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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. As @DoctorDavinci said, you can find old versions of mods using that method. A similar method works for Spacedock and Curse too:
  2. An additional way to save a bit of fuel is to aerobrake through the atmosphere of Duna. I haven't done this in a log time, so the specifics escape me at the moment.
  3. If this is accounting for the speed of rotation, it should also be accounting for solar orbital velocity too, unless of course the SOI physics is negating that. So as you rotate around the planet, the planet is also moving 'laterally' in space, so your path of travel might look something like an E. Or perhaps a C.
  4. I don't know where chrome keeps it's bookmarks for each user, but this sounds like a good place, I would back those up first.....
  5. I never use it because I don't trust it. No reason not to just deploy them manually. But you are probably better off asking in the MJ thread.
  6. Atleastyourspacebarisworking....thisisgettingridiculous. Nope seems to be working here. Did you try Alt-F12 and clear your input locks? Reboot doesn't help?
  7. If you are trying to delete the stock craft that come with the game, that may not be possible without deleting the originals from outside of the save? If we are talking about the stock craft, there is an option in the settings to not show the stock craft at all.
  8. My first guess, probably wrong, is that you do not have full permissions for that folder. Try running KSP.exe as an administrator if you are not already.
  9. Making it bigger in the VAB, and aerodynamically stable.... two greatly different things..... Don't think I've ever seen the airliner wings used as tail fins, but I may shortly.
  10. This, and with the addition of the smart parts mod, it automatically decouples at 50km, using an action group. But if you're not using a docking port, then a simple decoupler in the staging stack should make this very easy. I think the reason the LES does not have it's own decoupler is that it would be confusing to new users of it, if it added both and engine icon and a decouple icon to the same stage node. It would be very easy to mess up the staging of this. That and they wanted to make a simple part.
  11. There are a few mods that can control data being sent over the USB port, initially aimed at the arduino, but others have expanded (KPRC) have expanded this way beyond that. It "should be trivial" to set set this up.
  12. But the problem with this method is that a lot of mods that are that old, have undergone complete reworks, and the earliest versions may be lost.
  13. If it worked then, it should work now. You can probably still find some old mods for it. But that was a paid release, so as mentioned elsewhere, please don't link to a download of it.
  14. So I had a few adult beverages with dinner tonight, and for some reason I started counting the OSHA violations in the VAB. OMG that tanker driver needs brought up on charges!
  15. Back to the OP... PUT AWAY THOSE BOMBS @Kerbaloid!.... The point of this particular rover is that it is 100% mechanical. There is nothing to fry, as long as the materials it is made from can take the heat. The temps at venus's surface are well within the operating range of titanium and it's alloys, which does double duty for mass and strength. So yeah, there can be a rover, that survives for a long while, on Venus. But I'm not sure how they would download instructions..... It would only go in whatever direction it was originally programmed to, straight line or circles, and that's about it. But beyond that, yeah, it's pointless.
  16. The OP hasn't been on in 3 months, and there are multiple posts, on this page, about which version this mod works for. Until the modder returns, or somebody else (you perhaps?) takes up the reins:
  17. What do you want to do? That's the question you should be asking, not what mods do I want, but what style of game do I want to play? Once you have figured that out, then you can figure out what mods you want. But as a newer player, there is also the option to just throw everything at the wall and see what sticks for you.
  18. In the short term, until a fix is found, can't you just un-EVA'ing (How is that not in the dictionary?) the kerbal before recovering? Might involve adding ladders to ships that wouldn't normally need them, but if they can climb back in and be recovered, should be a playable work around.
  19. 1) Don't use the launcher. Launch the game directly from the KSP.exe. 2) How long are you waiting? For me, sometimes that blank screen will last 5-10 minutes before the loading splash screens catch up to where it should be. I also have 10-20 minute load times, depending on the mood of my machine. And very cool logo there, btw. I like.
  20. One rather dumb looking plane I made used all heavies to land, but when I wanted to taxi back to the hangar, It lraised the front gear until it rested on a set of mediums, which would steer. So I had a medium set way out on the tip of the nose, and a heavy set a bit behind it.
  21. I think I've read in other threads here that there are options in the NVIDIA software to change this. Might be wrong about that. Glad it worked.
  22. Well, looking at that design, Intuition tells me those nacelles should wobble more than a drunken cow on harvest night. Before we had autostruts, we had these things called struts. I'd strut the tail end of each of those nacelles back to the main ship. But try autostruts first, if you're not using them. If you are using them, stop using them and use regular struts. Ignore the knowledgeable naysayers above, and love the autostrut.
  23. Apparently, it's NVIDIA something or other that hijacks the alt-Fn commands. Try Ctrl-Alt-F12.
  24. What is with everybody wanting to bomb Venus? When I said carpet bomb Venus, it was a figure of speech! I meant through out a whole bunch of little landers that will gather data, and melt shortly after. Not actually bomb the place! What is with you guys?
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