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Everything posted by Tex_NL

  1. Please do so everybody can clearly see what you're doing right or wrong. Since for everybody the stock game is the same it SHOULD work the same for everybody. If 999 players can and 1 can not, I am sorry to say, that 1 person must be doing something wrong.
  2. Yes. But I don't want my SPH/VAB overloaded with prop engines. Just a 0.625 and a 1.25m. Powerful for their size but quickly loose power at altitude and speed. But that's a completely different discussion.
  3. And that's why I already answered that part of the question. It's called a clock!
  4. Indeed it is. Together with first orbit and first rendezvous/docking it's one of the major milestones. Once you've mastered those three you're ready to graduate to the big league.
  5. 1.766E+9 = 1.766 * 109 = 1766000000 The E+9 part simply means 10 exp 9, 109 Edit: Ninja'd
  6. @The Aziz Don't drop the lander into the surface. Leave it in orbit. Second time you'll launch to the Mun carry some extra fuel instead the lander. Rendezvous in Mun orbit, refuel and land. Even cheaper still.
  7. Whenever I have a day off but still have an appointment I simply set an alarm clock. That way I can completely ignore time but still get a warning I have to get ready. Any kind of alarm clock, even something as simple as an egg timer, would suffice. Just place it in an inconvenient location in order to make sure you'll have to physically leave your desk to shut it down. IIRC Kerbal Alarm Clock can set real world timers.
  8. Indeed. It literally says: "A short range dual purpose communications antenna that can handle either direct communications or short range relays."
  9. It's just a direct copy from the KSP wiki. A simple link would have been just as useful. http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Parts#Communication
  10. I was about to say the same before I read through your reply. It is the CoL and not CoP. In most planes the CoL and CoP are reasonably close together and the difference can usually be ignored. In rockets they can not. The vast majority of rockets consist of large parts that do induce large amounts of drag but not produce lift. The few parts that do produce lift will place the CoL marker far from the CoP and may give the wrong impression. In the VAB it's best to completely ignore the CoL marker and simply keep mass near the top and drag near the bottom. Large, wide but mostly empty fairings do not fall into that rule of thumb. Instead they just ring the Kraken's dinner bell.
  11. Rendezvous and docking is either the hardest thing or the easiest thing in KSP. Before you got it down it all seems like some kind of evil dark magic. Once the pieces fall into place you'll wonder what all the fuzz was about. Watch tutorials and practice practice practice.
  12. I'm going to quote myself when somebody asked for the PS4 Europe release date last week:
  13. Apologies for being an incredible pragmatist here but what's wrong with a regular clock? A clock on the wall, a clock next to your bed, a clock on your desk, a clock on your phone, a clock on you wrist. Seriously, I don't get it.
  14. Pretty sure everybody will agree this qualifies as a business jet. And it flies rock steady at 211m/s at 7km. Not bad for Kerbin dimensions. If the stock example can't do a similar then the engines are not to blame. Instead blame Squad for poor plane design. Edit: And if you were talking about the stock Velociteze. That thing is faster than you might expect.
  15. Apologies. I called them Wheesley by mistake but I was indeed talking about the 0.625 Juno's. Take a look at the thread link in my original post and you'll get a reasonable idea how I managed Mach 2. It weighs just over 1 ton. Click the thread link for all the stats.
  16. Wheesleys Junos are indeed weak. But I do not call them underpowered when they can do Mach 2 at sea level. Edit: Called them Wheesley instead of Juno by mistake. Error has been corrected.
  17. Not sure about the missing menu. But in 1.2.1 the missing terrain could be triggered by Alt+Tab-ing in and out of KSP during scene changes.
  18. Deleted. Threads have been merged.
  19. Since that screen is not part of the stock game some additional information might be required. That screenshot, Near Future? In the past you could usually run Nerva's safely without radiators since there were no radiators yet. But these days you will need some form of cooling. And since you say you're overheating I guess you do not have enough.
  20. Squad is aware of this hoax and working on it. Do NOT buy it!
  21. Allowing KER doesn't change a thing. All KER does is feed the player information. And since the player is not allowed to input any control the information is useless. The only useful information KER could offer are TWR and dV readouts in the VAB but those can also be calculated manually.
  22. I found the perfect option for you: https://kerbalspaceprogram.com/en/?page_id=499
  23. No it doesn't. Console KSP is crap for various reasons. Mobile KSP will be even worse. Your screen will be too smal, you do not have the required control options and not nearly the required CPU/GPU power. If you want KSP on the go, bring a laptop.
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