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Everything posted by Virtualgenius

  1. @Lisias I just wanted to notify you your download still has an old module manager file in it that should be updated unless this is intentional Regards, VG
  2. I am really enjoying these new parts and ScanSat in general so I thought I would show you what i made with the parts doing a triple launch
  3. @VITASExperiencing some Spacedock performance issues very slow to load and and often wont load the page
  4. All good things come to those who wait @Nertea stuff is definitely worth the wait its a top notch mod and I thank him for his time and patience and skill, and on that note i will add a picture for a ScanSat triple launch using some of the new parts from the Dev Releases of ScanSat and Near Future exploration and other Near Future Mods oh and some squad bits. @Nertea I am really starting to use your near Future Launch vehicles mod and I was wondering if you would include some small compact SRB's for separating the stages both forward and backward and radially the stock sepratrons are really ordinary and was hoping you might make some that are functional and look good
  5. I am sure many would love to test a beta for you if you wanted to release a test version while you streamline the prod version
  6. @bcink revamped MAV parts would be very much appreciated
  7. Landing Legs, Landing Legs, Landing Legs, they should be modern functional and all sizes there is a distinct lack of them both in game and mods
  8. The stock landing legs are definitely outdated in style ,artwork and functionality would be nice to see a full range of modern looking landing legs, I am always on the lookout for decent LL the AIES Mod had some of the best landing legs available as well as the aset landing legs would be nice to see the next version point release of KSP have a decent series of landing legs didnt really need a drain plug but landing legs that would be a beneficial addition.
  9. @ZorgI have been following this thread intensely and have a few questions. I have setup a seperate install for this (1.9.1) with most of the visual mods but some of them havent been updated yet Scatterer just updated but Kopernicus hasnt and EVE is still on a non official update, Koernicus throws an error is there a way around it or a development beta we can use any help would be appreciated or do you just install JNSQ and get the lot anyway. Regards, VG
  10. this is a really good mod and use it frequently for alignment
  11. @Shadowmage this looks totally awesome what great scenery shots cant wait for everything else to catch up with it Scatterer and Eve
  12. @linuxgurugamerit does work but you have to take very special care on how you install the wheels the little red arrows on each wheel have to point up sorry to have bugged you user error
  13. You could do a stacked double parachute drogues and main SDHI did it but it would require realchute its actually really nice and looks really cool @stupid_chris did such a fantastic job with realchute doesnt make sense not to use it
  14. @linuxgurugamer thanks for maintaining this and was wondering if you could compile a new DLL when you have enough time to do it with all your other mods
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