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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. Do you have temperature data for each location? I would think different atmospheric conditions in each location might account for some of the discrepancies in times. (I have no idea of it Would be significant, that was just my first thought when seeing your time numbers)
  2. Yeah, some guy who had a number of horses. But I do remember that post. I look forward to seeing the wacky creations we’ll get with KSP2. Please. This.
  3. That’s a whole lot of assumptions in that statement….
  4. Happy holidays to all.
  5. Oh, it might not be Olympic sized, but maybe it’s American High school sized, which would 25 yards. So that confirmed delay is only to 2030.5.
  6. Nope, it’s simply letting us know something needs attention.
  7. Moved to the Forum Games sub. Be advised, even if the rules of the game say something, they cannot break the Forum Guidelines. Mild profanity is not allowed. OP has been edited to reflect this.
  8. Yeah, seems appropriate, moved to the lounge. Next time just report it @sevenperforce
  9. Obviously I said that in jest. Our demographic, just from my personal observation, seems to be skewed much older than the average game forum.
  10. https://apnews.com/article/4f5f91727873df72be12c0ef0a31c2fb Insight falls silent.
  11. Close enough. Newer forums members probably aren’t aware that the forums have undergone a few engine changes since its inception. In migrating from one forum database to another, some threads lost their date information. Instead of letting the forum crash or displaying weird junky data (NULL?), the new engine assigns Bad date data a value of -1, which in UNIX time corresponds to one second before midnight on December 31, 1969. As clearly nobody that currently uses the internet could be alive that long ago, it’s just an indicator that some data was lost.
  12. Moved to a more appropriate sub forum, the lounge. Spoilers have been added. Please, add spoilers to anything discussing recently released movies, books, etc. it’s the polite thing to do.
  13. On mobile. howsbthiswork?! Hmmmmm…. WHOA! Ok ok ok ok… zero’d out relative to the background. Full thrust!!! Look at me go! I think I’m slaloming between planets! oh Boink! Hey I bounced!
  14. Ok, I see we’ve hopefully gotten global power production out of our systems. It’s an easy tangent to make, but let’s keep this thread for the discussion of fusion specifically. Thanks.
  15. Guys, we have multiple threads for discussing the engines. Do we really need another? Keep this one for hype please.
  16. Apparently you are not familiar with the thread. We have a very wide definition of “Orion” in this thread. it’s perfectly fine here. Anything with a pusher plate counts as Orion.
  17. That would be.... fan canon. The forums have a search feature that will bring up many posts saying such. See, I like that one too, and that doesn't clash to hard with what I said. The devs did specifically say for KSP there was no official canon aside from what could be found in game.
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