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Everything posted by Z3R0_0NL1N3

  1. Is there any chance that you'll include the engine cluster as a plate in which to place independent Raptors? It would be nice to simulate some of the flame-outs
  2. Exactly how is one supposed to launch and land these modules? I haven't found any information from design proposals on this. SLS, I presume, but how do I mount the MMSEV inside the fairing? Where do I attach the propulsive landing kit? I mean sure I can get creative with stock parts but I was hoping there was a more true-to-life plan
  3. Honestly this sounds like a legitimate Boeing strategy
  4. Not related to that alt timeline specifically, but there is a Shuttle-C mod based on SOCK on Spacedock (no forum page) https://spacedock.info/mod/2472/Project EOC(WIP) Shuttle Block II is currently available in Cormorant, but is based around the stock MK3 fuselage.
  5. Benjee, There's a few config fixes/tweaks I would like to suggest. These have bothered me enough that I fix them on my own installs. 1. The shuttle cargo bay needs a radiator. I usually make it equivalent to the stock medium radiator. I don't know if there's a way to make it more advanced and match the state of the doors, though. 2. The ET decoupler has fuel crossfeed disabled by default. I think there's a way to set this for the part in its cfg. I've launched many times without SSME startup due to this. 3. The tags for the search function don't seem to be set correctly. Searching for "shuttle" or "STS" doesn't get me all the parts, so I have to look for them separately (offhand, mostly it's the landing gear and engines that hide). 4. I would prefer that if Restock is installed, the SSME MM patch uses its model instead rather than the stock model. This one I haven't been able to fix myself. Just my suggestions, but these seem easy to implement and significant QOL improvements.
  6. Is there any benefit to this colour scheme? It seems like it would have very poor thermal properties.
  7. Looks great! Are the landing airbags going to be possible?
  8. If you're going to split this up anyway, why not put the shuttle stuff in SOCK?
  9. But I mean besides just roleplay, does anyone actually play on science mode and get use out of the science experiment features?
  10. It should be easy enough to add, the white ET parts in reDIRECT add mass. I think it would be a great addition. As well as the different ET and SRB upgrades, there's a lot of possibilities.
  11. I tried doing this with tweakscale and whatnot, but I always had problems with it glitching out when trying to decouple a part inside another part. I think the best way to design a new part would either be a Raguda part which looks like and functions as a docking port when attached, or a hollow docking port ring that you can put a Raguda in. It would be difficult without a hollow Progress part, so it starts to look like a lot of parts. Maybe depending on how much people like the Luna return capsule would make it worth revisiting?
  12. Hey, great to see this mod back! I love having the shuttle livery variations. Do the Columbia parts come with increased mass, the way the real orbiter was? Though I think this may be a better "extras" feature. If you ever do decide to include different tiling options on the fuselage is probably the time to worry about the names. Don't they need to be flag files for Conformal Decals to work, though?
  13. This is an awesome new addition! I wonder if it would be possible to make it work with one of the visual mods that adds clouds. By the way, though, you should add the forum page link to SpaceDock
  14. Excellent work, this is definitely needed! I'm not sure how the code here works, though. Does it use MM to search for KIS inventory and replace it with the stock system, or does it need compatibility for certain mods?
  15. Really great Bealealike you've got here! Do you plan to add a bit more colour? In mockups at least, the engine mounts as well as the nose cones are in black. The real vehicles don't seem to be, but it might add a little bit more visual appeal. I looked at the roadmap and there's a lot of promising stuff in there too! I recall a rocket called the Rus-M that I thought was based on similar hardware to Angara. I'm not sure where its development plans stand today, but is it something you might consider?
  16. N1 doesn't have a thrust plate to actually put NK-33s into though right? Christmas? I think you mean Fall of the Soviet Union Eve. I am very excited about the new Energia though! I'd suggest using Cormorant for the Buran. Art-wise, it matches Tantares better while SOCK matches reDIRECT. Plus it gives you some visual distinction between the Buran and the STS. If you use the SPT extension though, the wings need to be upscaled. I made a cfg patch for it, so let me know if you're interested.
  17. Good work @wisdomsavingthrow. I didn't think there would be any major issues with 1.11, and those are small enough for me to keep my game modded. Hopefully it's an easy fix, though. Is it something a cfg edit would solve?
  18. The Dragon 2 has this code in the cfg file that allows to switch to reverse orientation: MODULE { name = ModuleCommand minimumCrew = 1 defaultControlPointDisplayName = Forward CONTROLPOINT { name = reverse displayName = Reversed orientation = 0,0,180 } } Perhaps adding that to the Starship aft might help. As far as I can tell, Mechjeb gets confused by pointing in the wrong direction, so this might fix it. But as I've said, I have problems getting Mechjeb to control this mod in general, I don't know if there's an easy way for @damonvv to sort things out. IRL all of SpaceX's stuff is computer controlled, so I think it's important to have the option here too.
  19. Amazing, I've been hoping for this for ages! The real booster looks like it has an RCS system here, also. Not sure if that's going to be implemented. It's cool to think about what it would be like for the Soviets to have built soft-landing rockets years before SpaceX
  20. I'm loving the look of the new Energia boosters. Is it safe to assume that these gaps are for the booster return system?
  21. If you're using the SuperDracos to do your orbital burns, they run out quickly because they aren't intended to be used this way. The real Dragon 2 uses those for LES only, and does burns using nose RCS. This does confuse MechJeb, though
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