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Everything posted by Rainbowtrout

  1. Welcome to the forum Psilocybin! In the UK it's cold and damp at the moment, nothing like Greece.
  2. I'm on the second half of ADwD in A Song of Ice and Fire. After that, I have Lord of the Rings lined up, and then probably waiting for The Winds of Winter.
  3. Hi Mr Feather and welcome to the Forum! You have ~2 months on KSP if you have played for 1400 hours. That's some serious dedication.
  4. I threw a marshmallow at myself and it landed in my mouth. After a minor coughing fit I managed to eat it. So inspirational.
  5. You could strip it down a bit if lag is a concern. Like others have said, attack wheels, park it, and then decouple the wheels (optional), and remove the debris in the tracking station. I used to park my planes near the astronaut complex, but you could be a bit cheaty and use hyperedit: it's only cosmetic!
  6. You can do it! When you want to smoke, just remember how good it feels to be clean.
  7. If I find something funny/amazing, I'll like it.
  8. Aside from the occasional bugs, I like Windows 10. Made KSP lag less for me. Somehow.
  9. I never make anything reliable enough to be preserved.
  10. A long skydive gone wrong. Imagine the fear. You don't have a parachute and you have about a minute or two before you hit the ground. During that time, you struggle to cope with the realisation that today your life ends. You realise that you will be missed by your family and friends. You know that there is nothing that you can do to stop your fall, but you hope. You hope for a divine intervention, a plane with an open cargo bay full of cushions to land in. But, it does not come. You see the ground approaching rapidly, you accept your fate. And that is why falling is the worst way to die.
  11. Europa Universalis IV. It has given me an (un)healthy hatred of a number of dissolved countries. I just wanted to take my rightful land back, but noooooooooooo! You have to have ridiculous discipline, allies all over Europe, and damn it Austria! Every time I need your help, you don't assist me even though I have been one of your faithful cronies for over 300 years! I'm attacking your worst enemy, and maybe you could learn how to have money so that you're not 94277493 ducats in debt! Arrgh! And breathe...
  12. It's probably my Game of The Year*, despite all of the other good releases last year. *: Not a sponsored statement.
  13. I made the mistake of buying it for the full £15. I really enjoyed making the creatures, but when I completed the creature stage I got bored and I haven't touched it in months.
  14. I'm a bit late. @KasperVld, you have been summoned.
  15. I don't/rarely use maths. My ships are fueled by willpower, blood, sweat, and tears.
  16. I love small planes, but I find them far too fiddly to build.
  17. You mean the status dots that show your online/offline status? If so, I can't seem to find them on any posts at all and I can't imagine there being a setting for them.
  18. Hiya, and welcome to the new and improved forums. Two things, the first being that you have a nice username, second being that you may have actually been the first to join the forum in it's current state.
  19. The new design will take some getting used to, but it's a step in the right direction (vBulletin looked a bit too drab for me).
  20. I have a slight dilemma. Christmas is coming, and I thought I'd treat myself to a PC upgrade. Problem is, I have only a rough idea of what parts work with what parts. At the moment I have this prebuilt PC (Running windows 10, upgraded from 8.1). It was good for what I originally intended to play (KSP, Civ 5, EUIV, etc) but trying to run newer releases (GTA V) is a bit trickier. I'm on quite a tight budget, which doesn't help. Despite that, I've found what seems to be a decent set of upgrades. Would this work with it? Any other info is welcome
  21. Miguel, you're great. It's been so much fun having you at SQUAD for the past few years, and I think even KSP's greatest critics would congratulate you on your work. It's been amazing to work with you, and you have shaped the game and the community in a positive way. Let's hope you stick around on the forum.
  22. Woo! Looks like I'm going to have a lot more work to do! And, y'know. KSP. Edit: Still think that this patch should be called 1.1 instead of 1.0.5. A smaller decimal doesn't convey the amount of content put into this update.
  23. Not a practical joke, but I remember stupid_chris talking of an initiation when I first became a mod. I avoided it; probably a good thing
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