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Everything posted by Tex_NL

  1. In thrust we trust.
  2. I think you're right. Applying some Google-fu on the term "51-L debris" resulted in several images. Below are just two examples but they are without a doubt the same wreckage.
  3. If it is that easy why don't you give it a try in KSP. The numbers may be different but the physics is the same. (FYI: 2863.33 km) Your sidereal velocity on the surface is not nearly the speed you need at geostationary altitude. You're mixing sidereal velocity up with angular velocity.
  4. No it isn't. Without sideways velocity, even at geostationary altitude, you will fall down. You might be stationary relative to the ground but that does not mean you are not moving in space.
  5. Looking at the link it comes from a NASA forum. They might know the answer there.
  6. Absolutely right. The vast majority of game spin-off movies are pretty bad indeed. There are of course a few exceptions that resulted in reasonable movies. But only because the let go of the major story quickly and went their own way.
  7. Back-up your game Install the mod Test If it works you have your answer. If it does not you still have your answer. Remove the mod or revert to your back-up.
  8. (Sub)orbital high G contracts can be tricky but atmospheric contract are incredibly easy. As @hms_warrior said; go low, go fast and pull up hard. Doing that even a badass pilot like Jeb will black out in no time.
  9. Funny how unrelated things can converge. I just received a link through a tweet by Phil Plait: http://www.slate.com/blogs/bad_astronomy/2014/01/01/moon_and_andromeda_relative_size_in_the_sky.html Read the article. It's about this picture:
  10. But that would put you in orbit. Yes, it would work but would also add a whole level of difficulty. Since the OP is merely talking about landing, adding a re-entry would probably be overkill.
  11. You're preaching to the choir Wily. We've been saying things like this for over a year without even the slightest improvement.
  12. If it is a craft you build yourself it probably easiest and fastest to rebuild it from scratch. It it is a craft you downloaded ask the person who created it what mods were used.
  13. That's is not a plane. But rather an air breathing horizontal rocket. You do not launch rockets from the runway. You launch them from the launchpad.
  14. Another 1000m might as well be another 2500m. It would STILL not be enough for many. But I find it strange I can whip up a 200+ tonne plane in about 30 minutes that CAN take off before running out of runway and you can not. And no, it was NOT overpowered as it had just eight Rapiers.
  15. Indeed very useful. Until it gets added to stock there is always LightsOut. (It says 1.0.5 but works just fine in 1.2.2)
  16. That's like asking for VTOL fighter jets other that the Harrier. There are others within those specs but only a few. Too short landing gear is a poor excuse. If your gear is not tall enough you use bigger gear. And when there aren't any bigger available you MAKE them bigger. Put them on pylons, use TweakScale. Be creative and think outside the box. And if all else fails, loose the wings completely and launch vertical.
  17. That's what I said. Then there is something wrong with your craft. You can not expect to have control without gripping the medium you're travelling through. A car without tracking will slide off the road. An airplane completely without drag will fall from the sky.
  18. @Sharpy's craft has a very high TWR. A big engine on a lightweight craft. With enough thrust ANYTHING will fly.
  19. This discussion pops up at least once or twice a year. And every time it ends with the well established fact the runway is already unrealistically long. If your plane can not take off before the end of the runway it is lacking in some way or another. Usually one of the following three: Not enough lift or in the wrong place. Not enough control surfaces or in the wrong place. Incorrect landing gear placement.
  20. This. Or use a mod like HyperEdit or VesselMover to place your craft near the mountains, take-off, fly and land on the runway.
  21. And that's why this was already mentioned multiple times on the first page of this discussion two weeks ago.
  22. Just a very small selection of mods right here on the forum: Check this to find how to mod KSP.
  23. Tex_NL


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