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Everything posted by razark

  1. If you're so bored with the game that you need to ask other people how you should be having fun with it, why the hell are you back? Get out of here and do something you enjoy! There's no point in forcing yourself to play a game you don't like!
  2. Good luck, and, if you do end up working with the agency they contract for, good luck.
  3. I launch when it's about 45 degrees behind the launch site. Then at the next ascending/descending node, match plane, and use the KAC "Closest Approach" target option to do minor RCS burns to get the intercept to within 10-20 meters.
  4. First? Any shots I have from the 0.13.3 demo are on a dead computer, awaiting retrieval right now. The oldest I currently have is my first Mun "landing", in 0.15.
  5. The only thing that we know is that they have announced it will have multiplayer.
  6. Gosh, golly gee, you really think so? Perhaps you should go back and read the first line again, where I say we don't have enough information to make any definitive statements, and then realize my statement that is based on pure speculation may be not a serious theory into the goings on behind the scene, but rather a farcical attempt to make a point. I saw that. But I'm the one saying we should not base decisions off of information we don't have, unlike people who say we should consider not having that information as information itself.
  7. @mcwaffles2003 If you don't mark an answer to it, you cannot submit a response to the survey. Note that Q3 has 12 responses at this time, and Q1 has 11 "Yes", and 1 "No".
  8. Or, we could say "We don't know enough to say either of these things, and correctly ascribing blame to either party is beyond our ability." Well, you get the workers, but without the overhead of the management/owners. Obviously, then, we can say "ST's management was the problem, and good riddance to the lot of 'em!", right?
  9. I think that some people are deliberately making the question more complicated than it needs to be in order to cloud the issue in support of their views.
  10. That probably indicates the mod is not working for you.
  11. Do we know this? Have the devs released information on how multiplayer will be implemented?
  12. I think that the release version of KSP2 should be "A.A.A", and get rid of the pesky numbers that people seem to get so confused by.
  13. Yes, it does. I've been through a couple myself. Let me know if you need to talk.
  14. This thread is now making me paranoid about my pantry.
  15. I've had that before. Or something like it. Not sure exactly what sort of insect was involved. There was one time when the wife had made dinner, and while I was cleaning up afterwards, I noticed that some of the rice in the container was crawling around...
  16. I'm assuming this: https://www.spacecamp.com/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_Camp_(United_States)
  17. Take a break and come back in a few months with some fresh ideas. Seriously, if you're at the point of asking other people how you should have fun in a game, take some time off.
  18. If you don't make me think about it... And yet, I'm perfectly fine with eating lobster, crab, crawfish, and shrimp. 99% of it is probably just a cultural thing. But: Yeah, that's not happening for me. Edit: I'm happy to stick to getting my wood flavor from the barrels my bourbon is aged in.
  19. Knowingly? On purpose? No. I'm not exactly opposed to the idea, but there's that part of my brain screaming that it just ain't right!
  20. Badly. There's multiple ways to handle it, and some disagreement on what is best. See here:
  21. Well, just to see people's reaction when you tell them. Beyond this, however, it should never be remade.
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