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  1. I worry that it won't be as useful a tool as you hope if you don't have that much of a handle on its capabilities and how it works...
  2. I see. From my perspective, what happened was: First, I decide to install a new version of KSP-Recall- considering I've been using an 0.2.x.x version for a while and I noticed there are new ones. Second, I start the game and it starts throwing this error; which it hadn't been doing on the earlier version at all. Third, I figure "well, it says it's not finding the .dll in the right folder, so I should move it up!" Fourth, I ask for help- figuring a response won't come for a while. Fifth, I discover that it won't work no matter how I place the .dlls. Do you have any advice for figuring out the functionality of ALR? Do I need to reinstall .NET or something? Thank you for the advice, either way!
  3. Fascinating. I'm not entirely sure why KSP-Recall would throw an error when its .dlls are in the folder that they were in when I downloaded it, but noted- so ripping the KSP-Recall folder out isn't enough to uninstall it?
  4. Is there a reason why installing KSP-Recall out of the box throws a "KSP-Recall is in the wrong folder, it should be in \999_KSP-Recall\ rather than \999_KSP-Recall\Plugins\" error? Should I move all the DLLS a folder up, or just the main one? EDIT: Same error is thrown whether all .dlls are in the \Plugins\ folder, whether the main dll is a folder up, or all dlls are a folder up. Okay, I'm gonna uninstall KSP-Recall and hope I don't have anything that depends on it.
  5. try whirligig world, it's not a higher scale but it's got unique difficulties that make it more fun to use larger rockets
  6. Confession: I love using the soft-deprecated SRBs. I know it doesn't make sense, but I like having the pair of the more efficient stock SRBs and the more powerful deprecated ones....
  7. I've seen your other art, and loved it- this, too, is fantastic. Nicely done- you've gotten me to consider playing KSP again...
  8. Well, I'd point out that a lot of PJ2 is extremely high quality for KSP planetmods. While there are some things I'd consider weak points, many of PJ2's planets have consideration and scenery work put into practically every landform. Of the other mods I mentioned, I'd say that Whirligig World has the highest quality currently- WWPJ has a similar variable quality to PJ2 (and several of the people who worked on both improved greatly in the process of building the two!), and EoE is still being worked on in the visuals department.
  9. Togetherness is, from left to right: Sudric, by Luna; Mesbin, by Luna; Aldrin, by Wolf; Avalon, by Tholin and Techo; Desken, by Electricpants; Kerbmun, by Luna; Selenia, by Triston; Carrier, by Techo; (Tylo, by Squad; Eve, by Squad); Asite Par, by Wolf; (Duna, by Squad); Alternis Kerbin, by Luna; (Kerbin, by Squad); Sidoh, by The Orios; (Laythe, by Squad); Alternis Laythe, by Luna; Vash and Artillerie, by Marshall/Myth; Haven, by Sabine; Eurydice, by SnailsAttack; Echo, by Luna; Sani and Ori, by Cloverdove; Limnus, by Wolf; and Ocan, by Caps Lock. Many of these are unreleased. Apologies if anything here is inaccurate. If you want a change of pace from Planet Jam 2, I'd certainly suggest the released mods showcased in that image- Whirligig World (Mesbin and Kerbmun; including an interesting infastructure-focused system and the interplay of remarkably low orbit delta-v cost with the deep gravity well of Mesbin), Edge of Eternity (thick-atmosphere cold Haven and a vibrant system of deep-time oddities), or Week World Planet Jam (low delta-v to orbit, but the homeworld has no moons so all your destinations are interplanetary).
  10. Most recent Github update has increased Ollo's mass 10x, taking it to 17 Earth masses. I think it was intended as a small gas giant, but someone missed a zero.
  11. I've been using ballutes, which frankly are a little OP for Armstrong. My "Duck Season" lander uses a ballute to slow down a heatshielded fairing-pod, which deploys to reveal an encased 3-kerbal pod with a buncha parachutes and separatrons to kill the final few dozen m/s of speed.
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