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Everything posted by Tex_NL

  1. Agreed. It's nice eye-candy but not for the stock game. There are more important things that need to be added or fixed.
  2. Hiding something on earth is orders of magnitude easier than hiding something in space. When a satellite around Mars fires an RCS thruster it will light up like an X-mas tree. Easily spotted from earth with a dish pointed in the right direction. (And these days there are ALWAYS dishes pointed at Mars.) If a tiny RCS puff around Mars is visible, do you REALLY think a big ass interplanetary ship leaving earth orbit stays hidden? And that's just the ship leaving orbit. Constructing a ship like that in orbit would take months and multiple launches. Absolutely impossible to hide everything.
  3. That doesn't even remotely look like a Star Destroyer. But it DOES look a lot like a CR90 Corellian Corvette. AKA Leia's blockade runner from ANH.
  4. You could not have said that any better: ' is supposed to ' But ' is supposed to ' has never been a guarantee of anything. Do not believe anything until you see it. (Or until someone else sees it.)
  5. I did a Google search on the image and it indeed identified it as something to do with Mars. But it's nothing new. I found references as old as may 2011 (2004 after some digging). And all but one of the articles found were in Russian.
  6. You might also find this thread interesting: But after the update/release drops you should ask yourself one serious question before purchasing: Do you REALLY want it? The current console KSP is an amalgamation of bugs, errors and other screw-ups, making the game unplayable for many. Before purchasing you should make darned sure this is no longer the case. The way console KSP is today you're better off not playing it.
  7. Oh wow. Are we going to this AGAIN?
  8. As @rkarmark said upgrading from 1.2.1 to 1.2.2 should be safe. There are no major differences between the two. Most mods have also made the transition to 1.2.2 and those that did not will probably work just fine. (If they didn't they would have been updated by now.) But to be sure simply make a back-up of your current game before you upgrade. KSP is DRM free so it is very easy to install the game multiple times. I would suggest making a fresh clean 1.2.2 install, re-download (to make sure you have the latest version) and install all your favourite mods and copy over your 1.2.1 career. N.B. Make sure you COPY your save files and not MOVE them. You want to keep your unmodified files until you are absolutely sure the new game works as intended.
  9. That's very close to my preferred answer: "As little as possible." But that answer would no be entirely true. Since I work for a large restaurant supplier I had to work. (But we're closed on X-mas and new years day. ) The REALLY quiet time starts next week, very little business for the next two months.
  10. Mistakes like this are VERY common these days. Especially to those native to the English language.
  11. Have you tried asking @achroma himself yet?
  12. Theoretically it could work. Practically it is way too hard to deploy and way too easy to sabotage. You will need to deploy those buoys as a string, not a web. A web will be nearly impossible from a ship unless you connect buoys to each other afterwards. From a plane a web is out of the question. Buoys are relatively easy to spot with radar. Since the buoys need to be physically be connected to each other you would only need to take out a single buoy or wire to cut large sections off the network. To maintain such a network you would need absolute dominance in that area otherwise it will eat up too much manpower. When you already have complete dominance you can use whatever method of communication you want.
  13. As far as I know it's determined by the type of craft. I do not know the exact numbers but there is a hierarchy structure. Station is near the very top, probe near the very bottom.
  14. That would depend on the size difference and distance between the two. But in theory I do not see why this would not be possible.
  15. We have been calling for "control from here" via action groups for a very long time. Unfortunately it has fallen on deaf ears. AFAIK there are no mods capable of doing this (yet).
  16. Indeed. It is either on the very top or on the very bottom. If done correctly (which is nearly impossible) it would be awesome. The best since sliced bread. If done less than perfectly it would be a total disaster.
  17. Antique Scottish claymores measured between 120 and 140 cm (47–55 in) on average. I found several websites selling Andúril (Aragorns sword) replicas. They slightly vary in length but all fall within that size range. So the size isn't at all that weird. Yes, it IS an extremely big sword but not as absurd as it looks at first glance..
  18. A man comes home. "Wife, something great has happened. I won the lottery. Pack your bags." "Summer or winter clothes?" She asks. "I don't care. Just get out."
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