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Everything posted by razark

  1. I would want a random time somewhere between instant failure and long enough to get above the atmosphere. If you were to implement it, though, I think minimum and maximum times would be good options. That way, a failure could be presented as a warning first, or a sudden unexpected failure.
  2. Would it be possible to get a variable time between failure warning and the actual failure?
  3. From what I've seen, Kerbal Space Pogrom seems appropriate.
  4. Does the vehicle have to reach it's destination height, or does the apoapsis need to reach that height, and leave the atmosphere so that GT shuts off?
  5. This is true. I want to be able to write my own story, not be locked into someone else's idea. I've never been a big fan of games that feel the need to tell me "go here, do this, go there, do that, then this..." and won't let me do what I want until I perform the tricks it demands.
  6. I never addressed the cost. (I also never claimed one was "better".) Simply that the shuttles did have a unique capability that no other craft type has yet included. Cool. I didn't know about the reusability/redocking capability of it. I'm going to have to steal that idea for my game. However, my point was that the shuttle also brought the lab back, and could also return satellites to Earth.
  7. While true, it wasn't the point I was addressing. The assertion was that a pod mission could do anything the Shuttle could do.
  8. Are you saying the game will crash before I even launch it?
  9. Capture and return a satellite from orbit? Shuttle brought the Spacelab back, so they didn't have to build a completely new one for each flight.
  10. Please define "fastest". Do you mean least amount of in-game time, or least amount of wall time?
  11. This could make some sense if there was a sort of story mode that was implemented. Without a (mostly) set series of progression, cutscenes would be hard to implement in a way that didn't involve each player's continuity. 1. I've thought about this before. If the scene were to not show the rocket, it would be pretty simple. Show the VAB doors opening, and a scene of Kerbals watching the bottom (treads, mobile launch platform, etc.) rolling out, maybe even a few options of Kerbals shaking their heads/giving a thumbs up/looking between the (unseen) rocket and a clipboard with an uncertain look (base this off the engineer's report?). That avoids the problems of rendering whatever the player built, since it's so variable. 2. A generic recovery scene that didn't show the returned vehicle might work. Maybe a few different versions (carrier, truck, tracked vehicle, etc.) based on terrain type and crew size might be needed, though.
  12. Since there's a huge desert area and spaceplanes are a thing, I'd love to see a large dry lake bed like Muroc AAF Edwards AFB.
  13. Sure they can. Have you read the dev notes? It's all about the PC version, and very few of them contain mention of the console version or bugfixes for it. Not even a mention of how long behind the PC release they might have to wait for the 1.2 version. It's a matter of perception. Look at it from what they read here, and the PC version gets much more attention. Aside from the fact that Squad has been rather lacking in any specifics for them for some time now. As for 1.1.3 being "unplayable", and therefore your personal gripes taking precedent over console customers getting any sort of answer, I just have to wonder what all the people on this forum were doing with 1.1.3. I know it sure seemed like I was playing it.
  14. Ok, so I'm not the only one... I was beginning to wonder.
  15. For (A), they'd have the motivation to miniaturize it as much as possible, driving the era of mechanical computers quite quickly. For (B), replace the punch cards with a paper (or more durable material) tape, and build the computer with the ability to move the tape itself as its instructions state.
  16. Sliderules. A society capable of building any spacecraft would be capable of building something along the lines of Babbage's Analytical Engine.
  17. Go watch The Right Stuff, From the Earth to the Moon, and 2001. Or even better, read the books they're based on.
  18. I haven't heard the stock music in a long time. I'll throw a movie or youtube up on the second monitor, or I'll play C:\mp3s on random and get a very wide variety of music. The Top Gun soundtrack sometimes gets played while flying planes. Sometimes I'll listen to old radio programs (Jack Benny, Suspense, The Whistler, Fibber McGee and Molly, Dragnet, Burns and Allen, Gunsmoke, etc.), or the NPR radio shows of Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back. Being the time of year it is, I need to go find War of the Worlds.
  19. Two co-workers were discussing it in the office.
  20. No other changes beyond the .dll replacement, I'm guessing? Glad to see this is still getting some attention.
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