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Everything posted by Jas0n

  1. I don't know anything about that. I think the Add-on Development subforum might be a better place to ask the question.
  2. There are two attachment nodes. The slightly higher one does that, the slightly lower one attaches normal.
  3. Upload the screenshots to imgur and link to the imgur page.
  4. Don't why this is posted twice, mods please delete one of them.
  5. You can probably test it in a new save though, right?
  6. Do you have any other mods installed? Is it just one cockpit that is affected or are all of them affected?
  7. I have been trying to complete a coast guard rescue contract but every time I revert to launch (because water landing is a pain) everything is fine for a second, then everything goes black. If I open map there's nothing there, same with space center, but I can still access buildings. I'm running KSP 1.1.3 on Windows 10. Modlist: KSP.log
  8. I have been trying to complete a coast guard rescue contract but every time I revert to launch (because water landing is a pain) everything is fine for a second, then everything goes black. If I open map there's nothing there, same with space center, but I can still access buildings. I'm running KSP 1.1.3 on Windows 10. Modlist: KSP.log
  9. A workaround I can think of is use the offset tool to make it so that the parachute is a bit behind the airbrakes.
  10. You can find your version in the readme file. And if you had mods installed and it updated the mods probably broke.
  11. My guess is that texture replacer or Ven's Revamp is the culprit because they both change textures.
  12. Can you provide a list of the mods you have installed? It's hard to guess what is causing the problem with so many mods available.
  13. also in the bottom left of the screen theres a button for switching to docking mode. It basically makes wasd translation controls.
  14. As for the tumbling out of control, make sure that you have fins to stabilize your rocket and that you're not pointing too far away from your prograde vector when you're in the atmosphere.
  15. If your AP is climbing way faster than PE it means that you're roughly at PE and burning prograde. When you are at that point, shut off your engines and coast to AP and burn prograde there to raise your PE. And if your AP is too high, burn retrograde at PE to lower AP.
  16. When you see Elon Musk's tweet about the unplanned rapid disassembly and immediately thought about KSP.
  17. When did the space center have palm trees?! I've playing long enough to remember the great forum apocalypse but I have no memory of palm trees.
  18. I'm pretty sure it was added in 1.1 when they redid all of the UI.
  19. I've seen many threads about save files not appearing. I have no idea what causes it but maybe looking at those thread can help?
  20. May the Kraken be ever in your favor. I will look forward to this very much.
  21. Do you have a screenshot of your minimus base? my guess would be that the landing gears are the problem.
  22. Are you sure the mods were installed correctly? What do you mean by Planetary Systems doesn't work?
  23. What mods do you have? and I believe Scott Manley encountered some of these glitches in his RP-0 series.
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