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Everything posted by tetryds

  1. Você não pode fazer isso, mas você pode criar um modpack usando o CKAN. Assim outros usuários do CKAN abrem esse modpack que instala todos os mods que você está usando. Não me lembro exatamente como se faz isso mas sei que dá. No kerbalstuff também tem como criar modpacks. @Gustavo: O motor atômico é melhor quando você tem uma carga bem grande e o peso do motor não é tão grande se comparado ao peso da carga. Mas se lembre de que ele usa apenas Liquid Fuel, nada de oxidizer.
  2. @Veeltch, I am leaving for a week now, but I imagine that I will be able to finish the first BAD-T tournament before the next update drops. 8 battles have been fought, 15 left. By the way, the losers bracket will fight for second place, not first, it seems unfair to allow a craft that lost once get the first place. And, of course, another teaser:
  3. The airplanes which lost one battle on the first round have another chance. But from now on, every plane which loses will be eliminated. I will restart the challenge after this one is finished, then all mods will be updated, etc. (and also because we had a round 16 entries so that was perfect).
  4. Indeed, I think that everybody is. Here is the final battle of the round 1! From now on, everybody who loses will be permanently eliminated. Also, on the next tournament version, crafts with control input issues like this one will be disqualified. Same goes for crafts that cannot steer or drag parts on the ground, like the Rotzooi and the Piston Fighter.
  5. Bem, se um salmão fizer um salto épico da água e uma águia passar e pegar ele, é mais ou menos isso sim.
  6. Poisé, sair de Eve sempre foi complicado. Geralmente as bases que vão pra lá são mais... permanentes O que fazem pra resgatar kerbonautas geralmente é um foguete com uma cadeirinha que mal consegue chegar em órbita, aí recuperam a cadeira de órbita. Mas você também pode entrar numa trajetória suborbital e usar um módulo em órbita pra fazer rendez, buscar o kerbal e voltar pra órbita, mas só tente se você tem muita experiência com o jogo. Pra isso tem que fazer uma inserção direta pra uma trajetória de encontro suborbital, e colocar sua nave na mesma trajetória na mesma posição que o kerbal estará. Provavelmente vai ser assim que eu vou recuperar o kerbal quando for pra lá, mas lembre-se que vc tem limite de tempo pra recuperar o kerbal, o módulo precisa de bastante deltav, etc.
  7. ETAs are devil, it will be ready when it's ready. I will try to have at least one working model of each type ready for when the current tournament ends. Then different configs using the same model as a placeholder, every weapon will have a custom model when it's finished. But given how fast VintageXP makes these, this may not be needed.
  8. Well, that is the WIP of a part of the weapon set, unpolished tip of the iceberg.
  9. Did I mention that I am considering using AJE and allowing heavy fighters? Did I also mention that depending on how well 1.1 performs on my desktop I am also planning on having events with up to 4 vs 4 battles? And that some of these battles may consist of two fighters and one heavy fighter per side (can be built by different players) and run on custom kerbal konstructs battlegrounds? Finally, that I plan to pull the graphics settings through the roof and give at least some love to every video? Well, now I did.
  10. I am really interested on giving the AI the ability to use multiple weapons at the same time, or switch between them depending on the situation. A basic idea that I had was a slider on each weapon, that sets the max range the AI should use such weapon, and an "Full range" button. So, if I have two weapons: Weapon 1 - 800m Weapon 2 - 400m And both with the button toggled off. The AI will use the Weapon 1 from ranges between 400 and infinity meters, and only the Weapon 2 under 400m, it gives priority to the lowest max range weapon. If the Weapon 1 has the always use button toggled on, it will be used even under 400m, thus it will use both at the same time. If no weapon is in range, the highest range one will be used. If two weapons have the same range, and none have the "full range" option, the AI will pick one of them, if any have that option, the AI uses both. With these two you can get very complex weapon setups, making the AI use mulitple weapons at certain ranges and so on. Another example of a complex usage is having a backup weapon, you set the max range to zero, when all weapons run out the AI will use the highest range weapon, which will be that one, at all ranges. I hope it makes sense, if I need to explain it a bit better please ask.
  11. The latest version of FAR allows you to use drag rudders! It's that awesome. I don't remember how to set it, will edit this as soon as I do, but shouldn't be hard. @Phearlock: the battles are happening on the version you submitted them for. I will update everything on a single huge pack which will include the latest FAR, latest BDArmory with it's AI, and my WW2 weapons pack. Some rules will also be revised. The new weapons pack will have a lot of guns, all of them will be balanced and allowed on this challenge. I may also allow more guns and will poke BahamutoD to make the airplanes use multiple weapons. Will also see if it's easy to set my own tab on the editor, to make them easier to find, but don't count on that. Yes that is a 40mm cannon.
  12. This is great, thanks for the focus on ww2 airplanes You should try them with FAR, even on 0.8.3 they do some impressive stuff sometimes.
  13. Yes, some stuff changed, and since stock wings are generating more lift I am considering setting b9 pwings as a requirement, for fairness. Anyone against this? Also, soon all bad airplanes will be eliminated, and we will have good airplanes fighting against each other. Expect to see much nicer combats then. The four battles on the losers bracket may be packed on a single video, so that what happened on the last battle does not happen again. Until Round 2 starts, they will be best of 3 matches, esp. since the results would be exactly the same if I had done that since the beginning. And will continue to be best of three on the losers bracket, but on the main one they will go back to being best of five. You can already start making bets, if this becomes a thing I can even add a scoreboard for that
  14. New battle is out. Ok, this one was very disappointing, I don't really recommend watching. Basically the Piston Monoplane lost twice because it ran out of fuel. I should make a validation pass on some airplanes, the Piston Monoplane had to be modified to even be able to steer, it only didn't get disqualified now because its too late for that. When the video is ready you can find it here: http://youtu.be/h2QGPe0jRDU
  15. Mudança é sempre uma droga. Agora imagina quando você tem que levar tudo em duas malas e se livrar de TODO o resto. Tenso.
  16. Yep, just like it should. Check your critical Mach speed. Also, which tools did you use to plot such data? That's cool. An altitude plot would also be good together with that data.
  17. This is amazing. I had some ideas after seeing this image: http://i.imgur.com/9EUo0JM.png First, what about adding a "glass" overlay on the top of it? that would make it easier to see the craft I think. Also, what about having it a-la thesims mode, where you press a button and move the mouse to show the IVAs of what is by the mouse? And what about also having internal views for parts like fuel tanks? this way you can have a full X-RAY view of your craft, the fuel tank view could show how much fuel it has if that is not too complicated. There are so many possibilities, Kerbals moving around with an AI on a massive station, or even doing stuff, I can't wait to see what will come from this mod.
  18. É, a atividade do nosso fórum oscila bastante, mas sempre temos picos em épocas de férias. Mesmo que muitas pessoas não postem, tem bastante gente que visita essa parte do fórum, então pode postar sim, que bastante gente vai ver.
  19. You are using the latest version of BDArmory, which is incompatible. The pack was made to work with BDArmory 0.8.3 and was not yet updated.
  20. I would imagine something like this http://i.imgur.com/BbFeE5t.gifv
  21. Tem que usar um strut connector, infelizmente o KSP não consegue lidar com partes conectadas em dois lugares ao mesmo tempo. Seria legal se pudesse, mas isso vai pra base de como o jogo funciona, não seria simples mudar.
  22. Well, once a battle is set, running it multiple times is not a problem. I am mostly worried about the time the matches take, if all of them were as short as 8 minutes or less it would be a lot simpler to run them, and also to add music
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