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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. I'm a KSP player. Why would I NOT want to test something that might crash?
  2. (from steerage) Did the train stop? I think the train stopped. They'd have told us if the train stopped, right?
  3. I also have no problems setting goals. I just like to achieve them within limits set by an outside force. Sometimes that outside force is the game. Sometimes it's a set of mods I've chosen. Sometimes it's a challenge on the forums. But just an open universe with no restrictions - for me - is boring. Just a bunch of mostly featureless worlds with no discernible differences worth putting the time and effort into seeing. I actually quit KSP early in my time playing it, right after reaching Moho (out of fuel, of course). I wasn't going to go back to it after getting everybody home (that was a goal. I set it myself) and closing up shop. Then "career" mode (what we now call "science" mode) appeared and I played the game non-stop for almost 2 years. That is NO coincidence.
  4. I also think that warning people who like KERBAL SPACE PROGRAM that if they try something it might break is kind of a weird warning.
  5. If you've taught me anything, regex, it's when to not bite.
  6. A better idea is to symlink everything EXCEPT (non-Squad) Gamedata, so you can update the main game once and then all your installs magically are updated. I haven't done it, but I've considered it. I did once symlink the ships folder between 2 saves so I didn't have to manually copy ships back and forth.
  7. While I use a (frighteningly large) number of mods, I prefer my game to "act" stock. If I build a ship and give it to someone else who is playing a stock game, they should be able to fly it. This probably has something to do with the fact that I put a lot of my shenanigans on YouTube and like the idea that others can try to recreate my ideas, but in general it just feels.... "right." Realism is fine and all and I don't think those who want it are wrong or anything, and I've even toyed with it enough to solidify the above opinion in my mind.
  8. Fine, deductive reasoning there. Fermat? Hawking? Einstein? Rubes. We've got the brains to unlock REAL mysteries RIGHT HERE. Next up. Laps. Where do they go when we stand?
  9. Correlation =/= Causation. I suspect your pot just happened to boil on its own while it just happened to be on the stove. Who has time for 2 minute noodles? Try new 90 second noodles, for the next generation of jet-set noodlers!
  10. I would much rather KSPedia have an entry on "Getting to Duna," one on "Getting to Eve," etc. Maybe it does. I won't know until someone tells me or 1.1 gets released in full. I also agree that without a stock dV readout for ships, the listings of how much you need isn't all that important. If you care, you're already leaving the game to get the information. If you don't care, then the numbers won't matter to or help you.
  11. That just means they won't vanish if they're less than 22(ish) km from your ship when you quicksave and quickload. If they get more than 22(ish) km from your ship, they're still going to be deleted. EDIT: Oops I thought you all misread the devnote, but it was ME who misread the OPs post. I apologize.
  12. I don't have the game on Steam, but can't you install the base game AND the prerelease at the same time? I thought they were separate installs. If you're willing to forego the "benefits" of playing through Steam, you can always copy your game to another folder to play there, and then when you activate the prerelease it'll not overwrite your active games. Then you can do whatever modding stuff you need to do on the Steam version of the game.
  13. I personally have no qualms editing the save file to set the profession of any Kerbal to be what I want it to be. So my suggestion is to rescue a Kerbal, exit to the main menu, then open your Persistent file (always make a backup!) and edit their profession from whatever it is to Engineer. IMO the inability to do that was one of the biggest annoyances up to 1.0.5, and the change was one of the best additions in 1.0.5.
  14. Let's see, once before I started doing YouTube videos of KSP, once in my original series with the Dres third of the Dreloho Program, once in the Kerpollo series in the Drepollo episode, and then again recently to take the picture you can see in my signature on the right. So 4 times, not counting screwing around and testing for the above missions.
  15. That is awesome! Well, not the "you could do it all along but we forgot to give you a button" part but the part where we can. Mod #3 I now want for 1.1: RCS Translation Only By Default.
  16. That is so cool I want to post it on Reddit as proof that dV readings are in 1.1. But I'm not a troll
  17. I still think a lot of "transfer window" problems would be resolved if you could place "Planning nodes" onto planet and moon orbits that were exactly like maneuver nodes with 3 differences: They didn't attach to ships. They couldn't be executed directly. There was some way to "create a maneuver node for this ship to match the planning node." (this is the hard part, I suspect) That way you could put a Planning Node onto Kerbin's orbit, draw a burn up to Duna's orbit, drag it around Kerbin's orbit until you got an encounter, tweaked the encounter until it looked nice, and then notice that it's actually 8 months before the window arrives. Then you time warp 7.5 months, launch your ship, right click the orbit, and "create a maneuver node to match the planning node" and bam, you've got your ejection burn.
  18. I take this back. Jump to about 18:15 in this video and watch for about 10 seconds.
  19. That's by design. This way, our browsers only have to cache one image the Hype Train can more easily schedule its stops at all stations simultaneously and at all times, while still traveling at Hype... er... speed. To assume it? Yes, that would be presumptuous. To guess that maybe it'll happen? Sure. Go ahead
  20. Because a new player will think he needs to burn 3300m/s to get into LKO (which he does) and then from there burn 950m/s to leave Kerbin's SOI (which will happen) and then once outside of Kerbin's SOI burn 130 to Duna (which is not even close to enough from there), and then he'll wonder why the chart is "broken." That said, among the first "new for 1.1" mods I'll install is an entry in KSPedia for a dV map. Another one, incidentally, will be to flip which part of the orbit is "thick" and which is "thin" in map mode, so your immediate future is the thickest part.
  21. I abstained from voting because I can't check all 3. Unlike many, I actually really like Career. It's a fun, game-y way to run a space program where you have latitude to do what you want but sometimes have to hunker down and take on some contracts to make ends meet. I also like Science mode. It's nice to start with limits and not be able to build a hulking behemoth that won't even fit on the launchpad on day 0 of your space program, and then slowly build up your available parts through pure science missions without having to worry about all that money nonsense. It's also nice to see either how far you can go with limited parts unlocked, or how quickly you can unlock more parts. But I also like Sandbox mode, whether it be for testing a design without constraint, or just for that nice ability to build a hulking behemoth that won't even fit on the launchpad on day 0 of your space program.
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