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Everything posted by EchoLima

  1. There were arguments about everything. Building costs, CommNet, reentry heating... In the end, I think most people are happiest being able to toggle settings to their liking.
  2. I don't think I was babbling. I only asked a simple question for clarification.
  3. I'd love to see this integrated in stock. But what if you recognize that the controls are reversed?
  4. I also get this bug, although like others I wouldn't describe it as catastrophic. The mod Re-entry Particle Effect helps a bit by providing other effects when you're zoomed out.
  5. I got KSP in early 2013 so I get the DLCs for free. I spent 23 dollars for 70 dollars (and counting) in value.
  6. Why? There are already pop-ups telling you to press F to climb or grab a ladder - would you say that that's annoying? Besides, pressing a key to pick up a rock feels more natural than clicking a menu item. I don't disagree about having a manual though.
  7. Agree. It would be especially nice if you could set up the new science experiments from this view. I don't think there should be EVA portraits in the first place though. It's off-putting to see a kerbal's face while also seeing their back. Also the display doesn't update fast enough.
  8. Better yet make it so you don't need a tutorial. When you walk next to a rock there should be text that says something like "Press X key to pick up rock".
  9. The mod Stock Visual Terrain should go along well with the new scatter objects added in Breaking Ground. It adds colliders to the old stock scatter and also improves the ground textures
  10. The early landing legs didn't have suspension. Maybe that's why.
  11. I think the panel was added in the first place for console players who can't get mods, so you should get it eventually.
  12. The current display for orbital information is too inefficient. It's annoying to have to go to the advanced information screen to see inclination and eccentricity. I'd suggest putting all that info on one screen. Here's a mockup I made (Sorry for the poor quality, I made it in Paint): . Also note how the eccentricity display is precise enough to be useful. What do you think of it?
  13. There's hard docking, and then there's hard docking.
  14. The part description suggests the experiments will be time based so there's that. How else would you propose the science experiments be changed?
  15. Over 3000. I've been playing since January 2013 and took breaks from KSP along the way, but I always return.
  16. OP addressed this. I'd like to see the brakes on by default. Real aircraft start with the parking brake on after all.
  17. Fantastic! Our suggestions are being listened to!
  18. Trajectories and Navball Docking Alignment Indicator made stock. Rover wheel sounds.
  19. My suggestion would be to upgrade with reputation, which you could get by completing worlds first contracts in the background. All the buildings should upgrade at once to the next tier so you don't have to "spend" rep.
  20. A magical launchpad shouldn't appear in any progression based game (career, science). It could be cool to have it in sandbox though, provided it could be disabled in settings.
  21. Nice work! Are you planning on making a forum post for this (if there isn't one already)?
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