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Everything posted by brusura

  1. I'll try that, but every celestial object should have an orbit so it should not be null, I guess?
  2. @IgorZ would you considering allow it to works with one modifier key and mouse? Left Alt + Left Click : switch vessel Left Alt + Left Click part of selected vessel: focus on selected part Left Alt + Left Click on empty space: reset focus on selected vessel Left Alt + Right Click part: focus on selected part ( like it is now for O ) Reason for this is that you have to press two keys on keyboard and move your hand around, while with one key and your hand always on the mouse it is easier and faster
  3. Hello I got this mod I am working on, in an almost usable way, but I do not like at all to mess with discovery state of object to hide orbits and I'd like to use drawMode as suggested by @Thomas P. , those are my first steps in modding and I am still trying to figure out what is working and what not, the following code get a NRE right after the ScreenMessages prints in the console: if (MapView.MapIsEnabled && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.O) { foreach (CelestialBody Celestial in FlightGlobals.Bodies) if ((ActiveTargetID != Celestial.bodyName) && (ActualOrbitingBody != Celestial.bodyName)) { //Celestial.DiscoveryInfo.SetLevel(DiscoveryLevels.Name); ScreenMessages.print(ModName + "Celestial.orbitDriver.Renderer.drawMode = OrbitRenderer.DrawMode.OFF;"); Celestial.orbitDriver.Renderer.drawMode = OrbitRenderer.DrawMode.OFF; } } Any hint would be really appreciated. Thanks
  4. I make sure to be in mapview with MapView.MapIsEnabled and I tried with drawmode to OFF but same NRE I had some success following sarbian hints: foreach ( CelestialBody Celestial in FlightGlobals.Bodies ) { Celestial.DiscoveryInfo.SetLevel(DiscoveryLevels.None); //Celestial.orbitDriver.Renderer.drawMode = OrbitRenderer.DrawMode.OFF; ScreenMessages.print(Celestial.bodyName); } Still I would like to know what I did wrong trying to change the color Basically I need them to be transparent because I do not want to mess with anything else, I making this to reduce clutter while placing more than one manuever nodes , the idea is to show only those orbits: Orbiting Body Focused Vessel Targeted Body/Vessel Manuever Nodes
  5. Hello how do I change color of an orbit? Is it even possibile? I tried with setcolor and orbitcolor as you can see below but anytime I get a NRE when entering the foreach foreach ( CelestialBody Celestial in FlightGlobals.Bodies ) Celestial.orbitDriver.Renderer.orbitColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0); Thanks
  6. Thanks for checking, by hardcoded do you mean in the mod? Because in vanilla game without this mod the B wont engage RCS
  7. Thanks! Do you have any idea why if you press B while on EVA the kerbal engage RCS ?
  8. Dunno why, but I have a small text in the up right corner saying the numbers of kerbals on eva with this mod, also any chance to fix the rcs activation while on eva?
  9. If I know how I would, anyhow I had confimation also from MSD ( via mail ), rather than the license itself, he is ok if someone keep updating it as he is not planning to come back
  10. He is still somehow active on github , last commit for another project is dated 19 october, I have mailed him let's see
  11. Mmm...strange I have them, do you have tweakable enabled in the settings?
  12. @ObiVanDamme I am having some NRE: Every time I add the 3D Lab in the VAB/SPH : Module OseModuleWorkshop threw during OnStart: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Workshop.OseModuleWorkshop.OnStart (StartState state) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Part.ModulesOnStart () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 Also there are still some part that could fit in the 18000 litres like the vector engine, but that still do not show up in the engine categories log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4kd548FeSEpNkpMR25jSGVBd2M/view?usp=sharing
  13. Of course they do not, but different colliders may interact differently...
  14. I think yes, I installed correctly, but we are trying different wheels ...need to check witch stock
  15. Have you seen my video? It is with that mod installed, not fixed
  16. Would like an option to make orbit lines and planets dot visibile also when zooming in and not fading away after x seconds. and to be honest all sort of fade away stuff, like vessels appearing after a while, I need all info at glance and not waiting for a fading xD
  17. Sadly not fixed at all, dunno why the problem is exacerbated by the Akita wheels
  18. Oh nice! I thought this mod was only for texture , do you mean this, right? Now using built-in meshes and textures for scatter objects (better performance) Added in the last change log I see....gonna try now, thanks
  19. runway is made of segments, where those segments come in contact there is a bump , also at the end of railroad to rocket launcher, even more noticeable Dunno why it is not a single mesh
  20. I can not place anymore node after SOI transition , still figuring out steps and mods to reproduce it, the problem goes away by restarting KSP , save and load does not work
  21. I dunno what I did horrible wrong for getting spammed this as I add a part with any resource to the vab: MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'ResourceRatio..ctor'. Only when I install this mod. LOG: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4kd548FeSEpa2ZaREI0TmN4NHc/view?usp=sharing MODS: AtmosphereAutopilot-1.5.8.zip BetterBurnTime-1.5.1.zip CorrectCoL-1.4.4.zip Community_Resource_Pack- EasyBoard-v1.2.1.zip EasyVesselSwitch_v1.1.1.zip IndicatorLights-1.2.zip KAS_v0.6.0.zip Kerbal_Alarm_Clock- Kerbal_Joint_Reinforcement-v3.3.0.zip Kerbal_Reusability_Expansion-2.0.4.zip KIS_v1.3.0.zip Konstruction-1.2.zip ModuleManager.2.7.1.dll PreciseManeuver.zip Reentry_Particle_Effect-1.2a.zip SurfaceLights_v1.3.0.zip Trajectories-v1.6.5.zip VertVel131.zip So after some kerbal stuff I removed this file AddConsumers.cfg from 000_USITools folder and the spam went away, hope it wont break anything without it ( I am not using other mods from Roverdude so I guess I am on the safe side )
  22. I had this bug also in the old version for ksp 1.1 , the game would hang up while browsing the catalog
  23. spacedock seems to be still down following the ddos attack maybe, could you please add a backup download link?
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