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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. Not a problem! I vaguely remember posting this because of the amount of searching I had to do to find the same answer.
  2. @VoidCosmos, Forum rules dictate you include the source code for the mod. The source code zip only includes the license.
  3. Many Many Many Many games have had amazingly wonderful high def, photo realistic demos reels..... and then the product that shipped looked like a flip book playing Pong. Wait and see is the best advice anybody can offer. Until someone gets their hands on an actual copy of the game, anything else you hear is almost pure speculation. I will be getting it, and I will be loving it (most likely), but until then, I content with the current game. And we're moving this thread over to KSP2 Discussion.
  4. And off to Tech support we go! Not sure if it's modded or not though.
  5. Glad I had to approve this for posting. Made me laugh. Nice work!
  6. Well.... Don't :D. Move them to a separate folder, preferably not in the ksp folder, but if you must. But definitely do not have any thing other than unpacked/installed mods in the gamedata folder. It's pretty trivial to have multiple file explorer windows open for dragging and dropping.
  7. In my opinion, KSP is far less glitchy than it used to be. Far Far less. Yeah, it's still got some issues, but it's a far more polished and smooth game play experience than it was in the past. KSP2 isn't even out yet, so we have no idea what sort of issues they'll encounter. No major software package I can think has ever shipped without a single bug in it. This community is notorious for finding things in the game that any sane normal person would even dare to think of, let alone try. So of course there will be bugs, glitches, and exploits. The devs will then, again, rest their heads on their desks, sigh heavily, mutter something about why did they even try that, and then fix the issue. But if you want to wait for KSP3, you can do so, but given the historical release schedule, that might be around 2030.
  8. If you check the CKAN thread, or this tutorial, it will show you how to install outdated / non-compliant mods using CKAN.
  9. That's a very good point. And seeing as such, we don't think this thread needs to continue.
  10. Already have the beard. Since I'm not quarantined, essential worker and all, yet we started mandatory masks this week, I'm actually trimming it back some as it gets rather uncomfortable wearing the mask for 10 hours straight.
  11. There's probably some floating around Thingiverse.
  12. This is the first occurrence I've ever heard of this. Perhaps if you posted up some of the log files we could help diagnose the issue.
  13. As mentioned in all the other "Is KSP dead?" threads you've started, no, it's not. Which is quite telling, since those threads are many years old, and you are still asking the same question. Ipso facto, it is not dead.
  14. Moved to Tech support, Modded. Your best bet would be to post in the Appropriate Mod thread, and then provide the required info (mod list, logs, etc) as per the thread, to get the answers you seek.
  15. Very true, we had some good predictions. But as we know what 1.0 looked like, there's no more reason to predict.
  16. I shall also update the other thread too.
  17. As this is a question about a mod, thread has been moved to Add-on Discussion.
  18. Thanks! Updated. And those were some good videos he did.
  19. Moved to Gameplay Questions. It'd help if we could see the COM and COL bubbles. You say they are inside of each other, but if the COL is slightly ahead, the plane will defer to Australian rules aviation (ie flip over and fly backwards). For non high performance planes (ie non dog fighting), I like to have the COL just slightly behind, and hopefully touching the COM.
  20. Moved to Tutourials. Thanks for your contribution!
  21. I would like to remind the community we have rules against pestering the developers about updates, please respect these rules. KSP2 is in development, when they are ready to release info, they will do so.
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