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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. The problem is, confetti fairings work 100% of the time. Clamshell can get stuck even if you crank up the force number if you make your ship in a way that can stick them, and can also get stuck even if you make your ship in a way that can't stick them if you don't crank up the force number. That said, I also install that config because I personally want them clamshell all the time, to the point where I'll rebuild my ship a bit if there's a problem.
  2. It's just more proof that new players should. not. play. career. They should play Science mode. I've thought this for years and every change to either mode has just solidified that more in my mind. The only problem is there's no indication that science mode is the obvious correct choice for new players, and no way to make science mode more difficult by finding a way to add building upgrades to it. Weird. You install it by unzipping it into a new folder.
  3. I actually gave this some thought a long time ago and never really revisited it because like so many head experiments, you can't really solve it without more information than is possible to get. Take a semi-smart animal, that obviously displays some form of thinking but is also not capable of higher thought. A dog can understand concepts like "fire bad" or angry owner means don't go running around like a fool. But a Dog can't understand the square cube law or how computer's work, even if you could "speak dog" and teach it. What if Humans are the same way? We can understand the square cube law, sure. We can devise ways to determine if planets are orbiting other stars, no problem. But we can't even CONCEIVE of... nebulous thing that I can't even conceive of because I'm a dumb Human.
  4. The harder way is to realize you're going to be traveling on an ellipse from the lower planet to the upper one. Let's say Kerbin to Duna. Kerbin is 1 KU (Kerbonomical Units, a term and measure I just made up) and Duna is 1.52 KU. Note you could use kilometers or any other accurate number but all that really matters here is the ratio so may as well use small numbers and set one of them to 1. So our ship's orbit will have a semimajor axis in the middle of those, or 1.26 KU. Also note that Duna's rather eccentric so the numbers vary a little, but that's a ballpark. Kerbin orbits in 1 (Kerbin) year (by default). Duna orbits in 1.88 years (I got the days from the Wiki and converted, again because small numbers mean easy math) but that number isn't really necessary right now. If you know your Kepler, in particular the square cube law, you know that the square of the orbit's period equals the cube of the orbit's semimajor axis. So 1 KU = 1 year, 1.52 KU = 1.87 years (hey rounding whatever) and your 1.26 KU orbit will take 1.41 years or 601 days. You're only going half of that to get to Duna (the other half will get you back to Kerbin so you need bare minimum 300ish days of food. I'd pack 400 to be sure but that's me
  5. Not sure what missiles means in this context but yes. Off of your KSP folder is a saves folder. Off of there is a folder for each save. Just copy the appropriate folder to the new KSP install and bam.
  6. You really haven't experienced KSP until you've spent more than 20 orbits cycling between physical and non-physical time warp.
  7. The whole purpose of the display, and this mod making the display more automatic, is in my mind to replace KER.
  8. I can get behind that though most of the things I can think of are bugs that I don't want back. I don't want infiniglide back. I don't want you to be able to climb a ladder and propel your craft into orbit. Of the things mentioned so far, your list and the Jool platform are all I can really get behind. And any scribbles on the sides of tanks.
  9. Oh and maybe a "distance from center of planet" when you're in high orbit. Though that would require a hardcore rewiring of my neural pathways, it'd be more correcter to think that way that high up.
  10. If this is actually a call to bring back the Souposphere, Hell Kraken, landing on the Sun, pancake rockets and cement water, then I think I'll bow out as I don't want to help fuel that fire.
  11. Insta-install. That's a hard set of words to portmanteau. Anyway, awesome and amazing. Awemazing. You should get together with the guy who does Better Burn Time and see if you can add distance to target if you're in target mode.
  12. I never actually did it myself but there was tell of people hacking parts to survive the pressure and making it all the way to the surface. It was apparently really glitchy. Eventually the devs hard coded a limit where you'd explode no matter what.
  13. Landing on Jool. SAS locking your ship to an exact heading through programmed-in magic, lessened a bit in its OPness by having to turn SAS off to turn. And the player revolution that was spawned when the whole thing was replaced with reaction wheels having to actually hold the heading. Which was just a small improvement over when it was actually solid.
  14. We're talking about old stuff that doesn't apply anymore. Half of my lifters are asparagus. Now you're talking. My first Eve lifter looked like a manhole cover. I have several hours of experience saying it's at least a lot harder now. I remember someone figuring out how to produce enough thrust to pull them from the ground. Though that may have been apocryphal.
  15. Yeah I'll never understand the people who bought a game where 90% of the fun is building rocket ships, when a game change makes them build more rocket ships.
  16. I think you mean the only console exclusive, the Mun launch site. And the answer is no unless I'm very mistaken. Oh there's the for sure answer. I would, yes.
  17. Alt-F12 Set the orbit to a number. Note your altitude. Subtract number you set from your altitude. This is the radius of the planet. Alt-F12 Set the orbit to the altitude you want minus the radius of the planet.
  18. I don't have pics or vids to show but here are a couple: Hell Kraken. Touch the ground while still on a ladder, have the chance to accelerate from the planet at ludicrous speed and have the altimeter lock on 666666666 10km/s straight down through atmo to a peaceful, soft landing. I'll reply with more if I think of them
  19. I gave it a second try with the knowledge that there was more to it than endless pans and fades, and I'm glad I did. I really enjoyed it from about the time Val started her Moho landing to the very end.
  20. I personally keep my twr around 1.3-1.6 on launch, and completely ignore altitude and instead watch my apoapsis. I like to be at 40 degrees when it's at 20km, and horizontal when it's at 50km. I stop burning - frequently with a periapsis above the ground - when it's at my desired altitude of (usually) 100km. And of course I never sharply turn. I try to slowly and smoothly turn the whole way.
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