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Everything posted by Sirrobert

  1. Nope, aerodynamics hasn't changed yet. Unless you install mods for it offcourse. FAR is good for that
  2. What messages? The 3x physics warp message? Why do you need it, if you already know off the warning?
  3. *puts on sunglasses* Sir please look very close at this little light
  4. I'm pritty sure the game also have to do collision detecting between parts of the same ship. Just saying, unless you use the welder mod they are still individual parts
  5. It doesn't matter how many CPU cores you allocate to KSP, it can only use 1 core for physics calculation. So even though only a small part of your CPU is actually working, that small part has to do everything alone, and it can't do it fast enough RAM doesn't make you lag. If you go over the limit, KSP will simply crash
  6. It's not the RAM that's giving you problems. It's the fact that your CPU can only use 1 core for the physics calculations. THAT'S the bottleneck. Also a 32bit problem IIRC
  7. What, like this http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/TVR-400L_Stack_Quad-Adapter ?
  8. Damn, it's amazing how people fail to realize the differenece between good DLC and bad DLC. A good DLC is not a money grab, it's an EXPANTION Train simulator are basicly just reskins. I'm talking about proper expantions. Like Dawnguard for Skyrim. And example of DLC for KSP would be another solar system, and a way to get there
  9. Nope, there is no such thing in the game
  10. That is the kind of example I was looking for. I can't believe I didn't even think of that Amen, I'm in favor
  11. That falls under the scope of something I would never even concider, which is why I asked
  12. That sounds more like a mod than a core game feature to me. Though who knows, maybe after KSP is finished they could release some tools to make modding easier. That would directly result in the fulfillment of your request
  13. PROPERLY DONE DLC is just a new name for expantions. Do you hate expantions of games? To each their own I guess Expantions are way for the devloper to earn money after release, and to allow additional content that might not suit everyone. An example of good DLC is Skyrim. It's DLCs are major additions to the game, devloped long after the game released. Basicly you buy a little extra game for a little bit more money.
  14. I agree with this statement. I want a net next to my claw In all seriousness though. Very interesting video
  15. You can build your own planes, I don't see what the suggestion is here
  16. Is that often needed? I never even concidered going far away from my landingspot
  17. Also I'd guess it's more expencive/dificult to prevent debris, rather than simply not care about it. I gues you could compare it to the start of the industrial revolution. We poluted (relativly) more back than, because we didn't concider it a problem. "Meh, what's a few trees going to matter on this gigantic rainforrest"
  18. On the other hand, we could probably do alot of Gravity assists along the way. So another question. How long would it take to go there, if you had enough deltaV to cancel out orbital velocity?
  19. Eehm. Noone's talking about nerfing probes. Giving them acces to surface samples would be a buf. NOT giving them acces to surface samples would not change anything
  20. Interesting. My first thought was 'well than why don't we throw a robot in, and if we get a signal back from somewhere, it's a wormhole?' Fortunatly, it didn't take me long to realize the obvious flaws in that logic What's the sun's orbital velocity?
  21. People thinking about the exploitability of reusable crafts need to remember that the only kind of craft that can actually BE reused like that are SSTOs So it's only available for ferrying crew to places you have already been. If you want to actually put things into orbit, you will need to do it via the VAB or SPH. That said though, I'm in favor of the part pool. Stuf you recover goes back into the pool, and are free to use for your next craft (minus fresh fuel costs I gues)
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