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Everything posted by EchoLima

  1. I have a .625m fairing and assumed it was from SETI. I have no idea where the fairing comes from- I'll have to do some looking.
  2. For me, it's the wing connectors. I used to only make planes with delta wings, but now I'm making more varied planes with the rectangular ones. Edit A more interesting question: What parts are not useful, and why?
  3. Textures Unlimited - fixes bugs when using Dx11 Alternate Resource Panel - adds features to the resource panel, stockalike Maneuver Node Evolved KerbNet Controller Better Burn Time Trajectories All Y'All Easy Board Quick Mute Wwwwwwwww
  4. Suggestion: you could add a scaled down Remote Guidance Unit and make it a sounding rocket probe core that doesn't have torque. This would be better than the Stayputnik because it's more aerodynamic (assuming you also move the small nose cone to start).
  5. That's because all the funding is going to LOP-G and Orion. It would be far better to just focus on Mars, and develop technologies to get there. A lunar program won't help.
  6. I'm not a pilot, but I hope to get a PPL one day. I went on two discovery flights and loved them.
  7. Sorry if I'm missing something obvious, but if Apollo could do it, why can't Orion?
  8. True. It's just that there's an irony in the mission being more complex/convoluted and less directed the second time. Edit: I don't know the details of the LOP-G plan, but it seems to me to be more efficient to send multiple Apollo style mission to various sites on the moon. The costs to build a LOP-G and tug in an attempt to make lunar exploration more efficient will rise fast (multiple SLS launches required).
  9. The worst part is that NASA already sent people to the moon on a single rocket! Now somehow it takes three...
  10. They used to be smaller. The monolith near KSC used to be barely visible from the space center, for example.
  11. Commnet was a new gameplay mechanic- it's essentialy a life support limitation for probes.
  12. I'd say that collecting science is "better". I'd rather be rewarded by exploring new worlds than by placing sattelites in random orbits to fulfill contracts.
  13. My suggestion was not about adding realism, but about giving a purpose to the larger modules (ie hitchhiker) already in the game. Maybe this was the wrong thread for it. Your point does make sense though.
  14. This would fit better in KSP than life support, because it's more forgiving. Assuming free space doesn't matter on the surface (because kerbals could always go out on EVA), establishing bases or waiting on the surface for an unplanned rescue mission would be a lot less frustrating/annoying than having to deal with ever dwindling supplies. Requiring large habitats in space would still make KSP a little more realistic without the threat of kerbals dying. Edit: if you still want a form of life support you could have something like an air filter that just requires EC, as opposed to a limited resource.
  15. I'd argue that just having another massive target past Jool is enough of a reason. That way you could fly missions with efficient gravity assists, Voyager style. Most of the time in KSP is spent planning maneuvers, at least for me. Adding another planet would allow for some fun maneuvers.
  16. If we do get GP2, I'd rather it be an ice giant than a Saturn analogue, which Jool already is (without the rings). The new planet could also have interesting icy moons. That would also differentiate the kerbol system a little more compared to the solar system
  17. If Serenity was a console feature then Enhanced Edition would have already been on the list (unless it's a DLC exclusive to consoles, which I doubt) and it's not.
  18. It's not about RTGs breaking down over time. RTGs get their power from decaying atoms, and seeing as decay is inherent to the process (like how sunlight is inherent to the function of solar panels), it only makes sense for RTGs to run out of fuel over time, in my opinion.
  19. Because every other electric generating part has some downside- solar panels need to be near the sun, fuel cells need fuel, etc. Life support is different because it's a whole new game mechanic that wouldn't necessarily balance out some other feature already in the game.
  20. If anyone's interested, there's an archived version of the BTSM thread here, from 2015.
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