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Everything posted by Virtualgenius

  1. Any chance some of you really clever people can put together a working patch for hyomoto / wari screens please, Wari's version had a really cool KSP logo that appeared on the MFD screens
  2. I am sorry if this has been asked before is it possible to adjust the default force roll height
  3. Really destructible buildings WHY ? surely the time could have been better spent on fixing other aspects of the game or adding other features
  4. Really love the new release, I dont like the the dependency on FAR or Near tried using both just dont do well with it installed. I take it I can use it with out if I dont ask for support, what was the reasoning for abandoning the stock aerodynamics as I am sure I am not the only one that has never used or wanted to use either of the dependencies as they just dont interest me. Please dont take offfense as you have my highest respect for the amount of work put into this, i have just returned from 2 months OS with work and didnt really want to read 100 pages so i apologize if its already been covered. VG
  5. Any chance the author can roll all the working configs into a single download please
  6. Congrats Sir Cmpwn Majiir Feram and Rich, thanks for all your hard work, persistence and skill, I started supporting it from the day i found out about it and its great to see the finished product. I guess I can change my signature now
  7. I apologise if this has been asked before but I have been away with work for the last 5 weeks and dont really want to read 30 pages but why isnt the stock drag model supported i dont use far or near does this mean i cant use this mod because of those plugins
  8. I would like to see them spend more effort on memory optimisation as the 64bit version isnt there yet and move of dx9c and use opengl or later version of directx
  9. Would you consider uploading to kerbalstuff and help support the community mod repository
  10. The Tesla is a nice concept i just dont like the wheels they are to flimsy they need to be beefed up so they dont break as soon as you look sideways at them
  11. The DEMV's are the best rovers ever created in the game they provide so much functionality, the ANT is so good I prefer it over the Tesla why because the Tesla is to flimsy slightest bump you lose a wheel, secondly there is a dedicated way to deploy the ANT it has a garage module. If the Tesla was beefed up and had some way of deploying it I would use it. MK1 /2 Demv allow you to carry more Kerbals and go further due to the rtg power plant, there is nothing in the game that can replace them currently thats why they are so popular they intergrate so well with Home system for colonisation its a must have for me and many others
  12. Hi Bahumotod awesome fold out engines would you consider doing some alternative textures like white same colour as the alcor pod as they are perfect for it
  13. I would use Kerbalstuff its much nicer, and you can notify when the mod updates so everyone who is following it can update it
  14. Yep same here must be MM patch not working I can see one for it but its not working
  15. I have something very weird happening when FASA is installed the ability to do science and eva reports goes missing from the pods, removing FASA it comes back I have never ever had problems with FASA before its always been perfect is anyone else experiencing this has to be a conflict with something have no idea what
  16. Are you supposed to be able to do science in contract mode as I get no option to do so or any eva reports any help would be appreciated 32bit on windows 8.1
  17. Getting invisible parachutes on the bobcat soviet pack and also on the home pack deleted your MM config and it comes back
  18. Its Ok CommanderJohnKoenig I beat you by 3 years and i loved Space 1999 when it came out
  19. I moved my steam directory to C:\Games\Steam and it has cut down on a lot of random crashes so well worth doing
  20. Thanks for the reply I understand now but am a little confused why you went away from the all in one pack
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