the first place, and you should have understood that this was a possibility all along.
  15. Moved to Kerbal Network, since its about the forum rather than the game.
  16. Triop, it seems you will wish to cast a 'yes' vote in the poll to which your thread has been appended.
  17. This report of a mission has been moved to Mission Reports. And congratulations.
  18. This one? Means you are descending at a potentially hazardous speed.
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