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Everything posted by bigyihsuan

  1. I'd say the same with the 0.9375m parts, but thankfully there's tons of adapters to/from various sizes to 0.9375m to help with Lego-ing. But as far as I know, only BDB has 0.9375m parts, so that's a thing.
  2. I think at that size, you shouldn't be using reaction wheels and instead (or in addition) be using RCS. NFLV has some giant monoprop and biprop RCS ports for this exact reason
  3. Skyhawk Science System is built around BDB, and has you progress through the rockets in roughly chronological order. It's a bit of a grind getting nodes unlocked, but it's definitely geared towards the playstyle with sending many interplanetary probes to get the science to run Mun missions.
  4. Now that I've actually looked at the doc, yea it seems to be a payload stage. Though, for gameplay purposes, since I don't do shuttle stuff, I'd probably still use it as a thicc Agena.
  5. Mmm, thicc Agena. I'd happily slap this on an Atlas or a Titan when I don't want to use a Centaur. Transtage v0?
  6. That was some extremely convenient timing, I posted an unrelated feature request on the repo about procedural trusses. Booting up the game now to test it!
  7. Thanks, looks like it's using the same keys for the modules.
  8. Is there a way to adjust the "snapping" for the size adjustments for Procedural Fairings? (As noted in the linked post below) I have a patch installed for Procedural Parts that snaps the size adjustments to fractions (specifically 1/2 and 1/8 of 1.25m) and I want to have Procedural Fairings do the same.
  9. Ok I'm looking for Duna lander and mission suggestions, what do you guys have (made out of BDB parts)? My current planned Duna mission is essentially the Boeing Integrated Manned Interplanetary Spacecraft, with a Duna/Mars Direct lander slapped on instead of the lander Boeing had.
  10. I've used Procedural Parts for years, and they are really, really good at making procedural cylinders/cones/polygons work and look fine. However, I often come across scenarios while building things that I want to make a truss structure (for the weight, looks, etc) and just wanting a single part that would fit in that space. For example, I needed to go from a 1.25m to 3.125m stack in a flat adapter, but my options for trusses were: Use a Procedural Fairing truss base, which at 3.125m bottom radius, doesn't fit the 1.25m stack, as well as lagging my game with the fairing preview lines Use multiple skeletal adaptors from Near Future Construction, which is 2 parts and is too long vertically for my needed use. Kitbash one with PP structural parts and structs, which is really, really part heavy for what should be a single part. All three options aren't ideal, which is why I'm asking if such a mod (or mod for Procedural Parts) for trusses exist. ED: I've since made a feature request on their Github, let's see what happens: https://github.com/KSP-RO/ProceduralParts/issues/321 ED2: It seems they have merged an existing pull request for trusses:
  11. There's also Boeing's proposed Integrated Manned Interplanetary Spacecraft, which is 5 nuclear stages strapped together with a large Mars lander and mini-station for habitation: https://www.renderosity.com/gallery/items/2167658/boeing-manned-interplanetary-spacecraft-diagram The gist of it was that the propulsion stages would be assembled in orbit over several launches, and docked with the manned modules for transfer to Mars. Then, the lander will undock, land, and return with just the capsule in the central core. Then the whole craft will return to Earth with a single nuclear stage, with all the other nuclear stages jettisoned after they were used. https://ntrs.nasa.gov/citations/19680009769 https://ntrs.nasa.gov/citations/19680009673 https://ntrs.nasa.gov/citations/19680009770 https://ntrs.nasa.gov/citations/19680009780 https://ntrs.nasa.gov/citations/19680009779 https://ntrs.nasa.gov/citations/19680009778
  12. My god that looks beautiful. Not just the screenshots, but the kitbashing as well, with all the little giblets and details everywhere. I'd love to be able to do something like this, but I can't imagine the hell that is part counts if everything was like this.
  13. Snarkiverse Dres landing using BDB parts (and CryoEngines methalox engines)
  14. Snarkiverse Dres landing using BDB parts (and CryoEngines methalox engines)
  15. BEHOLD: THE DRES PROGRAM Full album (WARNING: 200+ images!): https://imgur.com/a/HzeRJLd Selected images (WARNING: 31 4k-images!): The modularity of the Saturn parts made it real easy to slap in an additional S-II Dres-transfer stage. I forgot any antennas on the CSM, so I had to use the LM antennas the whole way. For some reason the deployable surface experiments were thinking they were not on the ground, leading to them not working. I really over-built this; I had an extra 1000m/s dV in the Dres transfer stage when I dumped it. CSM+S-IV is really unwieldy and needs more RCS. I've since made a 2.0 version for a Minmus landing that moves the LM to inside the petal adapter at the top; the CSM will transpose to the LM for the transfer, and move to an additional docking port on the side of the S-IV after Minmus capture so the LM can leave orbit. There also male ports on the S-IV so the LM can dock onto the S-IV. I also need to figure out how to get a Duna lander attached when I use the interplanetary flyby parts.
  16. Just built a massive Apollo-derived mission to Snarkiverse Dres (at 2.5x scale, about 10-20 days travel from Kerbin) The mega rocket is in the spoiler, they're really really long images for a really really tall rocket. Yes that's two S-II stages, because the top S-IV is planned to be used for Dres return. The bottom S-IV is actually a methalox stage powered by 5 NFLV Iguanadons. The top one is run by 7 J2-A2s. The mission plan is to launch to orbit, finishing with the hydrolox S-II. Then, after transfer, the CM with the S-IV will do transposition and docking to the LM. The S-IV will then capture, sending the LM off to land on Dres (and in a follow-up, Minmus). After returning from the surface, the LM will re-dock with the CM, and be used as extra living area (and snack storage) after the S-IV is spent transferring back to Kerbin. Then the CSM will capture at Kerbin and reenter. Fun. Maybe I over-built this, but oh well it's fun building big
  17. Some alternative means: If Dres is above/below relative to Kerbin's orbit, launch from Woomerang (or anywhere) when Dres's target reticle is just before the north-south line on the navball. Launch into a 90 degree polar orbit; the 90-degree orbit will let you burn towards Dres when you're passing the poles. If Dres is nearby relative to Kerbin's orbit (in roughly the same plane), launch into an equatorial orbit, and then do a usual transfer burn.
  18. Ah, that's a shame. I don't like having to go back and manually recovering my launch clamps after launch. I placed down this launch pad because I'm constantly launching into highly inclined orbits, and having a single launch pad at Woomerang with Kerbal Construction Time really bottlenecks my launch cadence.
  19. Get into an orbit at roughly the inclination between Kerbin and Dres Make a maneuver node such that when you burn prograde your Kerbin SOI exit is in the direction of Dres Make midcourse adjustments so you encounter/not collide with/get close enough to Dres Do stuff at Dres as needed (capture burn, more mid-course corrections, etc) You can also zoom in on MechJeb's "Advanced Transfer to Another Planet" plot to get MechJeb to automatically make the maneuver node.
  20. I'm trying to make a second launch pad that acts the same as the other launch pads (selectable from the VAB, selectable for KCT, auto-recovers launch clamps and other debris) at Woomerang. Below are my settings: How do I get this second launch pad to act like the stock one?
  21. Having lots of fun with this system! Dealing with the Mun's ridiculously inclined orbit and close proximity really makes it hard to get relay sats there at a desired inclination for a reasonable dV cost. So far I've just been shoving my relay sats on overbuilt rockets and launching from Woomerang to lessen the inclination changes. I'm looking forward to going to Dres for my Sarnus/Apollo mission! Based on a different post (below) it seems that it takes ~2000m/s dV with stock scale. Since I'm playing 2.5x scale, that should be about 3200m/s dV. Seems fun. ed: putting this for my own reference here as well
  22. Near Future Launch Vehicles has large, powerful engines, more powerful than mainsails. However they're more geared towards clustering many engines to get the required thrust. SpaceY and SpaceY Extended fills a similar niche as NFLV, but instead of engine clusters it tends to use one big engine instead. BDB also has some large engines and giant SRBs, especially with the Saturn parts.
  23. I read somewhere (probably the original study) that they put fuel tanks on the SRBs to help lessen the load on the core tanks; I'd assume you'd put a fuel line between the SRB to the core and it will use up the liquid fuel in the SRB before/at booster separation. ED: Astronautix link about it, which mentions liquid fuel tanks on SRBs http://www.astronautix.com/s/saturnv4-260.html
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