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Everything posted by Virtualgenius

  1. Is there any chance Restock Plus could provide a docking port with an inbuilt parachute similar to the SDHI one I think would be a great addition totally loving the restock / restockplus parts
  2. @enabran I was wondering if you wouldnt mind sharing the updated configs you have done for RPM patches Please or submit a request to the OP for them to be included in the the current version. Thanks, VG
  3. Ok thanks I thought i was going mental because i was trying to rebuild this lander and couldnt find its main tank
  4. @Sobol your mod is quite popular and with the recent new changes in KSP any chance we could get an update for 1.9.1 PLEASE
  5. Hi Guys/Gals how many 3.75 mono propellant tanks are we supposed to be able to see under Near future space craft mod, I only see 1 with the folding doors, and if some else could confirm what they actually see that would be awesome playing on 1.9.1 clean install no other mod except its dependencies and in sandbox mode in the actual parts folder we are supposed to see 3 unless @Nertea has depreciated them.
  6. Hi i was wondering if there are updated tweakscale configs or if anyone has configs for the near future mods as some are quite old and the parts have changed, and there are some new ones looking for spacecraft solar and exploration thanks again for keeping this alive
  7. I think I have all of the near-future stuff installed as well most of his other stuff it makes for a great game and suits what i do so I say thankyou for everything that you do for us
  8. The new stuff is awesome its so good one thing I noticed no mechjeb landing integration as yet I guess your still doing stuff.
  9. Hi @RoverDude any chance we could get an updated firespitter.dll for 1.9.1 pretty please
  10. I vote for rutherford that would have a lot of other applications for things as well
  11. Any change a moderator could ask @TriggerAu if he will be updating this
  12. Yep they are I deleted the 5m one and just use the 2 slice one now works awesome
  13. @poodmund thank you so much I think it would be a great bonus if they can be added to the pack full time I think people would get great usage from them as they are the best fairings in the game in my opinion
  14. @Zorglooking at the footage of the plume its opaque with a hint of orange they ran like 8:1 mix HTP to Kerosene if i get the plume right and peeps are happy is it ok to get it added to the pack or add it to the cre pack
  15. @Nertea was wondering if you would consider making wings for this mod stock sucks as in butt ugly and choices are limited or patched together and not a fan of procedural
  16. @Foxxonius Augustus that was fine no issues here, I picked the hypergolic as it was the closest i got get to almost clear the next closest one was alcolox still trying to master the real plume configs the black arrow ran a really high concentration of htp to kerosene. I might try alcolox see what it looks like
  17. I created a real plume for the liquid stages and resized a KW Fairing from simple adjustable fairings for looks what do you think
  18. @poodmund how do you get the numbers for the walls to line up with the cone
  19. Looks good any intentions to create the original orange fairings that are not procedural
  20. Hi I was wondering if you would consider creating fairings and bases like the KW ones as I am not fan of procedural ones they just dont look right or the work to create them is prohibitive you could create a separate fairing pack to be used by all Regards, VG
  21. @Jimbodiah was wondering if you had some updated craft files I keep getting parts missing on some of the ones I downloaded
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