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Everything posted by Virtualgenius

  1. @Sobolis it possible to have an option to auto extend and you can select between auto and manual some engines have this already
  2. I know I was hoping to cut down the mod list by only having the NF mods
  3. Sorry to hear your out of work the world is upside down at the moment and everyone is doing it hard, but your efforts on the mod are greatly appreciated and look spectacular. I noticed on the second stage the animation doesnt work on the engine automatically is this intentional or something is borked
  4. @Lisias i understand your very busy but is this warning something i should be concerned with [WRN 18:21:54.603] 1 warning related to GameData/TweakScaleCompanion/NFS/patches/000_CleanUp.cfg
  5. Wheels are disappearing into the surface for me and dont move
  6. ok well any chance on some small seperation SRB's so i dont have to use squad or KW and only have your stuff
  7. @Nertea i was wondering whether you would consider making a part like this to go into the NFLV Mod to help with seperation
  8. I do use the soyuz as it was an easy fix and its the best looking one and space x I was using but the KKK mod is getting a dragon 2 so will most likely use it
  9. Loving the new stuff used two of the small Rutherford engines on this super economical lander
  10. I installed AVP and am very happy with the results some initial teething issues but I think I have them ironed out what do you think
  11. I dont have any stars or galaxies is there something I need to download or configure to get them Fixed Adjusting the slider in Distant Object enhancement solved the issue Adjusting the Vacuum ambient light in planet shine made the space craft more visible
  12. I love restock and restock plus and thanks for the update, any chance we would see a docking port with a parachute in the future
  13. The original eve had a folder called boulder co in it that held the clouds and city lights config i believe, I think you maybe able to find a download within this topics pages but i would be wary using it maybe someone with infinetely more experience maybe able to comment
  14. Use Janitors closet you can hide the parts you dont use or prune them completely without screwing up the rest of the mod and LGG is a gun at updating his stuff it also filters on mod its very very good if you have a lot
  15. That looks awesome cant wait from your previous statement I see retexturing in your future perhaps for falcon 9
  16. Looking really forward to the new release its very good @DMagic would it be possible to have the mechjeb landing icon back in the zoom map please https://imgur.com/a/HvaOe#nE0BlA8
  17. If you modify this line and replace Mark1-2 Pod you can have it say Mark1-3 Pod storedStrings = v|27.10.2017| Mark 1-2 Pod |MULTI-PURPOSE|CREW VEHICLE|SQD002002-A1|MK1-2| SQUAD & A.S.E.T.
  18. @linuxgurugamer is there any news from DennyTX on the progress of the fix for 1.9 .x
  19. Which log do i troll through to figure out whats generating a warning in MM I would like to correct it or delete it is it ksp.log or something else Thanks in advance
  20. I was definitely using your guide and for the life of me cannot find the aero shell that covers the capsule it took me a while to figure out the side fairings where procedural. I have figured it out you have to right click on the LAS and select shroud from the variant menu so how stupid do i feel Thanks for the reply got there in the end
  21. Having some issues putting this stuff together it would really benefit from some basic craft files I cant seem to find the aero shell for the Orion
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