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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Well we definitely wouldn't have the issue where things jump into the air anymore...
  2. Then your rover has a decoupler on it forever. I figured out a way, once, to double-decoupler things and get them attached without mods, but don't have the ability to play right now to see if I can re-figure it out. I did it though to my otherwise nonworking asteroid glider 3.0 with the wings. They were attached with radial decouplers on both the wing and ship, that when all was done were a separate craft apart from the ship and the wing.
  3. None lore. Many Easter Eggs. Let modders add lore (a la the awesome Anomaly Surveyor pack for Contract Configurator) so you can add it, play it, then remove it and continue on your way.
  4. It should be like our wind simplified, mildly varied/unpredictable not only moment to moment and minute to minute, but day to day. The general direction should be known but it can vary say from 0-200% at any given time, smoothly (no 0% one second, 200% the next, though over 5 seconds it could vary that much. Just throwing out numbers). The general direction and amount should very slowly change on an hour scale and that should be predictable out several days with relative sureness. Maybe only after you get some weather satellites in orbit. To simplify things it should only be horizontal around the ground and unless you want to go mad, the whole planet could have a global wind direction. Don't know how best to handle variances with latitude.
  5. Obviously you were playing cards and he was trying to bluff. He owes you money!
  6. Amusingly I'm worried about the opposite. They've all but said they won't add axial tilt to any of the original planets and frankly I think that's a mistake. I think at least most worlds' tilts should match their orbits, and especially so for Moho.
  7. Super easy. All they had to do was sell their IP, get Take Two to get a different developer to spend years coding in secret an entirely new game, then make that game good enough to outshine the original ship purple would by it... And then bam no free DLC for you!
  8. Yeah I've since found out that businesses can pretty much make up when their fiscal years are, just a lot of the companies I work with just ended theirs.
  9. Thanks! Though "there may or may not be Black holes and Aliens" is not solid enough, that tidbit about Sandbox Mode having possible limits is interesting.
  10. Lists you didn't know existed but aren't surprised to find they do. And it's #20 now. It and Dwarf Fortress are on my personal Wishlist.
  11. Dilithium, most likely. Warp drives confirmed ™
  12. I agree that the basic idea is fine. My problem with it has always been with how much clicking you need to do. Killing kobolds has given you anything from better bartering abilities to cooking skill to increased disease resistance for literally my whole life, and in computer games for ALMOST that long. This is no different. I'm not against a different way by any means, but I'm not against the basic construct we have currently. And whatever different way is proposed has to be better than what we have now (in my opinion of course) for me to get behind it. I don't think a player should be required to go anywhere in particular to unlock tech. If the only way to get metallic Hydrogen engines is to aerobrake at Jool, then I'm going to hard pass on that scheme. Even if there are multiple ways to do it (For example aerobrake at Jool, get x km from the sun, set up a research outpost at Moho, or reach another star "the long way") then that's still restrictive and I don't want it. I want to be able to unlock the engine doing what *I* choose to do. I may have to do a lot of it, or a little of it depending on how hard it is, but I want the choice to be *mine* and not the game's. THAT is what KSP does now, and THAT is what I very much hope will continue in KSP2.
  13. Added multiple points from the video, including the recoloring. Which I am also excited about.
  14. Actually there is some benefit to taking a small loss on KSP1 with continued development. Having a reputation for long-tail support makes your current games more attractive.
  15. So once you've landed somewhere (mun) and gone somewhere (Sun orbit) what will still need unlocked, and how will it get unlocked? How does "Land on Duna to unlock the NERV" make any more sense than "These temperature readings at Duna gave me the NERV!"
  16. Naaw I don't see why. If they're calculating THAT MUCH stuff for bases and stations on rails they're doing something wrong. Unless they have literally dozens of hand crafted systems but I seriously doubt that. I wonder what's the over/under on number of new systems? I'd put it at 4 or 5 myself.
  17. With the announced thrust on rails, these seem to be an obvious add.
  18. (at least) One base on every world you can land on. (at least) One station in every planet's SOI, may be in a moon's SOI instead.
  19. Back up your saves, like in an entirely different directory. Note the Steam install directory. Uninstall from Steam Delete that Steam install directory you noted earlier. Yes, it will still be there. Because Steam. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Install from Steam Verify it launches. Put your saves back. Verify it launches. If that fails... yeah we need some files. I'd personally start with the ksp.log file.
  20. I would be pretty surprised if you could find a single person who would not buy KSP2, hears Scott Manley is doing the voice over for the tutorials, and then decides to buy it. Except maybe his mom or something like that.
  21. I looked into adding a Contract Configurator contract that allowed you to "rescue" them to a ship with a science lab in it to succeed at the contract for maybe half the price, or no reward but no failure. I also wanted to add their profession to the contract text, and maybe experience so you can coldly calculate if they were worth rescuing. The big stumbling block is that you can't (from what I see) disable just the rescue contracts, you have to disable all recovery contracts so then I'd feel the need to add them all back
  22. Not exactly true. If you're frugal you can upgrade every building and max out the tech tree but then the money'd dry up pretty quick after that. Especially if you don't use strategies to turn science and rep into more money. I know because of this:
  23. They're for you getting there for the first time. If there was a space race, it would be possible for you to not be the first to land on Mun. If you start a career right now, and over the course of that career go everywhere from Moho to Eeloo but do NOT land on Mun ever, and then you land on Mun... You get the Worlds First award for it. Are you telling me the competing space program didn't even bother to land on Mun during those decades you were going everywhere else? I don't know for sure how the contracts generate (they may require you to have landed before they generate a rescue contract from the surface), but I know for sure that if a contract put a STRANDED KERBAL on the surface of Mun and you went to rescue him on your very first landing there, you'd STILL get the award for landing there first. I'd prefer that too. No clue how it'd work exactly and how you'd figure out payment before and or after but I'd still love it. I'm with Snark on this one. I have started... geez dozens if not 100 or more careers over the years. I've tried planet packs (JNSQ is AWESOME) but really you can't beat just knowing by heart the system. The system Kerbin is a part of (I'm trying to not hate the word Kerbol. I really am. I throw up in my mouth a little each time I say it) is burned into my brain in the same way that our Solar system is. Possibly with more clarity. But I still, to this day, enjoy setting up a new career and doing those first new steps. Going into Sandbox and just having all the stuff at the start would bore me almost instantly. It DID bore me almost instantly. I actually stopped playing way back before Career mode existed, and when it was introduced I came back and played for YEARS on it.
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