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Everything posted by Mekan1k

  1. Can you make a version of SimpleConstruction that doesn't need kerbals to build the rocket? I really want to build Von-Neumann Probes.
  2. Anyone remember the asteroid day mod? I loved that mod- make Career mode easier, and yet not too easy. Where did it go? Does anyone still have it- and is any talented modder willing to look at it and update it for 1.1.3?
  3. I hope this mod doesn't conflict with simpleconstruction... Actually, Can I use your mod's parts instead of the parts normally packaged with EL? Gonna try it now- be right back! Wait- someone already asked that question! YAY! On to building self-reproducing probes in SPACE! Actually, does this work with simpleconstruction, or is there a patch? Answer: Yes. It uses the same plugin. Oh, and is there a way to make the rocketpad or orbital launch pad so that it is fully automated? (Doesn't require kerbals to build rockets? I want to build a VN probe.)
  4. Can you post a version of the buggy wheel that doesn't have the KAS or KIS code? Or tell us what to delete? I would like to see the wheels retract and extend properly. Oh, and if possible is there a version of the containers that holds stock resources instead of the custom ones? Maybe an altered CFG file for stock Ore and such- or a Near-future version? Possibly a Simple Construction version?
  5. Just a quick question- how do you make the Karibou's wheels retract? (Mostly because I cannot get them to work. Re-downloading to see if that fixes it.) (I know this has been asked before... Just asking if there is a known fix. I will trawl the thread to see if there is a known issue.)
  6. Cute little rover! I love it.
  7. The rover pictured- Where is it? I really, realy would like to use it. (If it is not in the parts pack, how can we get it? And its little wheels too?)
  8. I hope the wheel fix is going well. Also, what are the chances we will get to see those train cars as parts in future updates of this mod? (Love your mod Lack. Can't play without it. Also, love Project Pluto. Really useful for making world-circumnavigating probes.)
  9. The single-person bubble-like cockpit utilizes the interstellar mesh switcher- any known bugs that prevent that from being used? (The cockpit is usable, but the mesh flickers between the three different types of meshes.)
  10. Okay, Good news first: The radiators all seem to work. Most of the engines look good. Bad news: The Nuclear turbojet seems to have some odd effects with the structure of the flaring end of the engine. Overall ranking: 1.1 Playable.
  11. These engines... I WANT THEM SO BADLY. Seriously- These are sexy ion engines.
  12. So... The truck wheels cause the vessel to violently attempt to reject any solid surface. It seems I have found the difference between wheel physics in 1.0.5 and 1.1.
  13. just to let you know, the nuclear RCS conflicts with another mod- it has a part also called "heavyrcs", so if the name in the CFG is changed to, say, "heavynukercs" instead, it prevents the people who run into this problem from experiencing unwilling part replacement issues.
  14. Dude, Your parts... I drool. Please tell me there will be a beta release? And the IVA's? (Seriously- those parts are REALLY .....)
  15. Am I really the only one who has encountered this problem? I don't even know where to manually fix it!
  16. Hey Ferram, Is there a point at which you expect FAR to be able to work independently of cfg file edits? I ask because a few of my favorite mods don't have FAR configs.
  17. Banned because of egregious spelling errors.
  18. Dude, I gotta say- the MK2 engine that you have posted with this is INSANE. 500 thrust is enough for a 45 degree acceleration to suborbital trajectory.
  19. Anyone have a fix for the turbojet's connection node? It connects the engine to the node at a point that is just a little too-far away for it to fit the mk1 spaceplane parts smoothly.
  20. ferram4, you are one of the most impressive modders I have met. However, I have a request- Can you make a mod that allows us (the player) to invert a control surface without needing to install FAR? I have many mods that don't have FAR configs, and I would like to try to make aeroelastic wings. Thanks!
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