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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. You can get win10 to run on some very bad potatoes. And you can still run win XP, 95, or 3.1 on state of the art machines. Aside from requiring 64 bit for later releases of the game, your OS will not have much to do with the issue. In the "How to get support" thread, which is stickied at the top of the tech support sub forum, which has also been linked many times to you, it asks for the specs of your computer. RAM, processor, HDD, etc. This is stuff we need to help you out. That's the problem with running so many mods. You add one more, and all of a sudden, it doesn't work right. And yes, it takes a very long time, and is very tedious to sort through them. If you suspect it's a mod conflict, remove half of them, and see if it works. Keep adding or removing half the remaining mods until you've narrowed it to one. Then you can decide if the mod in question is worth doing with out.
  2. Welcome aboard Muddy! I've moved your post over to gameplay questions, you might find better results there. Hope you work it out!
  3. Overlapping threads have yet again been merged. Please do not crosspost identical or similar questions in separate threads. It only leads to confusion and fractured answer/solutions. As has been mentioned to you multiple times, your mod load is the most likely cause of your issues. Try reducing the number of mods you are running, or try removing mods until you find the culprit that is causing your issue.
  4. Identical threads have been merged. Please do not post multiples of the same question. Thank you.
  5. Moved to technical support, as it seems it might be a problem on your end, @tonimark. With that in mind, please post the details asked for here:
  6. Gargamel


    Over the last few weeks I discovered the BBC podcast "13 Minutes to the Moon". The first season mainly focuses on the descent of the Eagle lander during Apollo 11. So much so, the last episode of the season is the raw "footage" of the radio communication. But of course, it covers a variety of tangential topics since a lot of things need covered to explain the details. They do a lot of great interviews with astronauts and controls alike, getting a lot of comments I haven't heard before. The do tend to rehash some topics a little bit, but the majority of the show is stuff I may have known but this is from a different perspective. Really good stuff. The second season is on Apollo 13, and is equally good, currently in production right now.
  7. Or I like to think of it, them wanting to add all these new features (LOD being one of them), and it was just easier to start over than fix the old stuff.
  8. Try following some of the suggestions in this thread, and we'll be able to help you:
  9. In the Jetsons, Spacely makes sprockets. Which implies there's a massive amount of need for chain driven mechanisms in that futuristic world. You would have thought that world wouldn't be steampunkesque underneath. I mean, I understand still needing some sprockets... but a huge major industry making solely sprockets?
  10. Some posts have been removed from the thread. Please keep your arguments about the topic at hand, and not about the person. Thanks!
  11. As deddly said, Invision, there is a link at the very bottom of (almost) every page to it.
  12. Without any pics, craft files, or logs, it's really hard to help you out here. Even a video of the build and the launch would help.
  13. That's ok. We were all new once. Please check my first post, I have made some edits to it.
  14. Moved to add-on releases. @DAXIN, all mods released on the forums must include a license on the forum post and in the download itself. We also require a link to any uncompiled source code you might have. Till then, the download links have been removed. Also, you need to confirm if the original mod's license allows for this type of redistribution.
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