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Everything posted by Melfice

  1. Considering the physics/engine really don't like those kinds of ranges, it's unlikely there's going to be a "stock" BDA cruise missile*. You're free to make your own though! Fiddle around with some configs! *I do not speak with any kind of authority, of course.
  2. What? The FireSpitter plugin is absolutely updated, aeroeng! You just gotta make sure actually click the "PlugIn" button.
  3. Mind you. If you don't want to "magically" remove debris from orbit, or the planet, the weaponry can also be used to take care of that. I can imagine the laser being useful for orbital debris in particular.
  4. I think this is the "smart guard" behaviour. If it has the means to switch between target types, it does so. So, guns for bombs and missiles, and missiles for ships. But I could be wrong.
  5. As ATC doesn't add any chatter (yet), it's compatible. 0.2 without issue between the two.
  6. Personally, I am okay with either solution. Keep in mind that you would need to make the hotkey configurable to avoid any conflicts with other mods or if the player has remapped the controls. Ah, okay! That's something I wasn't aware of then. I've found the config, so if I wanted to change that to their KerbinSide name, that should be possible. Just gotta figure out what's-what. It looks like you added this in the new version. Noice.
  7. Yes, it works. Better for some than others, apparently (I have no issues, whatsoever), but it works just as it should.
  8. Issue: "Messages" window cannot be closed, taking up space on screen. Issue: "Messages" window too small, causing messages to be cut-off. As a result: I can request a flight plan, but don't get heading, altitude or anything else vital. (Lines not breaking properly, I assume? Or am I missing the resize option somewhere?) Issue: Only a few Kerbin-Side destinations are recognized. (Although this is less of an actual issue, and probably more due to the alpha status?) Issue: Heading of incoming aircraft is not recognized. I came in for a landing at KSC at a 270° heading, heading for runway 27. Instead, was redirect to runway 9. (Again, probably less of an issue? I can imagine getting the tower to recognize the player properly is hassle enough...) Other than those issues, I really like the idea of this. Well done! Carry on, sir/madam!
  9. It's not a major feature suggestion, and it's one of minor aesthetic value only, but: I'd love to be able to set multiple flags as "official". One for VAB launches and one for SPH launches. (Maybe one for the program together as well?) My reasoning is, that I don't necessarily want my aircraft to fly the same logo as the rockets I'm launching. I'm currently manually changing the flags whenever I launch an aircraft and that's not an issue, but y'know... one click less?
  10. While the ejection seat from .17 was kinda cool, I think it's "easier" to integrate Vanguard's Kreuzung's EVA Parachute mod into that cockpit. It'd probably be less failure-prone as well.
  11. Well, it's a .md file. I suppose, if I'd been smarter at the time, I could have fiddled around with what program can open it (I do actually have Notepad++). I did say I'm a tit, right? Thanks for the answer.
  12. Here's a... probably really silly question, but does this actually have a readout in-game somewhere? Or is this a background mod that is hooked into by other mods, such as your Extraplanetary Launchpads mod? EDIT: Never mind. I'm a tit. Read the ReadMe. (In my defense, it's a file I can't actually open on my PC. )
  13. Have you actually grabbed the updated plugin for 0.90? It's not included with the main download.
  14. A completely different discipline from building an engine? But good luck nonetheless.
  15. This probably won't help too much but: be as accurate as possible while ensuring it's still fun to play.
  16. Probably some time between now and 2020. But I think it was said somewhere in January?
  17. The (dominant) inhabitants of Earth are called... humans. So, it would stand to reason the inhabitants of Kerbin are called kerbals. If we ever have permanent, thriving colonies on other planets with diverging human species, it would make more sense to refer to each other as Earth-human, Mars-human, or something of that sort. I doubt Martian or Venusian would ever catch on seeing as we've traditionally used those terms to refer to film-aliens. It might be insulting to those humans living there. So, probably Kerbin-kerbals, Duna-kerbals, or again something of that sort.
  18. Alternatively, you forgot to get the Firespitter plugin. EDIT: Source: Personal experience.
  19. Am I correct in saying that you can only attach control surfaces to the procedural wings at the root and nowhere else? Or is my installation børked in some way?
  20. Don't know if that has changed, but you can change the thickness.
  21. Or faulty American heat tiles? Or faulty American attachment brackets, which would hold an SRB to the external tank? Preferably you want to avoid anything faulty, regardless of its country of origin, really.
  22. The main thing holding BD Armory back at this time, as you well know, is that BD is off on vacation.
  23. I guess the only thing you can do for now is report this behaviour to BD (you have) and log something with the CKAN dev. Until the issue gets fixed, don't use CKAN or don't use BD Armory.
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