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Everything posted by brusura

  1. Got this error when adding 3d printer to vab [OSE] - at Workshop.KIS.KISWrapper.GetInventories (.Vessel vessel) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Workshop.OseModuleWorkshop.LoadMaxVolume () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42) [OSE] - Max volume is: 0 liters (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42) Module OseModuleWorkshop threw during OnStart: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Workshop.OseModuleWorkshop.LoadFilters () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Workshop.OseModuleWorkshop.OnStart (StartState state) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Part.ModulesOnStart () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4kd548FeSEpcWtUY09LcmQydGs/view?usp=sharing mods: CRP_0.6.1.0 EasyBoard-v1.2.1 EasyVesselSwitch_v1.1.1 KAS_v0.6.0 KIS_v1.3.0 ModuleManager.2.7.1 SurfaceLights_v1.3.0 VertVel131 Workshop_1_0_8
  2. Thanks for the time and detailed answer @Snark very appreciated, anyway when I see a number that is not the reality I see it as a bug not as a missing feature, it's like saying the apoapsis is 100km while in reality is 80km, wrong number is wrong
  3. Thanks for your mod @Snark, but I found very odd that the guys at squad is letting this bug live for so long, I mean the wrong burn time calculation of course, do you have any idea from the inside what this thing get never fixed?
  4. Where can I find changelog to pre-release patches? I wonder what exactly do the new option "Rigid Attachement: off/on"
  5. Thanks! Have a key to change focus is so much faster than having to right click and click aim camera. One suggestion could you make key "o" configurable?
  6. Of course yes, something like kerbalism and toggleable like it is going to be the antenna network in 1.2 Way to go squad
  7. Gimme it to me , look like old pipe but they are not linked with a rigid joint right?
  8. Dunno about EL recyucler, but if your need is to recycle parts inside KIS container, then from right click on the 3d printing lab, there also the option to open the recycler.
  9. Understood , so no matter where kerbals are
  10. I see, anyway there is a little bug if you add more part with seat for kerbals but no shielding the estimate time for surviving with the same amount of shielding goes down http://imgur.com/a/1SwTq
  11. Uhm I see no use for the Active Shield, it weight 1.5 ton and consume 2 ec/s at intensity 1 ( 0.005 rad/h ) With the same amount of shield , my kerbals can live much longer...so what am I missing here? .-.
  12. Well for me I prefer to have the gimbal, I can live with the need to rotate the part in VAB/SPH but then someone will ask you why this part is rotated , up to you mate thanks for looking into it,
  13. I found out from a reddit comment that you can reset the FOV in game with a double click on the middle mouse button
  14. I found out from a reddit comment that you can reset the FOV in game with a double click on the middle mouse button
  15. Hello, I have a request @Papa_Joe....would it be possible to extend the gentle landing provided by this mod to all vessels in game to avoid the occasional jump and explosion on scene load? PS: a base builder here
  16. I looked some pages back, surely I have missed it...but what means the numbers and years under planets name? EDIT: ok the numbers is the total deltaV from kerbin ground to planet ground without the change plane, the years is how long does it take to come back waiting for the right phase angle?
  17. This is the craft, it's stock : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4kd548FeSEpS0VUeHNidV8xNzQ/view?usp=sharing And here is a video, it happens only with kerbals onboard: https://youtu.be/a-5uIJQ3iy0
  18. From time to time KSP crash when switching vessel using the Rendezvous target selector NRE log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4kd548FeSEpSVlSSmhvQm9uUms/view?usp=sharing
  19. Yeah, it's been a plague for everything , input are not locked , click through , key pressed.... it is not affecting only this mod, hope the new gui in 1.2 give a more robust way to handle input
  20. Hi @Snark I have this NRE I have two kerbals in seats rovering the mun, it happen when touching the ground after a jump off a cliff , here is the log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4kd548FeSEpTnRSSWtLVHVsNzA/view?usp=sharing Nothing affecting gameplay just spamming the log
  21. I figured out the problem. I'll try to explain, maybe this is standard stock mechanic wich I did not know, maybe it could be usefull for someone: My configuration is 3 reactors, 4 drills and 1 converter , all tanks are full this is important ( ore, Lf+Ox , monoprop ) While in background simulation everything is considered to work at max capacity even if the tanks are full: 3x Reactors = +90 EC/S 4x Drills = -60 EC/s 1x Conv = -30 EC/s x conversion ( ie. monoprop and Lf+Ox = -60 EC/s ) Since I left the drills on and Lf+Ox and Monoprop conversion on I was draining -30 EC/s , this was not happening with base focused because while NOT in background the simulation work as intendend if the tanks are full the drills will not mine more ore, if the monoprop is full the converter will not produce it anymore and so will cosume less EC/s ( none because in this case tanks are full ) Dunno if the background simulation could be adjust to consider this.
  22. Kerbalism is known for causing sometime the double kerbal , also it's a stock bug hope they fix it in 1.2 http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/10007
  23. Dunno I have to test it, because even if the planner say perpetual I read zero battery when I switch to base the reactors start to pump EC EDIT: From what I can see, while in background, only 2 of 3 reactors works, I still have to figure out why and wich reactor is not working
  24. Reactors from USI Core look like are not generating EC while in background , is it because they rely on stock backgorund processing and Kerbalism remove it? Should I take it up to RoverDude or you ShotgunNinja? Thanks
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