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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. And since sImple comes before sMurff - but I want them to run the other way around. Which is why I asked for clarification on the “only one directive” part. I could check whether I can rename Smurff easily.
  2. Is Windows giving any error messages about security? Friend of mine has a similar problem in another game using Windows Home.
  3. Do you happen to know whether everyone has to leave the vessel for that to work?
  4. From https://github.com/sarbian/ModuleManager/wiki/Patch-Ordering "You can control how module manager applies patches through these five directives, that are applied at the top-level node. Only ONE of these directives can be applied to a specific top-level patch." So I cannot do ...:FOR[abc]:AFTER[xyz] ? Specifically I want SMURFF (which uses :FOR[zzz_SMURFF] ) to run before SimpleFuelSwitch (which uses :FOR[SimpleFuelSwitch] ). To avoid the alphabetical order I wanted to add :AFTER[SMURFF] to SimpleFuelSwitch (because that would be only two lines to change). As far as I can see SMURFF does not recognize SimpleFuelSwitch, that is why I want them to run in that order.
  5. @Jimbodiah Do you only adjust thrust and ISP - or also change the mass of parts, thereby changing the drymass of tanks like SMURFF?
  6. I remember that ELP (at least I think it was from that mod) had a big funnel-like thingy you could fly scrap parts and vessels into that would dismantle it completely into construction resources. Is there something similar in SimpleConstruction? Or how would I go about putting it in?
  7. Stay in the light then? I only ever return to this thread to see if something interesting came up. So far this is rarely the case.
  8. It still does what it’s supposed to do. Didn’t have time to take apart the config files yet, so can’t tell whether they still cover everything or some exceptions have to be added for newer parts, but my crafts from 1.7.3 still launch in my 10x bigger stock system.
  9. The problem I see here: every experiment can be used in every lab ever built (once, but in every lab you build) - so, for which lab should this alert trigger? The one around Kerbin, the one on Minmus, the one on the ship flying to Jool ... ?
  10. Does that mean I have my refueling lines in stock already?
  11. [snip] I also still don’t understand the last item in the change log. What was the issue?
  12. Sorry, but ... what? Fix Resource App resource totals UI display for EVA kerbals carrying multiple resources including EVA propellant total on every resource.
  13. Last suggestion: live with it and assume that there is a realistic amount of thin atmosphere up there that will eventually deorbit stuff over a bit ingame time? And then delete them?
  14. As long as you launch the cleanup ship into a similar orbit s the debris cloud the relative speed and potential impact force will not be that high. Thanks to the new Kerbal construction mode in space you don’t even have to bring x amount of claws, just get close and rendezvous - maybe claw to limit drift - and take the debris apart to build some weird ball of trash trailing behind your cleaner. But it with several gimbling engines attached laterally to retain as much maneuverability as possible as the ball grows, deorbit a chunk if it becomes too unwieldy. Any fuel you encounter extends your mission time! And since it’s just orbital you can do very fuel efficient. Also: activate windows’ gaming center to have the option to save the last minute of gameplay - would have liked to see that collision...
  15. The oversized landercan needs a rework to seat at least three Kerbals, at least in its big variation.
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