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Everything posted by razark

  1. Of course. Otherwise, it would be hard to put them on.
  2. @SQUAD: Seriously, it's time for a bugfix release. It's time for y'all to devote a full release cycle to just fixing what already exists, rather than trying to add or extend existing features. Not even a single new texture. Just spend a release cycle fixing the bugs.
  3. The Glorious 25th of May, but only if you have a hard boiled egg and know where your towel is.
  4. Sure, go ahead. Let us know when it's done. Thanks for volunteering to spend your time and effort on it!
  5. Along with his KAC. Those two are just total quality-of-life additions that should be integrated into the game.
  6. And you've made that clear. My question is why you feel the need to keep telling us you feel that way. Plenty of people have made it clear they intend to keep playing KSP after KSP2 is released, and more have made it clear that they will wait to see if KSP2 is worth the money. But you seem to have some personal vendetta over the fact that KSP and KSP2 will exist at the same time. Why?
  7. What, exactly, is your point, anyway?
  8. We're doing this one again? Pink Floyd is one of my favorites for KSP. Usually, it's whatever TV/movie/video/music/'40s or '50s radio show I have on at the time, though.
  9. Why is it always Civ4 vs. Civ6? Some of us are still happily firing up Civ3 for our empire building fix.
  10. I've found that that doesn't seem to matter. I've been migrating my settings.cfg forward for years. I assume that whatever is new gets defaulted by the new version.
  11. Nah, that's a one-inch round sticker, printed blue on a silver background.
  12. Indeed. The good news is that it's a three day weekend coming up, so I should have time to install the game and all the mods, since the modders will have time to update everything for me by Monday. (Of course I'm kidding. Please take your time to do whatever you need to do, folks. Even if what you need to do is take a month off. I really appreciate everything y'all modders have done to make this game what it is. Y'all are worth every penny we pay you. (And probably even more.))
  13. https://www.nasa.gov/centers/kennedy/news/releases/2003/release-20030128.html Post Columbia, there may have been additional rules to visibility.
  14. I've changed my mind. I don't want any DLC involved with KSP2 in any way. Everything (base game, expansions, textures, etc.) should be available only on disks. Or magnetic tape. But absolutely no downloading any of it!
  15. Are you sure? I'm not seeing it in there at all.
  16. I was kind of surprised to hear the news. I forgot he was still around. Really? I just watched it last week, now I'm going to have to dig it out again.
  17. Now and then? Any time I start a career, I start with four pilots.
  18. If watching the KSP community has taught me anything, the answer to that is "In ways that no sane person could have ever imagined."
  19. It's one I created, running on a Raspberry Pi.
  20. Spreadsheet? I used to, for the reasons you mention. But then it became annoying to update. So... No, the bar is three feet to the right of my desk.
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