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Posts posted by Jalaris

  1. Found a bug that causes the inability to launch spacecraft with kodiak engine.

    Repro steps:
    1. Install ReStock, Restock+, Waterfall, WaterfallRestock

    2. Add Kodiak engine to any craft

    3. Hit launch

    It won't launch and will instead return to KSP. I'm not sure if the bug is with Waterfall alone but I had only the above mods installed when I noticed it.

  2. Loving what is coming with the DLC! Can't wait to buy it!

    I just really hope we get a planet texture update / atmosphere update soon!

    Those new parts and planetary objects look great! But... when you compare them to the texture for the ground they are sitting on, you can tell how old the planetary textures are.

  3. Hi everyone,

    This link shows how Lockheed Martin is "Ahead of Curve" and the company's vision for how it wants to meet NASA's goal of, at first, setting up a sustainable presence around the Moon.

    It's got some cool information about Lockheed's plan and some very cool marketing/promotional material. Figured I'd share it here for anyone who is interested!

    Lockheed Martin - Ahead of the Curve

  4. Hi everyone,

    I know Squad, while working on 1.6, must also be working on the next expansion of some sort that they can sell. There are a ton of things I want in KSP stock, but one of them would be a sort of "soon in the future" space parts pack that includes parts that emulate NASA's current plan to take humans back to the Moon and eventually on to Mars: Orion and the Deep-space Gateway. I think we have parts already analogous to the SLS, but I am not 100% positive. There are also concept crew landers that NASA is considering that could be included as well.

    Anyways, I'd love to see this in game in this "soon in the future" parts pack. There are a million other things I want in KSP as well, but I figured I'd suggest this one for now!

    See below for Lockheed Martin's concept image of all the new spacecraft required for us to begin a sustainable presence around the moon:



    I know there are likely mods that add this into the game and I am probably not interested. I like the (new) stock art style and general polish that stock parts have.

  5. 14 minutes ago, ThatGuyWithALongUsername said:

    ...And it's out! https://store.steampowered.com/app/870200/SimpleRockets_2/

    Given that this is early access, it is a fairly promising competitor to KSP! I really like the proceduralness of it. I'm tempted to buy it, but I may wait until a mobile version comes out, which is actually fairly likely.

    I can't fathom how anyone plays a game like this on mobile lol! But more power to you, I think it is definitely interesting on PC, but I can tell it was designed with mobile in mind. It's very... simple.  :cool:

  6. I agree, the current update lacks consistency. I know they are working on revamping more parts to the current standard set by these and making history parts, however, it is a slow process. Until then we have a game that isn't consistent across teh board in style and visuals. I know they are working on revamping more as I asked this specific question in the grand 1.5 thread and was replied to by a member of the art team saying they are revamping more!

    I have faith we'll get there eventually, with all of the parts revamped to fit their new style and visuals, and hopefully the planets and solar system too. But we will see.

  7. I think one of the only solutions to having a multiplayer KSP without timewarp (which isn't possible in a multiplayer game) would be to have engines similar to those in the Expanse TV show and books. Basically, they are incredibly efficient engines; google "Epstein Drives" if you are curious. Basically, you burn to increase your speed and get there fast to the "half-way" mark to your destination, then you flip and burn the other way to slow down.

    Other than that, not sure how to have a realistic multiplayer KSP without a way to timewarp. It would take too damn long to do anything; not to mention there is absolutely nothing to do while you are waiting. Hellion, the multiplayer space survival game with decently realistic physics, gets around this by having a "warp" function on ships. Although I am less a fan of this option as it is 100% un-realistic and against the KSP style. The Expanse-like way might be possible someday, and it maintains the KSP like gameplay.

  8. 6 hours ago, TyrannoFan said:

    Wow, so fairings actually look not-awful anymore. I'm actually impressed, they look lovely.

    I hope that + the RCS tank indicates some more revamps being done in the future. A lot of the parts desperately need it. Honestly the prospect of updated parts is the thing I'm most excited for at the moment lol

    So much so! I would pay for a sort of "mini dlc" that revamped ALL of the old parts to have the new style, assuming they don't update all of the parts with the Making History expansion. I'd also pay for a "mini dlc" that would add stock visual atmospheres to planets, like Stock Visual Enhancements does.

  9. 8 hours ago, Nils277 said:


    A good resource for MM patches it the ModuleManager Syntax Site. However i looked at the syntax for deleting and there are only two ways possible, the one you used, deleting the first occurance of a certain module and deleting a module by index, but without naming needed type. The seconds however is very prone to errors when the index of the ModuleResourceHarvester changes when e.g another one is added by a config that supports another mod.

    But i can change the original EPL.cfg to not add the module when Simple Construction is installed. :wink: 

    Oh sure, thanks for your help Nils277! I got it to work by just deleting both of the ModuleResourceHarvester modules, and then adding back in your code for the first one, but this seemed sloppy, so I am glad you replied!

  10. 7 hours ago, Sigma88 said:

    @Jalaris I would prefere if you didn't post about Sigma Replacements in the TR thread


    first of all it is off topic there, but more importantly there are a lot of mod devs that go around "advertising" (like they have something to gain from it) their mods on other mods threads, even if they have nothing to do with the discussion


    feel free to post about that stuff here, or open a new thread in the mod development forum :)



    My bad! I am still new to the forums/KSP modding and learning the etiquette.

  11. 11 hours ago, Poodmund said:

    Yes, it is on the horizon to drop TR/TRR support is favour or SR.

    @Poodmund I got impatient, lol, and just gave it a go myself. It was fairly easy.

    Sorry for cluttering the thread! I didn't see Pood's skyboxes mods available anywhere else, besides the Stardock link, and figured this would be where I would post about that.

  12. On 1/31/2016 at 5:11 PM, Poodmund said:

    All the Skyboxes below are licensed under the CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0 license and any source material has been worked from NASA public domain images.

    Poodmund's Deep Star Map Skybox


    Imgur Gallery

    360° VR Preview

    Skybox made using reference images from the Bright Star, Tycho-2, and UCAC3 star catalogs. This provides a very nice constant star coverage across the whole 360 degrees in the x, y and z planes. A little darker than the Milky Way skybox but probably truer to the naked eye.


    Poodmund's Calm Nebula Skybox


    Imgur Gallery

    360° VR Preview

    Toying around with creating a Nebula-like Skybox that presents the Kerbol system within a sparse Nebula. Features a subtle Galaxy star-line and patches of Pink/Blue Nebula proto-Star fields. To the polar South a very energetic solar nursery can be seen.


    Poodmund's Milky Way Skybox


    Imgur Gallery

    360° VR Preview

    I was poking around looking at KSP Default Skybox for somebody and thought... I know, I'll just chuck NASA's Milky Way photo through my image editing software to see how it looks in-game. Anyway, I realise that Rareden's Skybox is based on the same Milky Way image but I thought that I might as well post this up in here.

    @Poodmund I was wondering if you were in the process of updating any of these skyboxes, in particular the calm nebula (my favorite), to use sigma replacements: skybox instead?

  13. @Nils277 I am trying to add a compatibility patch for this mod to work better with the Simple Construction mod; the only part I could see that currently conflicts with current SC configs is the [Lynx_DrillRear] part located in the EPL.cfg file in the mod folders. It conflicts because Simple Construction does not use MetalOre, it simply uses Ore-->Metal. I like this because it is less convoluted.

    Anyways, I came up with the following patch:


    I've tested it and it doesn't work, it simply deletes the first [ModuleResourceHarvester] Module or entity, I am assuming, instead of the second one which is the MetalOre one.

    Any idea on how to get it to remove the second [ModuleResourceHarvester] using MetalOre instead of the first using Ore?

    Thanks, I just started dabbling in KSP modding because why not, and I'm not sure how to solve this issue yet.

  14. On 10/15/2017 at 12:20 PM, RealGecko said:

    Version 3.4.6 is here:

    • Updated EL to version 5.9.0

    Now really works with KSP 1.3.1. All credits go to @taniwha.

    @RealGecko I was going to ask you to remove the KPBS scrap metal container, as it isn't needed for use with your Simple Construction mod, however, I just went ahead and made the change myself. You should have a pull request from me with the change for your repo.

    This change simply removes KPBS' scrap metal container, which is intended to be used with full-on EL and has no use for SC.

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