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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. It's actually 1/2 (unless you changed it, which you can now though I always forget where. There's a ModuleManager config around here somewhere that'll do it), and the given reason - in the "what's new in KSP video" that came out at the same time the setting was changed is - and this is as close to a direct quote as my brain can drum up without actually going and finding the source - is "so newbies can have fun too, right?" Yes it's vague, makes no sense, and infuriates me. At least they gave us that option to change it. EDIT: Found it! Of course, a sane person will make it "1" and not "0" but hey
  2. If you're using stock fairings this should no longer be a problem, as payloads automatically strut to them. It's pretty robust and I've not found a case where it fails to work.
  3. Two things: If that is a little deformed, then Antarctica is a little south of the Equator. I actually loaded the game to see what the Mun would look like from that far away, and that is actually how horribly deformed the Mun is when you're that far away and it's in that direction. (bonus!) This is like the wonky Kerbal eyes being way different sizes. I'll never be able to unsee this egg-shaped Mun (and any other planet).
  4. It looks like they photoshopped it in and forgot to copy the dark side to me.
  5. (Sorry for the double @tags, I can't get the forums to remove them yet somehow got the first one duplicated. At least I can see it, so I know I'll get it) The key here (As RIC notes) isn't the raw numbers, it's if the reasons for being here (or not) are related to preferring one choice over the other (or not). The best example of this is an online poll that asks "Do you use the Internet?" Assuming everybody tells the truth, the poll should say 100% of people use the Internet. Not quite so obvious is, did a Life Support mod get a recent update? Maybe its users are busy playing with it. Or maybe it has problems so they are more on the forums now than another life support mod's users. Maybe people who like Life Support mods also tend to gravitate toward another genre of game and a new game in that genre just came out, so they are currently underrepresented. Those are just some random thoughts, but they all boil down to Forum Polls Are Useless To Determine Anything Useful. About the best you can say is that they accurately describe the feelings of the people who bothered to answer it.
  6. Rockets. I understand the use and role of planes (and I do use them in most every career, at the start to get some surveys or part tests done) but when it all comes down to it, if the runway and hangar vanished from the game I'd not really care that much.
  7. You don't need to poll every player, but you do have to have at least some reasonable expectation that the people you poll are a representative cross-section of the relevant population. A poll on a forum will never, ever be that because at the very least it discriminates against people who aren't on the forum.
  8. You already found the problem, of course, but I'd like to note we'd not have been able to answer it because you didn't say what your ascent profile was. However, if your ship HAD had 4700m/s of dV, it'd have been pretty hard to NOT get it into orbit. The only way I can think of for you to need more than that is to thrust straight up until your Ap is 80km, then turn East and thrust sideways until your orbit is circular. Even doing that, you might make it. Note that the 3400 suggested by the map is an estimate, and in my opinion a low one (which in my opinion is good. These should be lower bounds). I tend to need closer to 3500 and try to bring 3600. Also note that this number is VACUUM dV, and not ATMO dV. The convention around here is to list Vacuum dV for everything and assume the player knows to use engines with good Atmo Isp. Once you're 10km up you're mostly in Vacuum anyway, so it's better to use that number than Atmo, if you're going to choose one.
  9. Or players like me who tend to generally prefer the stock implementation but also happily mod in things that aren't stock. (Though I seriously doubt I'd use stock Life Support, except to try it out and see what it's like)
  10. The real question here is are Porkjet's revamped parts in it?
  11. This is now the main download, v0.6 0.6: Quick fix for M.O.L.E. parts. They utilize ModuleScienceExperiment but shouldn't be auto-collected. I've hard coded to ignore them when triggering science. Unless you're using MOLE parts, updating is not necessary, but it won't hurt anything.
  12. Gah I hate this. and elevons. Why is the default placement 90 degrees from the way you would ALWAYS put them on?
  13. Most massive, as chosen the last time the ship part tree changed. So on first load, docking/undocking, staging away something, or any form of unplanned rapid disassembly caused by aero- or lithobraking. Draining your most massive tank will NOT affect strutting until you change the part tree in some way. I believe you can also set to autostrut to the COM but I see no indication in that screenshot, and therefore assume it's not a thing.
  14. Other than Google you can get a lot in this thread here: (which I found from a Google search I'm just saying)
  15. While it is true that Scott Manley says it, he by no means invented the phrase.
  16. That's not a problem with labs so much as with science. A little diligence in collecting science on Mun and Minmus and you can blow through the 550 tech nodes no problem. These days I rush interplanetary specifically because I don't want to eliminate the need for doing science anywhere but within Kerbin's SOI, and I have never - ever - used a mobile lab to generate science. Back on thread topic, though I've not been playing much. I've been fiddling with modding though and am excited to have an all new way to play the "unlock parts" part of the game come KSP 1.2
  17. Oddly enough, while this informational thread does not contain a list, there is quite a comprehensive list on the fluffy hype thread.
  18. The obvious solution is for DMP to not allow people to connect to a server unless their settings match, or to automatically set the terrain settings to match when the player connects All Squad should do (if even that) is to make that possible via an API, and perhaps make it so you don't have to restart the game for it to take effect (if that's even required).
  19. CHOO CHOO. I can't wait to try all the things, and remember @Znath the probe stuff is totally optional. I'm even pretty sure that it'll be off by default in converted (from 1.1.x) saves.
  20. Sweet. Well done, Squad, both on getting to Experimentals for 1.2, and for solving whatever logistic nightmares were required to get the public experimentals available on the store when the time comes. And with that bit of professionalism complete, I'm off to the hype thread to squeal like an excited child.
  21. Very cool idea. One thought, could you add an "all" button? Most of the time you enter a new biome and most if not all of the experiments become available anew.
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