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Everything posted by tetryds

  1. Pretty much. The next version may have a lower limit for weight though, but I am not sure yet. That is because if your craft is too light the aerodynamic effects will be too strong, and the engines and weapons already add a considerable amount of mass. Edit: Update, you can now follow the challenge at http://challonge.com/BADT Much better than the previous scoreboard system. Also, seeing so many brackets scared me, I am thinking about going for a best out of three at least for this first round and for the losers bracket.
  2. Because even though they have more drag, they are much lighter. It's a direct trade off between speed for acceleration.
  3. Was a fun one! But I am sure they will get a lot more interesting when the winners battle each other.
  4. Weapons pack WIP (esp. textures): Next battle already recorded! Speegle MkI vs RasTech K4U Will be up in about an hour or two.
  5. Yes we have a biplane category, here is the challenge: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/130035 But the current release version of FAR has issues with biplanes, they generate too little lift and summon a b9pwing shielding bug, both are corrected on the next version. So biplane battles are on hold for now, after some mods update and I finish with the current piston monoplanes, biplanes will come back, and I will probably already have the barebones of my ww2 weapons pack ready. FAR is updating as we speak, by the way.
  6. Sorry, submissions are closed for now, you will have to wait until everything updates at the same time. That means you have more time to work on your craft
  7. Hello KHTRE, nice unique mod you got there. But your mod does not have a license yet, and you need one. Please provide one as stated in the Add-on Posting Rules asap.
  8. @Halsfury: I think that a point system like that is overly complicated. It's very hard to score such subjective aspects of an aircraft. IMO, you should have the minimal requirements, like min speed, min supercruise speed and min flight time. On the top of that you have different requirements which awards points, for example being able to supercruise with a certain set of weapons, or a certain low altitude cruise speed. Every of these would award a certain amount of points, there would be limited points but you could just add more of these as we go. This way we will be all competing for the same min standards, if we our crafts can do more we may use that to meet some other secondary requirement. The challenge would be getting your craft to go beyond the minimum requirements it was designed to, rather than gathering points on a potentially exploitable points system.
  9. Well maybe both are messing with the scale at the same time. I would not recommend using tweakscale and AJE at the same save. IIRC the small engine on AJE only shows if you use procedural parts, that may be it.
  10. Gosto dessa ilha, muito boa pra treinar pouso: ÃÂlbum
  11. @Maars: do you have reproduction steps and a specific craft file where this happens? That helps a lot.
  12. I play at full drag strict area ruling, it's less forgiving if you do it wrong, but if you do it right you get less drag area than on moderate. ...wave drag area that matters less than you think. Or not. Nevermind.
  13. @Littlerift: it's speed settings under flight settings. I have made some jets to check how they perform and got very satisfied. But yeah you need some fancy tweaking to the AI to fly it well.
  14. Sorry, cannot answer that one, I am sure you can find it yourself but if someone can't, shouldn't be using it. Yes the new engine seems awesome, they claimed that it fills the performance gap, so we may finally have something balanced. But I would still use AJE, it's coming along nicely, may be released until then.
  15. There are issues with the current release of FAR and b9pwings. The latest dev version will handle them properly and your crafts may need to be rebalanced. But don't use a dev version unless you are willing to report the bugs you find.
  16. I am using the old BDArmory where weapons unlock themselves a few degrees, the weapons are balanced to make it fair and from the battles it seems not bad at all BahamutoD is aware of this and will probably enhance the AI when he works on it. If that takes too long to happen I can just add that effect to the weapons myself so it will work like it did on 0.8
  17. Amazing news everyone! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/97285-KSP-v1-0-4-Stock-Bug-Fix-Modules-%28Release-v1-0-4c-1-22-Aug-15%29?p=2153984&viewfull=1#post2153984 Now it just needs some testing with FAR but should work
  18. @Veeltch: exactly what Littlerift said. Also, right now the AI is very bad at aiming, if I updated all the battles would end due to running out of fuel.
  19. Pwings, pparts and adj landing gear. Will use kerbal paint to fix the cockpit and intake paint.
  20. This is a fighter I made a while ago that works now since the shielding bug got fixed on the FAR dev build: Soon I will optimize it's supersonic supermaneuverability capabilities. Yes, you read it right.
  21. Discutir é permitido, por exemplo tentar adivinhar a data não tem problema, o problema é ficar perguntando ou exigir uma resposta oficial. Essa regra foi criada para prevenir que fiquem exigindo uma data, perguntar se tem noticia de quando sai não tem problema. Mas ainda acho que vale a pena aguardar sem tentar adivinhar uma data.
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