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Everything posted by Virtualgenius

  1. @Kerbart thanks for the reply and that is a great diagnosis
  2. Does anyone know what mod these landing legs are from on the main payload container ?
  3. Awesome thanks for the reply I am in Canberra as well
  4. This mod is awesome been using it for lots of stuff will you be doing Duna Engines for it
  5. @Rodger the new version of scansat which is due for release anytime I think has much nicer and smaller models so building one in may not be required. I am playing around with the new version and the BTDT scanner is awesome and has two varieties all look good I can post a pic if your interested in looking at the variants That rover looks great going to build one of those A pic of the new BTDT on a Rover inspired by @flamerboy67664 This is from ScanSat Development Build its not a main release yet
  6. @Rodger A duna option would be awesome this also makes a very good platform for the new scansat instruments also i was wondering are the flight controls backwards
  7. Hi i would like to start making some simple mods for personal use but am not real sure on where to start, I am mature age and have plenty of time I learn very slowly so I am looking for someone who wouldnt mind being a Tutor and teaching me the in's and out's of the whole process. Please PM if your interested Regards, VG
  8. You could use Taniwha's import .mu addon for blender to pull the file in which will allow you to make changes
  9. I wonder if he will release it the same days as the launch
  10. Agreed split it out into its own thread new parts new thread
  11. Same experience i am getting be nice to update it
  12. If i wanted the antenna lights on all the time what would i have to change to make this happem Thanks, VG
  13. I have been making some cool little Lander's to do science and exploration on planets really enjoying the smaller parts
  14. @Lisias you nailed it mate no warnings awesome work well done
  15. I am running the companion NF and dont have a problem apart from the one issue I flagged which is something at your end. Lisias if you need help testing the patches many of us tweakscale users would be more than happy to assist and take some load of you, having tweakscale is better than not having it
  16. Mechjeb closely followed by BoBcats Demv and HOME mod
  17. @HenryJ did you create those two folders in that directory and transfered the texture files to GalaxyTex
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